There are only 3 broad catagories of germaine fees: Representation, Contract Administration and Grievance Processing.
Defending yourself in court against illegal activity does not fall under any of those categories.
When I was ALPA member back in 80s and 90s, dues/agency fees covered the costs of the Air Wisconsin, Jet America, EAL, Rakestraw/UAL, DAL, CAL DFRs. As an FE status Rep back then, ALPA briefed us why members and non-membrs were paying huge attorneys fees for outside counsel, germaine to Representation. "Illegal activity?" What criminal law violated? Luvn, I know you think its a crime, but this is a civil suit. Agency fees are now being used to pay for the DFR. If your/our non-members dont like it, they can sue, I guess. Meanwhile thanks for your 1/3 contribution.
My point about AMR is that it clearly IS Possible for the members of a union be held liable for their actions...financially liable. A liability issued by a Federal Judge no less. You guys have misunderstood, and underestimated how this process was going to go from day 1. Now, with the same smug certainty that you displayed while hiding behind the NMB, you're saying that the Judge "can never touch any of us". Guess again. You've been wrong about everything else here, why stop now?
That was only small part of your poorly-made point, which doesnt hold up. I dont remember any "IS possible." You said ALL East pilots, even non-members, were on the hook. Balderdash. IF we get an unfavorable ruling after all appeals are exhausted and IF our union disobeys a court order, like APA, our members (even West members) could get contempt of court fines. But theyrd have to be damages proved to get fines. APA got fined because they damaged AMR. If our BPR did that, Id vote to toss them out. You dont thumb your nose at a Federal judge order. If West members concerned about potential fines, you should quit membership now.
As far as anger, that should be self evident. Vindictive anger oozes from the pores of I return the question, why so angry? I'll as you again at the end of the first week in May if you're harboring any new found anger.
Im not seeing anger on our side of chat board, Luvn. See Prechilill comment below. Thats anger. Win or lose, Well accept the results and move on. Weve been thru worse. If you want NIC so badly or if the judge orders us to come up with an instant NIC contract, Im sure our union can get you one, in the form of the only thing the company will sign onto right now, Hemenway letter. For us, its a wash. We still get our $23,000 pay-outs. We still have equipment differential. For you, trading NIC seniority for a 14% pay cut? What a choice.
The silence of defeat... It is deafening.
Where are all the chest thumpers? What happened to that USAPA dream? Why is LOA93 still here? Hellooooo in there. How is life in the cave???
You say the silence is deafening, Metro says our anger is self evident. Cant be both. As far as LOA93, it isnt amendable until Dec 31, 2009. USAPA never promised to slop out a crummy contract. Ein Snoopen