That is a good way to get solidarity. The experience here among leaders is very valuable to the membership as a whole including the east coast. Just because we don't support the inexperience of the ND doesn't mean that we aren't in this for the good of the membership. Regardless of who our leaders might be the leaders here in PHX will continue to work with any AGC to better the working conditions for all. We will not revolt if the ND wins, we will work with them. Our opinion during this election process varies from some of you. CL was speaking of the mentality out west. He wasn't giving in. Look at the numbers we had come out to vote, not bad considering it was done in 4 days. If you want the east versus west to go away stop bashing and accept the differences we all have across the system.
P. Rez
First off that is total BS and you know it. You tell your AGC that you support the District and then in
the 11th hour flip like a overcooked blueberry pancake to the other ticket 1) is not very honest and forthright .(which a good leader would have) 2) Surely doesn't show solidarity. Once again We try and bridge the differences between East and West and YOU try to prove a point.
Quit hiding behind the inexperience excuse its starting to make you look like a fool. Do you realize
you supported and Co-hearsed your membership to support an AGC that was assigned to PHX for 2 yrs
and never once made a station visit. until 2 days before the election and picked up the tab for the vans
H*ll he never even won a Shop Steward election , was appointed by Canale. SO let's talk experience.
What is your definition of work with them. By refusing to escort YOUR LEADERS to talk to YOUR MEMBERSHIP. See Its not all about you. getting 361 people to come out and blindly vote for a ticket
doesn't bring solidarity. How much did they even know about the Inexperienced people running. H*ll
Bottom line your little ploy backfired on you so just let it go . With all of your Worldly Experience WHY
didn't the TWU International Pick you up.