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IAM Fleet Service topic 18 June-

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anybody know the finally outcome of the District elections. I know my station had a very good
turn out from what the stewards were saying but they didn't know how the rest of the stations
turned out. got a chance to talk to President Delaney and Laura Stone very good people
funny you could never talk to Canale if he ever came to your station you would have to go through
2 or 3 people his entourage I guess just to ask a simple question. Rich was standing there on the curb
greeting the membership as they came and went. Keep up good work
anybody know the finally outcome of the District elections. I know my station had a very good
turn out from what the stewards were saying but they didn't know how the rest of the stations
turned out. got a chance to talk to President Delaney and Laura Stone very good people
funny you could never talk to Canale if he ever came to your station you would have to go through
2 or 3 people his entourage I guess just to ask a simple question. Rich was standing there on the curb
greeting the membership as they came and went. Keep up good work

Locals are still voting last one will be on the 29th of June refer to http://iam141.org/election/june.html for election updates
Locals are still voting last one will be on the 29th of June refer to http://iam141.org/election/june.html for election updates
I thought that was just for local elections? Weren't the District elections scheduled strictly on the first meeting of each local this month?
Jester... this has to be a JOKE! You of all people are actually making sense by concurring with us to a degree? I give up... reverse psychology... elaborate plan to misdirect?

So sits astounded...


My Dearest Mister Roabilly,

Why might you think that two different tracts to be mutually exclusive? There are many ways to Nirvana, although I think grunge rock to be passe, but I digress.

While I will continue to advocate one's personal reliance through their betterment of human capital skills (i.e. education and training), that should not mean that I advocate the failure of the IAM or I desire a dysfunctional, non-productive employment environment ruled by a cabal of incompetents. I would prefer to have intelligent labor arbitrators rule on disputed matters than to allow the continued reign of harassment by a gang of Dunkin' Donuts managerial training rejects.

A better work environment by which Management and Employees may develop cooperation and positive morale, kept in check by independent third-party overseers should be the goal of whoever persons are elected by the union membership.

So Advocates Jester.
"A better work environment by which Management and Employees may develop cooperation and positive morale, kept in check by independent third-party overseers should be the goal of whoever persons are elected by the union membership."

So Advocates Jester.


My dearest west friend Mr. Jester...

The above are concise words that reflect my own sentiments regarding Employee... Union... and Company harmony. After all.... that is what we ALL really want isn’t it?

We have traveled a long way since 1999...and certainly a long way since the merger with you guys. The dynamics of consolidation in this industry are not over. We have contract negotiations that will approach us soon, and it will be imperative that we are all on the same page.

Your adherence to the educational initiative makes sense to a point. However, from my perspective even the educated are now getting left behind in this Global Economy.

The loss of American jobs to foreign countries has taken a grievous toll on our domestic wealth. In my opinion, this factor places this nation in a position of economic vulnerability!

So graphically illustrates and questions allegiance...


Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on the 141 website.

I personally think its awesome especially the new Google news feed. that with the employee travel

links. there really isn't use for usairways website anymore.

I would like to thank M. Mancini and D Lehive for working 24/7 on the site as well as the Messenger.
Since contract negotiations will be coming up soon, what is the unions view on DOH seniority for all seniority purposes?

"A better work environment by which Management and Employees may develop cooperation and positive morale, kept in check by independent third-party overseers should be the goal of whoever persons are elected by the union membership."

So Advocates Jester.


My dearest west friend Mr. Jester...

The above are concise words that reflect my own sentiments regarding Employee... Union... and Company harmony. After all.... that is what we ALL really want isn’t it?

We have traveled a long way since 1999...and certainly a long way since the merger with you guys. The dynamics of consolidation in this industry are not over. We have contract negotiations that will approach us soon, and it will be imperative that we are all on the same page.

Your adherence to the educational initiative makes sense to a point. However, from my perspective even the educated are now getting left behind in this Global Economy.

The loss of American jobs to foreign countries has taken a grievous toll on our domestic wealth. In my opinion, this factor places this nation in a position of economic vulnerability!

So graphically illustrates and questions allegiance...


i think you make an excellent point ...
Because you would get sued, just like what is going on with the pilots. Seniority has been established and accepted by the company and the union since 199 when you got your first CBA and even before that when they signed the fence agreement.

You have been beating this issue to do death for years and and Four CBAs later nothing has changed.

everything is negotiable. The seniority system has changed over the years about 4 times so I'm not sure what 700 is referring to. I think the proper answer may be given by the negotiations committee after reviewing the proposals from the membership. Even in the last contract the seniority rules changed. Unfortunately, Canale decided it was better to change the seniority rules to favor America West managers during layoffs so they could bump down on the ramp. That was perhaps the oddest seniority rule that was changed. Odd, because NOT ONE PROPOSAL from the membership suggested it. It was just Canale protecting management. Maybe not the oddest but definately the worse seniority based change was to "Pay Seniority".
everything is negotiable. The seniority system has changed over the years about 4 times so I'm not sure what 700 is referring to. I think the proper answer may be given by the negotiations committee after reviewing the proposals from the membership. Even in the last contract the seniority rules changed. Unfortunately, Canale decided it was better to change the seniority rules to favor America West managers during layoffs so they could bump down on the ramp. That was perhaps the oddest seniority rule that was changed. Odd, because NOT ONE PROPOSAL from the membership suggested it. It was just Canale protecting management. Maybe not the oddest but definately the worse seniority based change was to "Pay Seniority".

Has the negotiation committee started taking proposals from the membership? If they have, how do I get in touch with them to give them my proposals?

Never gonna happen

“Never gonna happen”!

These are exactly the same words verbatim that Bonar was using a year or so before the ratification of the POS 1999 CBA! This time period is when something COULD have been done about unfairly adjusted seniority without any glitches.

Instead, the Negotiating Committee chose to pursue its own agenda, while refusing to address the concerns of the Membership regarding seniority, along with a host of other issues. The condescending arrogance of Bonar, Moore and others ultimately led to a major revolt years later. The resulting discord initiated several attempts to change unions, and then ultimately led to a complete ousting of the Canale regime, and the installation of the New Direction Leaders you see today.

Seniority as it stands now for east... (I’m not sure about west) actually contains several dynamics. These factors consist of at least three seniority dates for many. First, we have date of hire DOH. Then we have Classification, and finally we have Adjusted Classification. Adjusted Classification/Classification was adopted as your Classification Date of Hire by the IAM.

Now... what concerns me regarding seniority is this... consolidation! As we continue to see mergers in the industry... your seniority date becomes extremely important! That is why you have seen the complete chaos and a forced change of unions in the Pilot Group! Each Airline has its own history of seniority accounting and administration.

In fact... Piedmont, PSA, AW, and US all had their own versions of how you, as an employee accrue seniority. The resulting Hodgepodge leaves some that are actually junior ahead of some that are senior in terms of bidding days off and vacation!

Ultimately, this seniority issue should be a decision based on the opinions and proposals from the Membership aggregate. This is where the ND is different from past entities... they are not going to say... “Never gonna happen”!

What will happen is this... the ND leadership will listen to our concerns, evaluate each concern in terms of a majority trend, and then be transparent and forthcoming with us in regards to their position on each issue. This should be followed by communication of the same in a timely manner.
Reminder--- you may comment all you want on the ISSUES, however, DO NOT attack other members with differing points of view personally--

NO insults, namecalling, or other attacks or comments aimed at SPECIFIC members will be tolerated.
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