January 1, 2010 pay rates per Restructuring Agreement:
12th year Captain Rate 12th year F/O rate
A330--------$222.26 A330------$152.22
Group 1----$201.35 Group 1---$137.52
Group 2----$174.85 Group 2---$119.42
Also there are a couple of e-mails from DXXX BXXXXXXX that explain the expiration of the LOA93 pay rate provision. Both of these e-mails bode well for the east!
Hate2fly, arguing with these guys is like talking to your dog about world peace. Amazing. With the current rates EXPIRING on January 1, 2010, who needs a new contract? Theyre better than anything Kirby had on the table. We'll probably know the result of that arbitration before we hear from the 9th Circuit. It is worth waiting for. Either way, we're not going to get a reasonable contract even approaching the January 1, 2010
restructed pay rates. Yeah, old Dxxx B, even when he was trying to screw us, he gave us a good paper/email trail. We know what it says, Westies can only guess what we got.
Hope you get them, West contract has a "Me Too clause". But we have already heard Kirby's resonse to the snapback.
Now we got Nic4 coming up with the "me-too" clause. It had nothing to do with pay rates. What he didnt tell you is "me too" was from their LOA 13, stock options/stock for OTHER employee groups (mechanics, FAs, rampers)who were still negotiating contracts at the time. They wanted to make sure that if OTHER employee groups got stock or options, they would get them too. Let’s see, we got our stock options in December 2005 (or was it 2006, can’t remember which anymore, too much Trans-Atlantic flying) and the west got? Zero! (I had to dig for that "me too" tidbit, but everything is in writing, if you look)
But as I pointed out, west did not reject our right to go section 6, we delayed( yet retained) our right to go section 6 in order to enter joint negotiations. When east walked out of joint negotiations after the Nic, West waited, hoping to keep ALPA, then at the eleventh hour opened section 6 with the company, secured future dates and USAPA cancelled West's section 6 negotiations.
The big shaggy dog story, Rxx. At the 11th hour, RIGHT! But once USAPA was CBA there was no more Section 6 for West to negotiate. You couldnt negotiate on your own, since you had no separate standing. You guys blew it back in June 2006, it was over back then. Even ALPA National (Mike Abrams) told both MECs that. Now your making up a story. No way we could negotiate a separate contract for you after ALPA was canned. Besides, Mcalvenna was telling us all how he was going to destroy us. You really think we were going to give him, no longer an elected official, the time of day?