The original cba was negotiated while DL 141 was both ramp and mechanic and related, then we split into 141M and only fleet service reps were on the committee as M&R became its own dl. US rampers, Greg Bonar, AGC Jerry Moore and others were on the 99 NC.
I cant remember the other names, but it was their first CBA for fleet.
Again thank you, but if you could, please refrain from answering for PREZ. I have no doubt that you can find the numbers, but I doubt that PREZ can even come close to an actual offer that the company made. With actual figures over the life of the agreement.
IMO PREZ is pointing fingers at people doing a thankless job, that he has neither the EXPERIENCE, or knowledge base to do. He has yet to demonstrate how effective he was as the president of the TWU, or give factual information on any/all arbitrations that he presented. Let alone the misinformation that he is putting out about the healtcare arbitration, with no actual numbers.
I assume Prez arbitrated several cases since he was a Local President under the TWU structure. Probably won some lost some.
I have asked you before, I will try 1 more time. What are the figures of the settlement that the company offered? Do you even know, or are you going on what MW tells you? Please provide factual information, on the actual offer so we all can see. I don't think that you got the whole story. And you are as much to blame with the "deceptive info" as anybody else on here. You say that there was an offer, yet provide no factual data to back it up. So where are the numbers for us to check out? Do you have them or is all you have is that the company made an offer & you thought the ND team should have taken it blindly, without looking at the bigger picture? Have you asked MW why it takes so long to schedule an arbitration? He is supposed to be the one in charge of that. Before you start pointing the finger at somebody, remember there are 3 pointing back at you. Now please answer all of the questions, if you can at all. The one about the so called settlement, and the one posed to you about MW.
What we did was take ourselves out of line. You would have been right in front of UA in negotiations. WN got big raises. Then the IAM secured raises to $24 for BA members, then it would have secured money for us, then UA. Unfortunately, voting in the TA with the language you describe as 'sucks', kicked us out of line and out of negotiations for 3 years. Nice job Prez! Now UA is on the verge of signing a contract that should snap them back. We won't be in position for snapbacks until a few years from now.
Ken Thiede negotiated the 1999 contract as chief negotiator. Canale wasn't even the District President. Again, you're getting wrong info.
The membership was furious with the IAM during that time frame regarding the substandard T/A along with the union’s absolute refusal to address DOH. This gave birth to the “A-Bin News” and several attempts to change unions!
Actually I don't believe TWU580 arbitrated anything. The coffers were always empty due to (depending on who you talk to/believe) being a new Union or embezzlement. If there were any arbitrations they were very few in number.
The settlement offer was to be agreed upon by 141 and 142 jointly or be arbitrated. The offer was along the lines of pay 10% instead of full amount of any increase. Just because I don't recall the exact percentage doesn't make the story wrong bro. 141 declined and sent forward to arbitration. Get the real scoop on how the ND is trying to slander MW or anyone else not supported by the ND. It is called politics 101. I hear another side to that slandering of MW.
"Can't wait for the day when he goes bye bye just like JR, PF, and the rest of the canoli boys."
No it makes the story laughable. You can't produce the numbers for the term of the agreement, therefore you have no credability. You sit there and blame the ND guys without having the whole story, or any factual information that we can check. And pay 10% of what exactly? Was that for the term of the agreement? Either answer the question, or quit trying to to lead us to believe "deceptive misinformation". As for MW, there are many reasons why he is disliked, all of them you wouldn't understand. How many time has he been to PHX over the last two years? Did you ask him why it takes so long to get arbitrations scheduled? He may be a good guy away from the union, as for being an AGC, not so much. Can't wait for the day when he goes bye bye just like JR, PF, and the rest of the canoli boys.