Dog Wonder
Do you spell that way for a purpose?
Hey Oman and all, Hope all have a blessed thanksgiving.
He (the employee) based his argument on the fact that he was just being honest and he could have just lied. So he made his company the bad guy in all of this and accused them of wanting to make a liar out of him. It was a twisted argument and an unaccountable one. In the end, was he honest? Yes. Just because someone confesses to the crime doesn't mean they don't have to pay the time...
Although it may sound profane, I think listening to what Jester has to say is wise. I'm not saying he's right about the vegas situation but I really think there is a whole lot more that can be learned by listening to dissonant voices, which I was once chief.
And finally, may the Holidays find you and others on this Board well
So Hopes Jester.