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IAM Fleet Service topic 11/6-

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ok may be someone can explain this: In my station, our manager has repeatedly told us we are over on the full time yet under on the part time. Now we "supposenly have vacancies plus 3 full timers and 5 part timers got informational furlough packets in the event they are bumped" If we are truly over on FT but under on PT yet have vacancies I dont see how this makes sense
I really believe that they should have done a " System sort of Furlough ".

Lets say you have 500 being furloughed.............

You take the bottom 500 in the system and notify them that there might be a chance of them being displaced by 1 of the 500.

If 100 of those original are on that low seniority list then you have to only find positions for 400.

The stations with those 400 are put on a list for the original 400 to choose from according to seniority.

The existing open positions are part of that list per station.

The original 400 choose according to where the junior people ( That might create the openings) are and not how the company wants to munipulate it. If people don't like their choices that are on the list then they go to the street and the notices for some people that are junior are retracted because nobody was willing to go to Fairbanks Alaska for instance.

My station is not involved in the furlough but I have been furloughed 5 times and since there is no BUMPING per say in our contract then a system displacement should be done.. ....

Sounds like the company is trying to force people out without a choice......With the nature of this bussiness we all should be up-in-arms about this!!!!!!!!!!
It is a shame and something that would make me furious if I were an affected FSA at LAS. The seriousness of 200+ folks losing their job is not something you want to get wrong when offering the options. Yes, the contract spells out HOW the process works... why a spin was put on it by MGMT is fraudulent!! This is where our union voice needs to be loud an clear. WTF! It just shows just how the rank and file in FSA are really thought of ... I'm pissed for the LAS folks.

Mr. Bagchucker,

As you suggest, assuming the information provided was deliberately and willfully mispresented to the FSA's and LAS by management, then why did the No Direction 08 VP's sitting in the meetings not correct the company representatives when the questions were being presented on bidding for on juniority positions? Personally, I am not buying a conspiracy, but rather accepting just the sheer incompetency of the union leadership.

If the union leadership was paying attention, then the following would have placed those LAS furloughed agents on notice:

1) Publically question management on differences in understanding on how the contract would be enforced as it relates to bumping privileges.

2) Attempt to find resolution to the issue privately with management in advance of the due date on the bid sheets, and announce the decision to the membership.

And barring an agreement on the matter with management...

3) Warn the membership of the disagreement and the worse case scenerio in how bidding may adversely effect those being furloughed, and those subject to being displaced.

This was just lazyiness and a lack of caring about fleet service people. If the union leadership had any degree of shame or sense of responsibility, they would all just resign and call for new elections.

So Evaluates Jester.
Jester please google their qualifications and then report? Answer this Jester, how many times did the old have the balls to enter a breakroom during furloughs? The Union was always and still is given last minute info, yet ND will and always will face the membership to adress all concerns. They got their info after the packets were handed out? Management was absent to face the LAS people yet the leadership of the Union had the BALL"S to meet face to face. Jester you are very inteligent, Please post only when you know the truth. Take the Politics elsewhere during these hard times for our Sisters and Brothers. THX GF

Mr. Goodfellow,

Few issues:

1) I am not doing your homework with regards to the educational level of the union leadership as I have presented my facts based upon the profiles presented in the IAM's monthly multi-colored fish wrap. I am sure either the leadership can find a toady to list their educational accomplishments in this forum or they can sign-up for their own USAviation account and present them on their own.

2) You can keep the "balls" and give me the brains as I prefer a leadership who presents the correct information. Just showing up to provide bad information while "brave" does more harm than good.

3) I have presented the truth, and have been honest when I did not know the answer.

4) What you call "politics," I prefer to call "objective discourse" and I refuse to placate the buffoonery of an inept leadership.

So Affirms Jester.
Jester once again your Facts are wrong, they werent VPs they were AGCs and they were there when the company told all employees to bid every station they are willing to transfer to!!!!!!!!!!! (i heard it myself) They may not have said if all vacancies dont get filled you cant juniority someone out, however they did tell them to bid every station they are willing to move to. if the employees only bid PHX DCA PHL and CLT, well guess what all those stations that have vacancies that didnt get filled you cannot bump someone out of PHX. Jester you know nothing but spew rumors and hearsay stay away if you dont know the facts. Either you make your info up out of spite or the info you get from someone out of spite is wrong. I ask you once again if you didnt hear it for your own two ears dont preach it like its the truth, you only lose credibility
I know of agents who bid 25 - 30 stations from LAS, I saw their bids, they bid everything from HNL to SJU!!!!! Some people did the right thing and bid every station in the system to keep a job. Some bid just hubs, the fact remains the company told the agents to bid every city they were willing to move to!!!!!!!!!!!! This process wasnt the first time in vegas either, this is their second time, just because it affects more people and their isnt enough openings doesnt change the situation, last furlough they could only bid vacancies, now they bid vacancies first juniority second, plain and simple
Jester, LMAO necigrad is from LAS, your source is bad and wasnt present!!!!!!! Jester keep it up your doing a good job hiding yourself and trying to stir things up!!!! If you dont have facts and didnt hear it yourself keep your Hearsay to yourself, all your doing is giving a bad name to yourself. Like I said before quit hiding throw your name out there and do a beter job, otherwise SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!

I know of agents who bid 25 - 30 stations from LAS, I saw their bids, they bid everything from HNL to SJU!!!!!

...they werent VPs they were AGCs...

Strange Tally, now you claim to be in LAS, but yet you knew nothing about blow-up in the LAS break room when the membership was ready to tar and feather the IAM leadership last week? So now you claim none of the IAM leadership was present during the employee meetings when the furloughs were announced? Next you will be claiming NH was not really there when the furlough packets were handed-out in LAS and FSA's were asking questions about the transfers?

Now you are trying to excuse the IAM maladroit abilities by saying, "oh, they weren't VP's but AGC's," so that doesn't count? When the circus comes to PHX, I can't tell who is who as they never wear tags with their names or titles upon them and I doubt LAS is any better. For all I know they could be the vending machine guys who stock the machines. Either way, they project themselves as the IAM leadership, and as such, they should be accountable for their actions and what they say.

Do I need to recruit some LAS droogs to this board in order to refute your claims, as your credibility is sorely lacking?

So Dismisses Jester.
I know of agents who bid 25 - 30 stations from LAS, I saw their bids, they bid everything from HNL to SJU!!!!! Some people did the right thing and bid every station in the system to keep a job. Some bid just hubs, the fact remains the company told the agents to bid every city they were willing to move to!!!!!!!!!!!! This process wasnt the first time in vegas either, this is their second time, just because it affects more people and their isnt enough openings doesnt change the situation, last furlough they could only bid vacancies, now they bid vacancies first juniority second, plain and simple
Tally, I talked to the com. chair and was told the confusion came when the company had two lists on the FT city sheet. All affected agents were told to bid all cities they were willing to transfer to. Because of the confusion created by management some angry posters are putting a political spin and blaming the Union? As far as another posters remarks about the leadership almost being tarred and such, JUST plane BS according to the GC who was there! He said other than some concern it was very peaceable! I would love to know where Mr. Jester gets his info??? He needs stop spreading rumors, don't believe me ask the LAS Grievance Chair, I did. I guess Jester will now badmouth him as well???
Strange Tally, now you claim to be in LAS, but yet you knew nothing about blow-up in the LAS break room when the membership was ready to tar and feather the IAM leadership last week? So now you claim none of the IAM leadership was present during the employee meetings when the furloughs were announced? Next you will be claiming NH was not really there when the furlough packets were handed-out in LAS and FSA's were asking questions about the transfers?

Now you are trying to excuse the IAM maladroit abilities by saying, "oh, they weren't VP's but AGC's," so that doesn't count? When the circus comes to PHX, I can't tell who is who as they never wear tags with their names or titles upon them and I doubt LAS is any better. For all I know they could be the vending machine guys who stock the machines. Either way, they project themselves as the IAM leadership, and as such, they should be accountable for their actions and what they say.

Do I need to recruit some LAS droogs to this board in order to refute your claims, as your credibility is sorely lacking?

So Dismisses Jester.
He goes sentence by sentence, I never have said what station i work in, however after numerous conversations with people in the break rooms there was no blow up!! I never said there was no IAM leadership present, you stated it was VPs and I stated it was AGCs so get your facts straight. NH and MH were both present neither are VPs. Prez has said numerous times that the AGCs are valuable and have done their jobs well, so ask Prez............ and maybe you shouldnt hide when they walk the ramp in PHX two or three times a month. Jester until you talk about the facts be quiet!!!!!!!!!!!
He goes sentence by sentence, I never have said what station i work in, however after numerous conversations with people in the break rooms there was no blow up!! I never said there was no IAM leadership present, you stated it was VPs and I stated it was AGCs so get your facts straight. NH and MH were both present neither are VPs. Prez has said numerous times that the AGCs are valuable and have done their jobs well, so ask Prez............ and maybe you shouldnt hide when they walk the ramp in PHX two or three times a month. Jester until you talk about the facts be quiet!!!!!!!!!!!

"I know of agents who bid 25 - 30 stations from LAS, I saw their bids, they bid everything from HNL to SJU!!!!!" -- Tally yo

You claim to have seen LAS agents bid sheets, but you aren't in LAS, so which of the following might we conclude:

A.) You're lying.
B.) You're delusional.
C.) You're were one of the inept AGC's in LAS.
D.) You're part of Management who has scanned the bid sheets.

Wow... tough choice, I'll let you decide.

So Reviews Jester.

P.S. One of my LAS droogs has agreed to sign-on to USAviation and he is also a furlough candidate, but he isn't very tech savy, so hopefully, in a few days. I am certain he will straighten-up the board as he was there and saw the actual parties involved with near tar and feathering of the IAM leaders.
Jester, from what I have heard from some pretty good sources, is that managment did drop the ball on these employees, and our IAM guys had to set things strait. I personaly think it speaks pretty highly of our Union leadership to go in and set the record straight. They knew they were going to be going into a hostile environment, but thats their job. I know in the end they made sure the membership was told correctly.There maybe some agents that are still confused on what to do, there always is, but ask these guys if they have tried to get in touch with one of their union reps to straighten things out, my guess would be no. I know many of these guys personaly, and I can tell you they are pretty easy to get in touch with, if you just put forth the effort. But lets face facts, there are those people out there who arent happy if their not complaining about something. Jester you seem to be falling into that mold. You usually post things on here to try to educate the membership, which I respect, but lately you have been posting a lot of things that just stirs things up. There are several members of our Union leaders that have been through what the guys in Las are going through, they know exactly how they feel, I dont think our members could have anyone better to tell them whats going on. However managment is getting exactly what they want from you on here, to try and down the Union for whats happening, instead of managment. Hmmmm, maybe thats what your suppose to do.
Since you seem to know everything you recall Randy Canale and the rest of his merry bunch of misfits was the one who gave you this contract all wrapped up for your enjoyment.

And since you pester and throw vemon handgrenades out with miss guided information in order to stir your pot of BS. You hold the now AGC responsible for the BS contract we now have in place? These guys are freaking llight years ahead of the likes of BC PF and the rest of RC Hitler youth. I have seen more pro active work by district in the past 13 months than in the past 10 freaking years. I feel very bad for the brothers and sisters in LAS the ones getting packages many have never gone thru this before but its funny to note when layoffs hasppend there a few months back not a peep from the ones that were still there! only now are they have buyer remorse after filling out there paperwork! Sounds to me you are one of them who didnt take the time to read the fine print. We have a contract in place and the elected will service that contract even though one hand is tied behind there back from Weak Contract Language voted on and accepted by you.

So Vomits Libertybell.....you make me sick .
P.S. One of my LAS droogs has agreed to sign-on to USAviation and he is also a furlough candidate, but he isn't very tech savy, so hopefully, in a few days. I am certain he will straighten-up the board as he was there and saw the actual parties involved with near tar and feathering of the IAM leaders.

Hey Jester ole buddy ole pal. will you PM me your NEW handle when you get on . :up: :up: :up:
"I know of agents who bid 25 - 30 stations from LAS, I saw their bids, they bid everything from HNL to SJU!!!!!" -- Tally yo

You claim to have seen LAS agents bid sheets, but you aren't in LAS, so which of the following might we conclude:

A.) You're lying.
B.) You're delusional.
C.) You're were one of the inept AGC's in LAS.
D.) You're part of Management who has scanned the bid sheets.

Wow... tough choice, I'll let you decide.

So Reviews Jester.

P.S. One of my LAS droogs has agreed to sign-on to USAviation and he is also a furlough candidate, but he isn't very tech savy, so hopefully, in a few days. I am certain he will straighten-up the board as he was there and saw the actual parties involved with near tar and feathering of the IAM leaders.


I have a challenge for you. If you think that our current union leadership is so inept as you say, step on up to the plate. If you think that you would be any more effective in dealings with the company than our current guys, I'm sure they would be more than willing to let you have a go. But alas IMO you are the kind of guy that wants to only look out for himself, criticize others for a job that you have neither the interest in doing, or have a clue how to do it. So my advice to you is, go eat a pork hot dog and chill. Until you are willing to do something to help out your brothers and sisters, which you have stated many times you are not, please zip it. You have no clue what our AGC's have to deal with on a daily basis. BTW let me know how the pork hot dog tastes will ya.
Attention CLT fleet..
with the up coming election dec 10 . Just want to remind folks that maybe unable to attend can leave and absentee ballot

for the Local Lodge Officers positions only. All you need to due is go by the local and fill out an Absentee Ballot request and the local

will mail you a ballot . Vote and mail it back to the Local prior to the Dec 10 election.. The Grievance Committee election has to be done

in person . NO absentee for those positions just the Local Officers.

Again Folks YOU pay dues and have the RIGHT to VOTE. SO please come out and support those people WILLING to step up and run for office.

the voting will be from 6am- 6pm on Dec 10 at the Local off Piper lane.

Liberty Bell- good to hear from ya haven't seen you in a loooooooong time.
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