"You Can't blame the New regime for that. They didn't put it there and they DIDN'T Negotiate the last T/A not to sound like a broken record but it needs to be repeated. YOU chased after the pieces of silver and this is what we have. SO live with it. AGAIN . Language and Scope much more valuable than a couple bucks that alot of people will never enjoy." -- Orioleman
I wish your memory skills were better as I could probably just as easily cut-and-paste everything I have provided in previous posts, and I am sure I could adequately respond, for example:
"I will say it again... the problem with the IAM is the systemic ineptitude from the top to bottom, from the past to the present. However, instead you will focus on your convenient scapegoat of Boss Canale who hasn't been office for a year?"
Hey D/A ,
Your the one bringing up the S*ity contract YOU voted for not me. YES I blame Canale, Because as
I'm sure your well aware of Canale is like that STD you carry around . Once you GOT IT you GOT IT. Although Canale is gone. He signed off on a POS T/A that WE have to live with for the next couple years
"Second, you gloss over and excuse the lousy representation without a peep I assume under the banner of Solidarity'."
Don't remember glossing anything over . But let me ask you this OH great one . question 1. Do you have
an active Grievance Committee ON PROPERTY NOW. question 2. Do you have the opportunity to talk face
to face with your AGC's at the airport. Those 2 things weren't available under Canales regime You being an
ex AW employee wouldn't expect you to know that . so next time your AGC's in town grow a set and go up
and tell him how you feel about YOUR UNION REPRESENTATION. I DO. and I did under the old regime the difference was they didn't come around but about once every 2 yrs or so.
"Who is different on the Executive Board than last year?"
As far as the E-Board . Everyone that was voted into office in 08 is new and Again let me type this reeeeeeal
"I only demand to be properly represented, and I do not think that is asking too much, do you?"
And you are being represented YOU just don't know it. You can't rewrite the contract when you want to. That is
WHY, we on the EAST are trying to tell you guys . SCOPE AND LANGUAGE . I will be the first one to tell you
our contract SUCKS . It always has except maybe for the initial one but everyone since has gotten worse and worse.
"If you and others are going to continue to excuse the IAM leaders, then I suggest in the spirit of 'Truth in Advertising' to rename our union as "Ignorant Ass Muthers" or 'Inane Associate Members'."
Not excusing anyone. Just put the blame on the right shoulders and that would be on Canale and his misfits
and the ones who chased the 2 pieces of fools gold.
So Reiterates Jester.