“Never gonna happen”!
These are exactly the same words verbatim that Bonar was using a year or so before the ratification of the POS 1999 CBA! This time period is when something COULD have been done about unfairly adjusted seniority without any glitches.
Instead, the Negotiating Committee chose to pursue its own agenda, while refusing to address the concerns of the Membership regarding seniority, along with a host of other issues. The condescending arrogance of Bonar, Moore and others ultimately led to a major revolt years later. The resulting discord initiated several attempts to change unions, and then ultimately led to a complete ousting of the Canale regime, and the installation of the New Direction Leaders you see today.
Seniority as it stands now for east... (I’m not sure about west) actually contains several dynamics. These factors consist of at least three seniority dates for many. First, we have date of hire DOH. Then we have Classification, and finally we have Adjusted Classification. Adjusted Classification/Classification was adopted as your Classification Date of Hire by the IAM.
Now... what concerns me regarding seniority is this... consolidation! As we continue to see mergers in the industry... your seniority date becomes extremely important! That is why you have seen the complete chaos and a forced change of unions in the Pilot Group! Each Airline has its own history of seniority accounting and administration.
In fact... Piedmont, PSA, AW, and US all had their own versions of how you, as an employee accrue seniority. The resulting Hodgepodge leaves some that are actually junior ahead of some that are senior in terms of bidding days off and vacation!
Ultimately, this seniority issue should be a decision based on the opinions and proposals from the Membership aggregate. This is where the ND is different from past entities... they are not going to say... “Never gonna happen”!
What will
happen is this... the ND leadership will listen to our concerns, evaluate each concern in terms of a majority trend, and then be transparent and forthcoming with us in regards to their position on each issue. This should be followed by communication of the same in a timely manner.