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USAPA/ALPA thread of the week 5/31-6/6

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I just skimmed that document again....I'm stunned....I mean, really.

I'm concerned about all of it, but specifically, the J/S issue with named Captains stating they can't wait to deny an East guy....I guess I'll just print out the whole thing and carry it in my bag so that when I get denied I have something to show the CP when I can't get to work.

How sad, how stupid.

Indeed..and all of it over such as is best described by "Leonidas" = "I want the captain seat..and most of all, I want every single east pilot to pay for it"

I find myself borrowing from Michener (The Bridges of Toko-Ri), athough in fullest opposition to his intent = "Where do we get such men?"
I don't know how much of what is alleged in the complaint is true.

I do know that if there were merit from any of it, the parties in question would have already heard from the USPS Inspectors and/or the AUSA for whichever district in North Carolina.

This is creative on Seeham's part, but it's still not going to mitigate the DFR that is going to come from the west guys sooner or later. Arizona is pretty good about SLAPP suits (which most of this is), so trying to bankrupt the west pilots by litigation probably won't work.

The only problem here is for the idiots who actually called the safety line from their phones and the ones who ran up the 800 line after announcing their intention to do so. Every other piece of this lawsuit resembles the feces that were mailed to USAPA, and will get roughly as far.
I don't know how much of what is alleged in the complaint is true.

You're right = You don't actually have even the slightest "clue". Just dazzle us all with "Wilco" again instead :lol:

"The only problem here is for the idiots who actually called the safety line from their phones and the ones who ran up the 800 line after announcing their intention to do so." Well then.....Reasonably extrapolate such inestimable displays of intellectual excellence across the board, within the other complaint items................
I don't know how much of what is alleged in the complaint is true.

I do know that if there were merit from any of it, the parties in question would have already heard from the USPS Inspectors and/or the AUSA for whichever district in North Carolina.

This is creative on Seeham's part, but it's still not going to mitigate the DFR that is going to come from the west guys sooner or later.

First USAPA has to actually do something, or fail to do something, that demonstrates that they are not fairly representing anyone. I doubt the courts will buy into the westie argument that USAPA's very (legal) existence passes muster.
This is creative on Seeham's part, but it's still not going to mitigate the DFR that is going to come from the west guys sooner or later.

How can the west pilots bring a DFR suit if they totally refuse to participate in USAPA? I can understand a DFR suit if they were participating in the process and felt they were being unfairly represented. But to bring a DFR suit at this point would seem utterly baseless.
I just skimmed that document again....I'm stunned....I mean, really.

I'm concerned about all of it, but specifically, the J/S issue with named Captains stating they can't wait to deny an East guy....I guess I'll just print out the whole thing and carry it in my bag so that when I get denied I have something to show the CP when I can't get to work.

Were you absent the day they covered tattling in pre-school? Why would the CP care about your choice to not live in your base? Sounds like something you should take up with a realtor, not the CP.

I'm sure this whole J/S brew-hahah would have never started if the yellow lanyard brigade would have chosen to keep their opinions to themselves while a guest on someone else's J/S. Maybe some fence mending is long overdue.

Is USAPA familiar with the term fence-mending, or are they only interested in the building of punitive fences?
Were you absent the day they covered tattling in pre-school? Why would the CP care about your choice to not live in your base? Sounds like something you should take up with a realtor, not the CP.

"Tattling"?? and "Pre-school"?...In response to denials of jumpseats by allegedly "professional pilots"!!??....Ummm....I'll let those descriptives stand on their own, rather unique merits.
No west pilot has, or ever will be denied "my" jumpseat, nor would I tolerate such BS abuse from one of yours without properly providing the incident to professional standards, for starters....period. NO pilot should be expected to tolerate adolescant abuse from supposedly "professional" co workers...PERIOD!

"I'm sure this whole J/S brew-hahah would have never started if the yellow lanyard brigade would have chosen to keep their opinions to themselves while a guest on someone else's J/S. " No doubt at all in my mind....yep...no doubt. Sigh..I see now = Any/All West behavioral BS's entirely the fault of the east....I'll try to phrase for your understanding = "Mommy!/Chief Pilot Sir!".."The evil easties MADE me do it!"....Yep..now that "Makes sense"...sigh.

"Maybe some fence mending is long overdue." What's your suggestion?
WOW! after seeing the suit filed, with all the names and webboard posting, along with addresses and telephone numbers, some folks may find the FAA on their doorsteps. Anger isssues are not compatable with flying safety.
I don't know how much of what is alleged in the complaint is true.
If USAPA didn't think it was true with their evidence in hand, then why bother? Can you spell frivolous? Which if it was, well you get the point. So really, do you think USAPA would open itself up to such a counter?
I do know that if there were merit from any of it, the parties in question would have already heard from the USPS Inspectors and/or the AUSA for whichever district in North Carolina.
Try rereading the complaint. You would clearly see that USAPA is cooperating with the authorities. There is actually more to it than that. Think about it.
This is creative on Seham's part, but it's still not going to mitigate the DFR that is going to come from the west guys sooner or later. Arizona is pretty good about SLAPP suits (which most of this is), so trying to bankrupt the west pilots by litigation probably won't work.
Who said anything about mitigating? USAPA still expects a lawsuit at some point. Like I said many months ago. It's planned for.
The only problem here is for the idiots who actually called the safety line from their phones and the ones who ran up the 800 line after announcing their intention to do so. Every other piece of this lawsuit resembles the feces that were mailed to USAPA, and will get roughly as far.
Your opinion. I guess we'll see won't we?
Were you absent the day they covered tattling in pre-school? Why would the CP care about your choice to not live in your base? Sounds like something you should take up with a realtor, not the CP.

I'm sure this whole J/S brew-hahah would have never started if the yellow lanyard brigade would have chosen to keep their opinions to themselves while a guest on someone else's J/S. Maybe some fence mending is long overdue.

Is USAPA familiar with the term fence-mending, or are they only interested in the building of punitive fences?
Pretty quick to judge, aren't you?

Re-read my post, Einstein, I said I walked into his office and he was ALREADY in a discussion over this topic with another Captain who had been denied 2 days earlier. I was there on unrelated business...

Holy crap, you guys are nuts.

And, by the way, you bet your sweet arse if I get denied a ride on a USAirways aircraft and miss a trip or a reserve shift...I'm not doing it quietly....my boss (CP) will know exactly who, when, and where....bank on it.

From what I hear, the crews responsible for leaving other employees behind will face more than just a meeting...you might ask your own CP...but, I suggest everybody start getting along in this regard.

Do what you will.

One last thought...when I was recalled, I asked immediately to be placed in the west system ( which still had 13 open slots) and was told in no uncertain terms..."NO...those positions are no longer available, they are being filled by new-hires..."...this was while the pilots were still represented by ALPA....( and this answer came from ALPA..)

It is what it is......
I don't know how much of what is alleged in the complaint is true.

I do know that if there were merit from any of it, the parties in question would have already heard from the USPS Inspectors and/or the AUSA for whichever district in North Carolina.

This is creative on Seeham's part, but it's still not going to mitigate the DFR that is going to come from the west guys sooner or later. Arizona is pretty good about SLAPP suits (which most of this is), so trying to bankrupt the west pilots by litigation probably won't work.

The only problem here is for the idiots who actually called the safety line from their phones and the ones who ran up the 800 line after announcing their intention to do so. Every other piece of this lawsuit resembles the feces that were mailed to USAPA, and will get roughly as far.

Agree completely.

What really stuns me is that the West pilots were gonna win anyway, since there's no legal support for East pilots' losing proposition that removing ALPA and forming a new union frees the East pilots of the binding arbitration decision.

When you're gonna win anyway, why engage in this type of conduct?

One thing is for certain: As a paying passenger, I'd never fly this airline again - too many pilots on both sides don't meet my personal standards for mental stability.

I've passed out copies of the .pdf file - it is certainly interesting reading.
It's embarrassing, is what it is....and to think my family may ride on these aircraft being driven by guys who would even consider behavior like this as tolerable....what a disgrace.

I'm sure it won't be long before a copy makes it to the CEO's desk.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall then....


And I actually agree with FWAAA...if you think you have a winner of a case, why would anyone of a sane mind sabotage it like this...?
Were you absent the day they covered tattling in pre-school? Why would the CP care about your choice to not live in your base? Sounds like something you should take up with a realtor, not the CP.

I'm sure this whole J/S brew-hahah would have never started if the yellow lanyard brigade would have chosen to keep their opinions to themselves while a guest on someone else's J/S. Maybe some fence mending is long overdue.

Is USAPA familiar with the term fence-mending, or are they only interested in the building of punitive fences?

How would YOU like to be on a jumpseat for a 4 hour flight while the captain and first officer, not talking to you of course, are discussing in a very contemptuous way you and your colleagues with many pejorative references to their pedigree? Do you think THAT is professional? Would YOU sit there for 4 hours and keep YOUR opinion to yourself while the pilots who were supposed to be operating the airplane weighed in with inflammatory, obscene invective aimed at you and your colleagues? (This actually happened on west metal PHX-PHL.)

Tell me you would just sit quietly and take it for 4 hours, keeping your opinion to yourself.
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