I don't think they realize what's going on, if this place tanks anytime soon I don't think their job prospects would be to good, on ther other hand most of us on the east are at the end of the line because of our age. To me the west has a lot more at stake than we do, time will tell.
Agreed and then some sir. That voluntary leave's looking pretty tempting all by itself..assuming I'd be eligible, haven't looked yet. It's been a LO-ooong time since I've had any "Summer Vacation" break from "school"
Decisions, decisions...glean what income's potentially left from this place...or seriously have a life?
😉 Of course...I'm still stuck knowing that when it's finally done with..I'll miss the view and the truly wonderfull people I get to fly with...
Luvn737s: "Whose more likely to get hired: a 31-yr old or a 61-yr old?" For what reasons of presumed desperation should the "61" year old "care"?
😉 You're right about one thing = "The 31-yr old never got to make the money the 61-yr old did,"
I don't wish to see anyone lose any job, but you're appearing absurd when you fret over po' old antiques, versus your "31 year olds"..especially where established survival skills/assets/etc are considered.
PS: Luvn: "The 31-yr old never got to make the money the 61-yr old did, so he doesn't have the overhead and can afford to bide his time at another airline. Of course he shouldn't have to."
"Of course he shouldn't have to." Why not?...Ummm...I of course really mean = Naturally not!!!....due to that "obvious fact" that "It's ALL about MEEE!"/the 31 year old...the entire world should properly cater to such narcicisstic fantasy/etc....We all know the drill...Sigh..