I'm not one to waive banners for management, but Luv you have to admit that this is the best management team you have seen in the last 10 years.
Surely you understand that bankruptcy has simply become yet another tool for management?
Best management team in last ten years? Wolf/Rakesh, who, in conjunction with Legow, made a profit of $1 billion in one year.
Worst? "Chronic DUI" Parker and "I mess in my own backyard" Kirby. Bar none.
The condition of the aircraft has become, and remain, the worst I have ever seen, ever. Should I say "ever", again? It is obvious tempe mx is used to having pilots "carry" broken aircraft, their line of "persuasion" to "take" a broken aircraft shows a long-term corporate cultural basis.
The blatant manipulation of on-time stats by, sometimes grossly, increasing block times, among other techniques, points to the complete lack of awareness on the part of the present thief-in-chief sycophants and enablers, much worse than the "yes men" surrounding Schofield.
The QIK "rollout" and after multi-year continuous "tweaking" the still broken implementation, after breaking every IT software "roll-out" rule in every basic IT book, certainly shows the "quality" of the Tempe brain-trust. I wonder if they have an IQ test at the headquarters entrance and those exhibiting positive IQ points are barred from entering.
and the call sign change. After two years of "planning", the change was rolled out, in a mindless repetition of QIK, with no, and I repeat, no obvious sign of intelligence. Early on, I asked Brest Control what "cactus" meant to them after they initially used everything but and he replied that, it would be like Air France using a four letter call sign in the US starting with the letter "c" that denigrates the female pelvic area. No kidding. Pretty "professional" in their eyes. :blink: I am certain. :huh:
These tempe guys make the same mistakes, over and over again, because the employees let it happen. Employee push-back would actually save this miserable den of thieves from themselves, not that they deserve it, IMHO.
The only reason Parker has not declared bankruptcy is, with the lowest employee cost in the industry, he would then become the laughing-stock of the global airline industry, not that he is not already, by blowing half a billion in cash in a derivatives bet after world premier economists warned of a global meltdown in those very instruments at least one year prior.
Lots of other examples.