So you really think that the top 80 pilots in PHX will want to trickle into PHL to sit reserve on the 330, when they've been top dogs in PHX most of their careers? Does that even sound reasonable to you? Look at the bulk of the folks in the 800-2600 range and tell me what the story is.
Didn't you get the ultimate point......when 65 kicks in again they (West) will be top dogs on the 767330 in PHL/CLT in just a few short years. The east will have 250 retirements per year with No growth on the West and NO retirements on the West. Where ya gona go.....East. Also, most of the East knows what happenes in a merger, bases close, people move.......Honey they are closing fill in the blank.......lets just move to Lake Norman with the 330 pay raise we can get a nice view of the sun setting in the West. Been there done that.
I admit that I hadn't really looked at it this way until recently,
Well the middle 2000 over here has looked at it.
NIC is dead we have the votes