Just like to throw my opinions in on seniority. I'm guaranteed to rile some folks up. I mean no offense to what one contributes, nor do I mean to imply that one is worth less then another.
I hear a lot about DOH, DOH, DOH. It's a good sound policy, at least in theory. Here's what I suggest. Start with DOH, you need to start somewhere. Subtract any time not in Fleet Service. From there don't count personal leaves either. Medical, military, and other leaves of that nature should not carry a penalty. This will give you potentially a new DOH. There is logic to my proposal. Let's just say that I want to take 4 months to "safari to Africa". The Company grants my leave, and I come back as scheduled four months later. Should my time not working so I can hunt lions count? Not in my opinion.
Here in LAS (and I'd imagine PHX as well) we had several employees outside of FS become absorbed into our work group carrying all their seniority. Is it right that I've been here all along and suddenly someone that wasn't goes ahead of me because they got hired before me? Not in my opinion, but I believe there is a reasonable compromise. When integrating groups in this situation I believe any years performing covered work (even if you might not have been covered at the time) should count. I got hired in 1998 and have been FS all that time. If someone else was hired in 1972 as a CSR and transferred into Tower in 2005 should they be senior to me? They weren't before. What about the person that was hired in 1984 as a FSA, transferred to Tower, and then went back to FSA because of the merger? They were doing the job the whole time, so why wouldn't it count?
There's also two schools of thought on PTers. One idea is full seniority, the other half seniority. Both have valid points, and I'm not picking a side.
It should also be noted that whenever "we" discuss seniority it should pertain only to Fleet Service. When you're talking about Company seniority it should be DOH, and IMO modified by any personal leaves.