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IAM Fleet Service topic 18 June-

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And you got this information from who? And by "this membership" are you refering to all or just "West", because it is still fairly affordable for family insurance as opposed to getting the same coverage on your own. You are running out of people to blame, and showing us who you really care about, yourself, and not the membership. And like Oman said, ask MW why it takes so long to get the arbitrations scheduled. He is the one in charge of that. Deal with what was voted on by the membership, and quit trying to blame other for what you voted for.

This affects all. What was offered was instead of arbitrating the Health Care, pay a percentage instead of the full amount. It was ND that said no and now we will all pay full amount. I believe the percentage was low, 10 %? Ask D-142.
This affects all. What was offered was instead of arbitrating the Health Care, pay a percentage instead of the full amount. It was ND that said no and now we will all pay full amount. I believe the percentage was low, 10 %? Ask D-142.

This company does not give anyone a break with you paying just 10% and you know it....Give everyone the full details or don't give out anything.

Pay full amount of what ?????????

Theres more to the story i'm sure. This company will give you back $50 to get $150
This affects all. What was offered was instead of arbitrating the Health Care, pay a percentage instead of the full amount. It was ND that said no and now we will all pay full amount. I believe the percentage was low, 10 %? Ask D-142.

Problems we have today all stem from the TA Canale Wingard supported contract.....can't blame the new guys they didn't negotiate it......im sure you with so much experience should know that when you voted this contract in...oh but its so much better to shift the blame.......who you going to blame next?
Problems we have today all stem from the TA Canale Wingard supported contract.....can't blame the new guys they didn't negotiate it......im sure you with so much experience should know that when you voted this contract in...oh but its so much better to shift the blame.......who you going to blame next?

If the contract language sucks so bad why didn't you settle? Yes, the language does suck by the way, I'm not disputing that.
If the contract language sucks so bad why didn't you settle? Yes, the language does suck by the way, I'm not disputing that.
Read page 5 " Company Position " - ( The outcome was never mentioned during bargaining, ie The Restructuring agreement) The rates % was estimated but wrongly by the company for future years. All the union wanted to do was keep the company to its word but they were over-ruled by the same Judge that heard the BK.



Prez...The company never offered 10% or even close.....

Now can we all just get to the future and elect those who will help us most, or are you going to hang on to old dreams and promises.

" BURY THE SWORD " already brother MW is not your angel
If the contract language sucks so bad why didn't you settle? Yes, the language does suck by the way, I'm not disputing that.

D-141 & D-142 decided it would be best to combine both health care arbitrations into 1, in which the company agreed. Both D-141 & D-142 thought that it was a strong case, so why should they settle? Oh I suppose you would have, giving your years of experience with arbitrations and arbitrators, heck you probably knew the outcome before the case was presented. So now you decide to switch to "yes the language does suck" arguement. It was that very language that the arbitrator ruled on. The very language that was voted in by the majority. That language is not the fault of the ND guys, just ask MW, where exactlty that language came from. Thank god you are not an AGC, you would take every deal the company offered, regardless if the grievance is a slam dunk, or consequences to the membership. Keep palying the blame game.
D-141 & D-142 decided it would be best to combine both health care arbitrations into 1, in which the company agreed. Both D-141 & D-142 thought that it was a strong case, so why should they settle? Oh I suppose you would have, giving your years of experience with arbitrations and arbitrators, heck you probably knew the outcome before the case was presented. So now you decide to switch to "yes the language does suck" arguement. It was that very language that the arbitrator ruled on. The very language that was voted in by the majority. That language is not the fault of the ND guys, just ask MW, where exactlty that language came from. Thank god you are not an AGC, you would take every deal the company offered, regardless if the grievance is a slam dunk, or consequences to the membership. Keep palying the blame game.

Keep looking and you will find out that 142 did want a settlement which was offered prior to hearing the case.
Keep looking and you will find out that 142 did want a settlement which was offered prior to hearing the case.


Why play this "Cat and Mouse" game. Point all of us in your direction by giving us factul statements or fatual language and information.

" If you have it "
Keep looking and you will find out that 142 did want a settlement which was offered prior to hearing the case.

You might have an argument "if" D-142 wanted to go it alone. Since they opted to arbitrate it with D-141, obviously, somebody "smarter than you" though it was a winnable case in D-142. I'm fairly certain that D-141 did not strong arm D-142 into not taking the settlement. But since you brought it up, what exactly was the "offer". Without hard numbers you look like somebody trying to make themselves look good while bashing others for doing a job that you could not do. So what exactly was the offer to D-141 & D-142 from the company? Without them, you look foolish.

Did you really just say that?

Do I need to dig through in order to find my rant of last year lambasting the lack of formal education of the IAM Executive Committee? I am trying to recall, but was about a dozen people, and I think ONE of them had a bachelors degree from an university which gave college credits for work experiences. That committee was the Peter Principle on steriods... a bunch of good ole boy backslappers engaged in cronyism attempting to match wits with a highly experienced and educated group of professions in the Tempe. Little wonder we get our collectivist butts kicked whenever we attempt to file of a grievance on a matter of any significance. And spare me that the Whackyhutt, Whizzenmutt, or Whirlygig Institute as being a serious center for training... that's not education, that indoctrination. Just try to transfer those credit hours or seminar meetings to a real university with some national accreditation.

Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," and I am reminded of this as we embark on another attempt for local elections pitting one uneducated group against another uneducated group, to be lead by an equally uneducated group in the Executive Committee, and thinking it makes any difference from prior outcomes. Now the two groups once attempting an intelligent discussion between unintelligent people are reduced to just thrashing about as to which group has more "Solidarity", as if I am in high school watching the cheerleaders calling out the other side during a football game as to who has more "spirit". Just as then, I might need to mix some 180-proof grain alcohol into my lunchtime Gatorade if this continues.

So Concocts Jester.

Perhaps your viewpoints regarding education would be better suited in forums for Law School Graduates whom are unable get signed by a firm. Or better yet... forums for the newly graduated engineers from all fields who are unable to find work because their occupations are now being done in India for around what a Fleet Service Worker makes!

Corporate America places NO value on education in terms of the workers. However, they will bend over backwards, and place significant worth on the educations of labor attorneys and advisors who can help them purge workers and/or reduce pay scales.
Or better yet... forums for the newly graduated engineers from all fields who are unable to find work because their occupations are now being done in India for around what a Fleet Service makes!

Wow, I guess you don't know too much about engineering then. I have plenty of friends who have had no problem finding work after graduating in May, and they'll be making about six times as much as I do working part time at US.
Wow, I guess you don't know too much about engineering then. I have plenty of friends who have had no problem finding work after graduating in May, and they'll be making about six times as much as I do working part time at US.

You have friends in India?

Here a just a few examples... want more?
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

These sites exist because they are being utilized at an alarming rate!
You have friends in India?

Here a just a few examples... want more?
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

These sites exist because they are being utilized at an alarming rate!

Dynamic engineering jobs are difficult to outsource; individuals
with these skill sets are virtually always in demand
. However, to begin producing more
dynamic engineers, we need a primary educational system that is on par with
international standards. We also need to increase the enrollment rate within our
engineering colleges.
Our engineering population is not stagnating, but it certainly
could be growing faster.

Huh, seems like better education and more of it might be the solution to our outsourcing woes.

Corporate America places NO value on education in terms of the workers.

National statistics show during the last decade, more companies are offering a tuition reimbursement benefit and are spending more money helping employees get degrees. Universities and community colleges also have started offering more flexible classroom hours for working students and even offer some degrees through online courses.

In 2003, companies paid an estimated $10 billion in tuition reimbursements, according to a 2004 survey by Workforce Management, the most recent on record. That's compared to a figure of about $2.8 billion spent by companies with 50 or more employees in 1994, according to a 1997 report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Are we eligible for tuition reimbursement or does our union status preclude us from participating? Company money for school would be handy.
You have friends in India?

Here a just a few examples... want more?
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

These sites exist because they are being utilized at an alarming rate!

Solid links if we were talking about engineering techs but I thought we were talking about engineers who are significantly harder to outsource due to the scope of their work and education level, and while I wouldn't characterize them as friends I do know quite a few people that were recruited by foreign companies to work in countries like India and the UAE. If engineering jobs are so easily outsourced then I doubt you'd see that happening or have Intel, General Dynamics, Schlumberger, or Alstom showing up at our career fairs twice a year trying to fill open positions. The only thing holding some people back right now in AZ is that most local companies want at least three to five years of experience, though there are plenty of entry-level positions available if you are willing to relocate.

Looks like CJ posted while I was typing this up, but that Duke link explains it pretty well.
CJ and Strangia,

Some posters in this forum are just mad... angry about the idea of an elite educated sector of society from which they feel vulnerable, even helpless. They lash-out in anti-intellectual tirades and at times, clinging to thoughts devoid of facts or even common sense. I cannot believe some corporate conspiracy in-between rounds of golf and pitchers of martinis reviewing a dissertation on "How to Screw the Working Man," as if corporate types have little else to worry about. It is easier to grasp tightly to the IAM security blanket and partake in decades old Wobblies bromides, than to venture into a college admissions office and enroll for classes.

Speaking for myself, I have received employer paid college tuition and even a scholarship from a private company with money given to the university. Some companies do so out of public service and other do so out of a selfish desire for better skilled employees. Although I doubt US would provide much in the way of paying for college courses for ramp agents as the job does not demand much in the way of an education, nor an improvement in education would make the employee any better of a worker. About the only upside to paying for tuition by the Company is that it would encourage more FSA's to leave the job and take better paying jobs elsewhere, instead of topping-out with a 30 year career.

So Suggest Jester.
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