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IAM Fleet Service topic 11/26-

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

It appears some of you are unable or unwilling to listen to my friend Edward, so I would like to repeat....this is getting a little too personal, and it must get back on topic NOW.

Do NOT promulgate dialogs between individual posters--comment on the ISSUES not the INDIVIDUALS.

If this continues, the thread will be closed and discussion will be suspended for at least a week, as well as the posters responsible...

Come on folks, these are grown up issues--and the assumption is that most of you are grown ups.....

I STRONGLY urge you all to re-read the rules of the board at the top of the US forum.

Thank you.
Folks, I've just removed 3 off topic posts. I'm about ready to close this for at least a week as Richard as stated above.

Freedom check your message.
I am Jesters source in LAS. He is full of himself but he is also true too in what he is saying (sorry buddy!). Ill be furloughed in Feb and I think unemployed b/c of the mess and the bid. I was there when union people was in break room and it was ok until someone asked about the openings and the bid. Things went crazy then and I thought there was going to be a fight. A lot of cussing by some at those guys! Glad I wasnt one of them! People saying our union $#@% them once again. Most of you werent there or in LAS and Im telling you M.M. was telling people and counting the list from bottom as to open spots to bid on. Thats what I did and didnt bid either phl or dca. I might get den or dfw. Nobody told us differnt as packets were given out and I saw N.H. there too and two other guys. I know Jesters a jerk (sorry again!) but he is right about this one. Anyone know if I am furlough when i might try again for something open in phl or dca or somewhere else?

Cream Horn....
Way to go brother. I'm glad that someone called out the local union leadership. I too was there in the breakroom that day and although things were heated I'm not sure I thought a fight would break out..... But i will confirm that mm and others were riffling through the seniority list and telling people to bid the juniority if thats where they were willing to go. There was no mention prior to that about filling vacancies first. Even the day the packets were being distributed the union was there in full force telling people juniority.....juniority. And the slap in the face was the union coming to town 4 days after the packets were due and saying that there were 87 openings and they must be filled first, Thats why things were heated. I applaud you though as you have managed to rattle those same people enough to walk around the ramp and accuse everyone of being the creamhorn...even to the point of them carrying around a box of pastrys.
I do however want to go on the record as saying not only did the union drop the ball on this but the company left out some key information as well including the number of vacancies. The company wins either way. I just hope that everyone is taking notes for the next time this happens wherever everyone ends up.
You know sometimes you gotta call BS! I was in the breakroom that day and there was no "fight" ready to break out like I have been reading for 2 weeks, To me the it was heated is correct but then what meeting wouldn't be heated from people being laid off! I feel bad for those folks being targeted for the street and its a bad deal but I know but at least we have a contract! I mean we voted for this one didn't we? We knew what was being offered when we saw the pay increase right? Come on guys if you didnt read what was in the contract you cant blame anyone except yourself! I know its a" I'm an ass" for saying that but its the truth and sometimes it hurts. The union reps didnt make the call to lay off anyone, it was the company they are the ones who dont give a hoot of you stay or if you go they are the real enemy! I see the divide and conquer tactic by a clown member here on line, and its why I joined to write. The union is doing everything it can, I saw that when the President of the District had a some time to talk to me. I have seen more of my AGC in the last 10 months then with the last AGC.
What do you expect these union guys to hold our hands everyday and sing kumbaya songs? As far as the other crap like the points program and updates does anyone really understand the company management are the the ones who are the real here enemy. I mean come on lets get real. How does the union Force a company to comply when the company breaks a contract issue? All the union can do is file a grievance and go thru the process which takes time. I understand this I have been thru it and it takes time. Thats about it I gotta go get some popeyes chicken for dinner. Seems like there the only birds around vegas that know when there cooked.

Spinning the wheel in vegas

Yours truly

Vegas Gambler
Thank you moderators for giving the warning!!!! Thanks to vegas gambler for finally telling the truth!!! If you people cant give true accounts on what happened you only lose credibility. You have been allowed to post BS for a while now I have legitimate facts to back it up!! Tappin as I recall the company and the union said bid all available stations!!!!! MM might have said this and that about juniority and how how many vacancies in each station but that can change any day, and everyday, and you should know that with this company. In my own opinion when the awards come out of who got what, no-one will BUMP anyone by juniority due to the fact not enough people took the transfer option!! Alot of people will end up in PHL due to the vacancies, my prediction is 66 percent took the transfer option, 33 percent took the furlough!! However when some people see they ended up in PHL they may just no show and be terminated, due to the contract language, hope all the vegas people got to talk to the DOL and un-employment people today to ask any and all questions they may have for the future furlough in LAS. I also find it funny this didnt get as much attention last furlough from people in LAS, I guess the LAS people on this board didnt care about any of those people because they were part-timers.
to those going to end up unemployed remember to take advantage of your healthcare now while you still can ,also know that many of your lenders are willing to work with you on reduced payments (auto , home etc ) .
I also find it funny this didnt get as much attention last furlough from people in LAS, I guess the LAS people on this board didnt care about any of those people because they were part-timers.

Tally yo it is so obvious to see my fellow rampers didn't seem to look things over to well when the last round of cuts came they never thought it would happen to them. They just closed there eyes and let the part timers march right out the door. How many of us here in vegas really cared enough to look at what we really have? I could hear crickets chirping from FT rampers when they left. Now all of a sudden its an issue?

The rampers that are still going to be here in vegas will you stop complaining and help MM and the committee stick it to management? After all they are the really enemy don't you agree?

Rolling the dice in vegas

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