The Janitor
Negotiations start in July of next year. I would guess that proposals would start being drafted by members sometime after the first of the year. Then a screening committee separating and categorizing each proposal. When negotiations start next July, the negotiations team will already be empowered to negotiate the wants of the membership. My top 3 would beHas the negotiation committee started taking proposals from the membership? If they have, how do I get in touch with them to give them my proposals?
1. Wage. It's why I'm working here. Bottom line
2. attendance policy. I know it's easy to say you can avoid this by just showing up on time but in reality I think we are starting to see some damaging affects of this policy and how it's not just affecting deadbeats but also good honest hard workers. We need to gain a better attendance policy.
3. Mandatory overtime double-time. Other IAM contracts are now getting should we. It saves the company money and also gives more money to those who work mandatory.
Notes: I would say scope but it doesn't seem like many really care about other stations, especially the small stations themselves. So why should we?
Things I would consider negotiations crimes:
1. Bonus'. I expect pay raises, Not bonus' for extended negotiations. The IAM negotiated retro at WN and I would expect retro here without the hint of bonus' instead of wage increases.
2. Attendance policy: Not addressing this would be a crime.