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IAM Fleet Service topic 18 June-

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Their biggest supporter was supposedly PHX, who didn't have any dance partners and probably washed up any chance of having any of their members on the negotiations team.
That would explain the negative spin by one poster on hear. PHX needs someone that will speak
for the membership and not speak for themselves " the whats in it for me thing"

Who knows maybe PR and CL will continue to place their station on an island again in two years. My hunch is that he will take a sample of stations like he did at UA and IMO that will most likely be those stations who supported and believe in finishing the job of change. PHX will be left with website updates.
How Ironic. I'm thinking Negotiations will be in PHX but yet it will be the "outsiders" LAS/CLT/PHL and
a few others that will come to the table. maybe PR and CL can meet some of them at applebee's for an update.

I do think that RD is smart enough to access what PHX has spoken and I think the fair thing to do is to allow PHX's real leader RR to lead them. One thing RD does is listen and I would be shocked if he didn't make some changes out in PHX, even though RR was a RC leftover. If PHX still piss and moans then it just show itself as a complete discontent that you just cant do anything with. At that point it's time to focus on other stations.
Change starts with the Committee. If your committee has issues with their District Rep then that station
will have problems . Seen it first hand. I guess time will tell . Hopefully some LAS or some future transfers
will come into PHX and take a leadership role and teach the uneducated how the union will work for you.but when your GC runs to Management all the time snitching on each other that won't work
The step 3's are scheduled by Labor relations along with yorr ACG I believe. The MW excuse is a valis one. He is the AGC that is supposed to schedule them. Ask him, he is the sole person responsable to schedule the arbitrations. And are you talking Step 3's for PHX or arbitrations not being heard?

If you are talking arbitrations...PHX cases have to wait their turn just like all of the others. It is not all about PHX. So please stop with the entitlement attitude. PHX is not entitled to anything more than the rest of the membership. Everybody has cases waiting on arbitration. PHX is no different.

No entitlement here just very old cases that aren't a priority to east coast guys. Yes, MW is the scheduler and I think you should talk to him, he has a very valid reason. I think the ND was trying to set him up. They were clear from the start with us that he was going to be ousted before they ever tried to work with him.
where you teach "Walnut Grove" , bet Laura Ingles was your best student.
Laura...heck Dorothy would have a much better chance IMO of getting on the negotiations team more than the PHX leadership. My hunch is that the PHX membership will have to watch to see how negotiations play out by refreshing their web browser and waiting for the latest updates. Those boys better get some popcorn and then they can sit around and piss and moan to eachother as they are riding the pine while other stations that are not as big take advantage of it. Not everyone starts on the team, but it's the coach who picks the starters. And until PHX does the math on that instead of being the constant complainer, the only job its gonna get is the waterboy. I could be wrong, but sorry boys there's always room at the end of the bench.

I know the ND aren't a bunch of dopes so as bad as PHX threw them under the bus I gotta think that RD will make a move and maybe have RR or maybe MW to a more active role there. He should do this because PHX needs leadership. Canale would NEVER even consider listening, let's see how RD responds. Does he leave NH there or does he make a change. I say he's no Canale and he responds by giving them RR or MW.
No entitlement here just very old cases that aren't a priority to east coast guys. Yes, MW is the scheduler and I think you should talk to him, he has a very valid reason. I think the ND was trying to set him up. They were clear from the start with us that he was going to be ousted before they ever tried to work with him.

Conspiracy theorist I see. RD gave MW a very important role even though he was a canoli left over
what MW did with that role was by his own doing. Just think If he actually DID something for the last
2 years maybe just maybe RD would have had him run for re-election on the ND ticket. You see
Prez. its not all about Entitlements and Appointments. the ND gave him a chance to prove his
100,000 year job and he chose to sit in the burgh. This ain't the TWU . As far as sitting on cases
and not arbitrating cases let's not even go there.

It seems you like to keep this East-West thing alive . I believe the ND wanted to get all the GC together
(since you decided not to go to the conference). and show YOUR membership that we are all in this
together only to have you run to management crying that the big bad boys from the EAST were coming
so just let it go.. You didn't get your UNION job that you think you are ENTITLED to . end of story
move on
Hey Janitor,
Do you think maybe we can get the website in 3D

so the boys can get feeling like there actually a part of it. 😀 😀 😀

Attention 141 communicators . the technology is there.
No entitlement here just very old cases that aren't a priority to east coast guys. Yes, MW is the scheduler and I think you should talk to him, he has a very valid reason. I think the ND was trying to set him up. They were clear from the start with us that he was going to be ousted before they ever tried to work with him.


Do you think that PHX is the only station with very old cases waiting for arbitration? Seriously? I already know his reasons now, what about for the last year and a half? Set him up how exactly? By proving that he is a piss-poor AGC, then yes they did. Since 2008, how many times has he actually visited PHX vs NH? And be honest here please. I have never pretended to support any of the old canoli misfits, US or UA. They have shown time and again that they are in their job for themselves, not the membership. We will just have to agree to disagree on the MW issue I guess. I for one am glad that the rest of the canoli misfits are finally gone!
No entitlement here just very old cases that aren't a priority to east coast guys. Yes, MW is the scheduler and I think you should talk to him, he has a very valid reason. I think the ND was trying to set him up. They were clear from the start with us that he was going to be ousted before they ever tried to work with him.
How does one go about trying to set one up? When I see setups it ALWAYS involves cars up front. Who sets up a car that is several laps down? Heck, MW was out of the race after the first restart and if there was anyone who 'set him up' then you can bank on it being his own teammates from UA who threw him and the other US AIRWAYS candidates under the bus.

BTW, Yes or No, would you support RR handling your station's grievances? Yes or No? Knowing that the ND is not like Canale I'm sure it is listening so I think RR serving PHX is a natural.
Hey Janitor,
Do you think maybe we can get the website in 3D

so the boys can get feeling like there actually a part of it. 😀 😀 😀

Attention 141 communicators . the technology is there.
No. Bad idea. The PHX leadership would be too paranoid and think that the 3D glasses were contaminated. Talk about burying your own station. Sheesh. Well, maybe someone else in PHX who realizes he doesn't have the winning car will be able to draft off the back bumper of the ND and start working as a team.
Conspiracy theorist I see. RD gave MW a very important role even though he was a canoli left over
what MW did with that role was by his own doing. Just think If he actually DID something for the last
2 years maybe just maybe RD would have had him run for re-election on the ND ticket. You see
Prez. its not all about Entitlements and Appointments. the ND gave him a chance to prove his
100,000 year job and he chose to sit in the burgh. This ain't the TWU . As far as sitting on cases
and not arbitrating cases let's not even go there.

It seems you like to keep this East-West thing alive . I believe the ND wanted to get all the GC together
(since you decided not to go to the conference). and show YOUR membership that we are all in this
together only to have you run to management crying that the big bad boys from the EAST were coming
so just let it go.. You didn't get your UNION job that you think you are ENTITLED to . end of story
move on

Like I thought you have not nor will you talk to MW to get his side of the issue. How do you set up MW, you don't give him grievances to schedule, you give him cases that aren't active anymore etc., etc. Don't believe everything you here. Never gone crying to Dale but if that makes you feel better, go with it.
Like I thought you have not nor will you talk to MW to get his side of the issue. How do you set up MW, you don't give him grievances to schedule, you give him cases that aren't active anymore etc., etc. Don't believe everything you here. Never gone crying to Dale but if that makes you feel better, go with it.
I'll give MW credit for getting PHX to support him. But again, will you support your own, RR? Yes or No?

If you won't support your own then you are just one ruined puppy.

IMO, RR needs to be the man in PHX. He's the only one that has the respect of all the PHX posters on this board. That tells me he is well respected with his own.
Laura...heck Dorothy would have a much better chance IMO of getting on the negotiations team more than the PHX leadership. My hunch is that the PHX membership will have to watch to see how negotiations play out by refreshing their web browser and waiting for the latest updates. Those boys better get some popcorn and then they can sit around and piss and moan to eachother as they are riding the pine while other stations that are not as big take advantage of it. Not everyone starts on the team, but it's the coach who picks the starters. And until PHX does the math on that instead of being the constant complainer, the only job its gonna get is the waterboy. I could be wrong, but sorry boys there's always room at the end of the bench.

I know the ND aren't a bunch of dopes so as bad as PHX threw them under the bus I gotta think that RD will make a move and maybe have RR or maybe MW to a more active role there. He should do this because PHX needs leadership. Canale would NEVER even consider listening, let's see how RD responds. Does he leave NH there or does he make a change. I say he's no Canale and he responds by giving them RR or MW.

I don't think the membership will dump the GC because we weren't selected for the negotiating team. I think they would feel slighted that you overlooked the 3rd biggest city. I personally don't care who is in or out as negotiators. I do wish them well though. Been there, done that.
Where do I start!!!!???? LOL, well lets see, Im glad Prez gave Kudos to RD for his video and taking responsibility for the districts actions, thats something Prez has never done and always blamed the "executive Board" LOL!!!!! My multiple sources have told me that this UA attendance policy is superior to US, and that all UA District board members were brought into a meeting and asked if anyone objected to it, and not 1 board member did, this was also done with all the grievance chairs throughout the system and not 1 objected to it, so Prez United Reps made the decision outside of section 6, Let United do what they want to do.

Now I was also told that when we were in Transition Agreement talks, the company brought the attendance policy up, but it was quickly squashed by RC and RJ in a side session and that they knew an attendance policy would Kill the deal, so they held off intentionally with our former PDGC Canalis blessing to implement it right after the TA was ratified. Ask RR if an attendance policy was brought up in the TA talks.

Heres another problem with the Leadership in PHX, you guys always want to work things out with the managers and be on a buddy buddy cozy relationship with them, thinking you will get more that way then being hard core. Listen if you havent realized it yet, that doesnt work, you have over 130 greivances at step 3!!! If your buddy buddy cozy relationship was working you wouldnt have that. By the way, whats the status on this thing called "Zone leads" It was described to me that they are leads that are hand selected by Mgmnt and have a seperate bid from Lead Agents. How do i get those jobs, who do I have to F**k, or B**W.
Like I thought you have not nor will you talk to MW to get his side of the issue. How do you set up MW, you don't give him grievances to schedule, you give him cases that aren't active anymore etc., etc. Don't believe everything you here. Never gone crying to Dale but if that makes you feel better, go with it.

So I get it now, they didn't give him any. Is that the story now. The grievance's have to be given to him, he can't discuss it with the other AGC's or the President of D-141 or ask what needs to be scheduled? They have to be handed to him? He can't do some leg work? Come on, really? BTW, I am pretty sure that if the grievance is to be heard at the arbitration level, it is still active. Maybe The Janitor can clarify this though, as I am not 100% positive here. It just sounds like one excuse after another here. Do you see a patern with MW yet? And I am still waiting for an HONEST answer on my question, How many times since 2008 has MW been to PHX vs. NH?
Like I thought you have not nor will you talk to MW to get his side of the issue. How do you set up MW, you don't give him grievances to schedule, you give him cases that aren't active anymore etc., etc. Don't believe everything you here. Never gone crying to Dale but if that makes you feel better, go with it.

His reputation speaks for itself. I don't need to hear excuse's as to why " I couldn't do this " " I can't do that" . bottom line he was given a task and sat on it. If he want's to blame others for him not doing
his job than fine that's why he will not be a part of this district in his current capacity. I'm closing the
book on that chapter of our past horrid leadership . Tomorrow is a new day . As far as feeling
better no actually it makes me sick to stomach that a so-called union rep runs to management at the
drop of a hat. Look dude . I got the 411 on ya . I'm not going to publicly put on here all the BS you
pull. There is not point to it. You made your bed now sleep tight.
WHY isn't our contract enforced in PHX. If there are lead jobs they are BID by senority PERIOD.
However if the GC isn't going to hold management responsible for adhering to OUR contract
then I guess Dale and company will continue to do what they want. YOU guys couldn't wait to get
under our contract but yet you don't even follow it. That's what I'm talking about POOR LEADERSHIP
Good Leadership educates Management on what is acceptable and what isn't. For the love of G*d
is there not anyone from LAS or the east coast that know's the contract working in phx that can step up
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