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US Pilot Labor Thread for the week 6/6 to 6/13

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The west vs east conflict serves no one well. The east folks have continually invited full west participation and input into the Union's business. The west folks have, thus far, adamantly refused at all levels...to put it in the kindest terms. I'll simply go with an old notion therein = "You're either part of the solution, or you're part of the problem". Your choice.

They don't need to: they can sit back, wait until their lawyer whips the East (again), and then get down to business.
They don't need to: they can sit back, wait until their lawyer whips the East (again), and then get down to business.
I guess I've been in my phone booth again. About the "lawyer whips the east" thingy. Would you mind elucidating those of us who missed that.
They don't need to: they can sit back, wait until their lawyer whips the East (again), and then get down to business.

You say again, when was before? Your sentence requires elaboration. There is always a large amount of vindictiveness in your posts in regards to east pilots. It borders on a psychological obsession. Your posts get more desperate in your angst toward east each time.

Your history of posts show an arrogant disregard for airline employees in general. It is almost like you have money or your reputation invested in the results. It seems to be an unhealthy interest on your part over the last few years.
You say again, when was before? Your sentence requires elaboration. There is always a large amount of vindictiveness in your posts in regards to east pilots. It borders on a psychological obsession. Your posts get more desperate in your angst toward east each time.

Your history of posts show an arrogant disregard for airline employees in general. It is almost like you have money or your reputation invested in the results. It seems to be an unhealthy interest on your part over the last few years.

Hey nosty, just exactly who appointed you to be the resident shrink? Everyone here knows there is no love lost between west and east. We don't need you to pontificate the obvious.

And don't worry, the west attorney is on the job. He's warming up his best ink pens for this one. Soon as the first REAL AWA guy gets furloughed ahead of a RECALLED AAA guy expect to see some paperwork delivered to Stevie - paperwork he cannot ignore (as eastyz are so apt to do). Can you say Duty of Fair Representation? Hmmm?

Why don't you try to shrink that? (note to self: this ought to be good; and fun to watch at the same time)..........


Actually I doubt that the furloughs will trigger a DFR suit. Though it is reprehensible that west pilots who were employed when the merger took place will be on the street while east pilots who were on furlough will be working, I see no contract or T.A. violation for USAPA to attack. (Not that they would be interested in trying to get the west pilots their jobs back at the expense of east furloughees anyway.)

I suspect that it will be necessary to wait for a new contract to be voted into existence. Though a new contract will come with a seniority list that USAPA is building from scratch it has no legitimacy and won't ever see the light of day.

As soon as a new contract goes into effect the Nicolau list becomes the controlling seniority list. It may take an injunction for USAPA to understand this but the triggering event will be a new, joint contract.
Actually I doubt that the furloughs will trigger a DFR suit. Though it is reprehensible that west pilots who were employed when the merger took place will be on the street while east pilots who were on furlough will be working, I see no contract or T.A. violation for USAPA to attack. (Not that they would be interested in trying to get the west pilots their jobs back at the expense of east furloughees anyway.)

I suspect that it will be necessary to wait for a new contract to be voted into existence. Though a new contract will come with a seniority list that USAPA is building from scratch it has no legitimacy and won't ever see the light of day.

As soon as a new contract goes into effect the Nicolau list becomes the controlling seniority list. It may take an injunction for USAPA to understand this but the triggering event will be a new, joint contract.

Hey, it's your choice. Join with USAPA and get a good contract this summer or you risk furloughing 10% of the West pilots in Q4. Tough choices -- who will "Save Dave" now?

Hey, it's your choice. Join with USAPA and get a good contract this summer or you risk furloughing 10% of the West pilots in Q4. Tough choices -- who will "Save Dave" now?


For what possible reason would I, or anyone else, join USAPA. Their stated goal is to throw me under the bus. A "good" contract is worthless to me if my seniority goes from holding a left seat to holding a furloughed position.

USAPA has been very clear that they are not interested in the fate of the west pilots.
I suspect that it will be necessary to wait for a new contract to be voted into existence. Though a new contract will come with a seniority list that USAPA is building from scratch it has no legitimacy and won't ever see the light of day.

As soon as a new contract goes into effect the Nicolau list becomes the controlling seniority list. It may take an injunction for USAPA to understand this but the triggering event will be a new, joint contract.
That's a real stretch. Glad to know that Sec. 22 is closed and can never be negotiated. I think you're missing one big very point. A new contract will never be voted in with Nic. as is. Then what? A judge is going to enact one for you / us? I really doubt you will ever see any judge do that. Ever.
Dear AWAPPA member:

Your latest propaganda piece discusses the announced furloughs - and so a few observations are in order.

Doug Parker's statement of "merger principles" refers to a MERGED seniority list when he spoke of a furloughed pilot displacing an active pilot. As of this date we are still operating separate lists.

Most of our returning furloughees have more active time than the bottom AWA pilots. Length of Service, whether you like it or not, WILL be credited in the combined list and therefore in any furlough methodology.

Unlike AWAPPA's despicable tactics, which may well land one or more of you in jail - USAPA came into being in plain sight, under the auspices of the NMB, with the full knowledge of the entire pilot group as well as the management of this company. We told all parties concerned what would happen and then we went out and did it in a legal, democratic manner.

Your more vocal and "activist" members have made a number of predictions regarding USAPA over the past year; beginning with the membership drive and the collection of cards - to the election itself. All have proven to be wrong.

Your leaders now seem bent on bankrupting you and your organization, while admonishing all not to engage or participate in any way, shape or form with what happens to be your collective bargaining agent. Unless of course you get into trouble - in which case contact info is available.

To all of you who have higher priorities in life - happy father's day.
And don't worry, the west attorney is on the job. He's warming up his best ink pens for this one.


"He's warming up his best ink pens for this one." Ummm..you don't really mean his very BEST ink pens!!??.....Gentlemen!..This western threat has now become deadly SERIOUS!! 🙄

Seriously...just grow up. We'd all be better served by at least some attempts toward pursuing overall group interest.

Piedmont1984: "Your more vocal and "activist" members have made a number of predictions regarding USAPA over the past year; beginning with the membership drive and the collection of cards - to the election itself. All have proven to be wrong." That's both very graciously, and gently put sir. That much is/should be entirely clear to ALL by now...and I'll cheerfully indulge any/all west postings showing the contrary.

EYE: "Hey, it's your choice. Join with USAPA and get a good contract this summer or you risk furloughing 10% of the West pilots in Q4. Tough choices -- who will "Save Dave" now?" As is always the case...the adolescent fantasy of "career expectations" proves worthless in predicting any/all future events within any aspect of actual reality. Given that DOH "means nothing"..nor do trivial issues like years worked/etc...I'd think it fully appropriate for some among west "leadership" to sacrifice themeselves for their noble ideals/"Integrity Matters" and resign in lieu of having such as "Save Dave" dispensed with. You'd think it would prove awkward for them not to do so..given all that "Integrity" they're clearly blessed with such an overabundance of, and the fact that St Nic's poster kids "career expectations" are in imminent threat......

Seriously "Kids"..enough of this insanity.
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