May 30, 2008
To All US Airways Pilots:
On April 18, 2008, the National Mediation Board certified that a majority of US Airways pilots elected to be represented by the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA).
In the context of an inter-union election, those who supported the non-prevailing union can frequently harbor hard feelings and strong emotions. It is not uncommon for these disappointed voters to prefer the status of a “Non-Member†agency fee payer to that of a “Full†membership in the new union. Nor is it uncommon for such disappointed voters to attempt to achieve through litigation what they could not achieve through the democratic process. While USAPA seeks the full participation of the US Airways pilot group, it acknowledges the right of pilots to voice their dissent in a lawful manner, and in a way that respects the rights of all pilots.
What USAPA will not tolerate, however, are any illegal actions by individuals or minority groups which are designed to undercut the democratic process, waste financial contributions of dues-paying members, hamper services due all US Airways pilots and create a hostile work environment; all through criminal misconduct.
Since the date of its certification on April 18, 2008, USAPA and individual US Airways pilots have been subjected to a concerted campaign of intimidation and sabotage, which has included the following: 1) The jamming of USAPA’s toll-free telephone line in order to hamper union services and impose costs on the Union; 2) false communications to USAPA’s safety line – the equivalent of maliciously triggering a fire alarm; 3) communications to US Airways pilots asserting that their “safety†will be jeopardized if they pay dues to USAPA; 4) malicious efforts to interfere with USAPA’s electronic communications, 5) jumpseat boycotts designed to interfere with pilots’ right to earn a living, and 6) interference with U.S. Mail facilities. Our attorneys have advised us that many of these acts are in violation of federal and/or North Carolina state criminal law.
USAPA is in possession of substantial documentary evidence confirming the existence of a concerted sabotage campaign. Initial written warnings to those first identified as responsible have either been ignored or met with disingenuous denials of responsibility. And, despite these warnings, the acts of criminal sabotage have continued.
Consequently, in defense of its members, their rights to unhampered union services and a fiscal responsibility to dues contributions, USAPA has determined that it has no choice but to take legal action.
Pursuant to a unanimous vote of the USAPA Pilot Board of Directors, on Friday, May 30, 2008, USAPA filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina alleging violations of state and federal law.
Despite the provocation endured by USAPA’s representatives and members, the Union is acting in moderation. At this time, no criminal complaints have been filed, and the BPR has not sought Company disciplinary action against any pilot; a pungent move that the predecessor union did during the course of the recent election. The referenced lawsuit is a civil one, which seeks the reimbursement of USAPA’s damages and expenses along with injunctive relief enjoining the defendants from engaging in future criminal misconduct. Individual defendants may avoid further involvement in this litigation by paying their fair share of damages and expenses and refraining from further unlawful activity.
USAPA Leadership is under no illusion concerning the issues emanating from the recent NMB election and takes very seriously its responsibility to represent all US Airways pilots. Wherever you stand on the issues, we believe that the overwhelming majority of pilots feel that all pilots from the most senior to the most junior should be able to work in a hostility-free environment and have access to the services the union provides.
USAPA is committed to guarantee these basic principles to all US Airways pilots.