No spin, just a little color. Having seen the name associated with the essay I could read no further as vomit filled my mouth. I really mean that, so maybe I will look foolish for writing this having not read the article. Baker violated the trust of hundreds of U pilots in his actions. I personally had his word face to face he would not do what he did without our pilots having a vote. It has taken him almost 5 years to surface, only now, and after quitting the airline (over 20 years seniority) in shame to go to work for Air Tran in Atlanta.
I appreciate you guys wanting to know what makes us tick out East, but the area of retirement loss is one you will never grasp, especially on a web board with links to the likes of 320's little garden. That is not a dig at you, it’s just not going to happen. You won't "get" this one unless you lived it..and you sure won't get it from anyone with apron strings attached to ALPA.
I am glad the BPR left you guys out of the assessment on this matter...they would have been well in their rights to include you. But they did the right thing and did not. Maybe you can forgive them for buying two 20K Ford Taurus's to use in CLT. I am sure the "guys in the back of the van" have!