At the next crew news. Ask Doug why we ordered A350 instead of 787's.
He will tell you because we had a great price from AB. We have the original price. They gave us that price even after they raised it. About a 30% discount if I remember.
What we really wanted was 787 and 321, 320, 319 but AB gave us a smoking deal on A350. To be all AB. We could have gotten favored nation Boeing prices but the old 350 price beat the total.
Ask him yourself when they were ordered. And by who.
Hey Dude you're not dealing with rookies on this board. We could have gotten 2017...and AWA is not the reason we are an airbus airline. Ever heard of Steve Wolf....and I ain't bragging about that. Oh by the way what were ya gonna use as money.....cactus juice!!