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ALPA/USAPA topic for week of 1/31 to 2/6

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THIS JUST IN!! Looks like WAR, now.

Prater is the best recruiter against ALPA there ever was. Emergency trusteeship? Has he lost it? Would we have more respect for him if he just mooned us? :lol: Is he being vindictive now? Has he tossed the last page of the ALPA constitution into the fire?

He just doesn't get it. ALPA is almost certain to be voted out now and left for the regionals to pick over the carcass no matter how much scorched earth he attempts as it collapses.
THIS JUST IN!! Looks like WAR, now.

Prater: I sincerely hope that each will stand up publicly for ALPA. But if any of them state that they support a different union, then I will ask them to resign their ALPA position immediately. Should any elected ALPA local council representative fail at this critical time to make a clear and unequivocal statement of support for ALPA, or should any act in violation of our Constitution and By-Laws, I will call a special Executive Council meeting for the purpose of acting on my recommendation for placing that local council in emergency trusteeship.

Interesting, but hardly surprising. Hey gang..Any/All of you who've formerly posted about the virtues of "Representational Democracy" via Alpa care to chime in on this? It seems that your Mini-Me-Fuhrer speaks..and you'd best watch your tails now. Let's have a few more seriously "sincere" Harrumphs around this table!!..Right NOW!!! 😉

"emergency trusteeship" Hmmm..sounds knda' like a wimpy version of Martial Law...and..btw: WTF's the "emergency" for any of us?..other than naturally that regarding Alpo's income stream?

"Should any elected ALPA local council representative fail at this critical time to make a clear and unequivocal statement of support for ALPA...."

Names VILL be taken. Speech VILL be monitored. All those found to be disloyal VILL be PURGED!!!, and their estates forfeit to Receivership by The State....The Thought Police are everywhere! ....HeyZues , is this porcine bozo pathetic or what? No matter = let's give him a raise and some fresh limos, a better DC home/etc. It's gotta' be tough on him to scratch by on the best part of a million dollars of our dues money each year. Make sure to vote for Alpa!...and don't DARE forget to sign the Loyalty Oath at the ballot box entrance.....

Dunno 'bout anyone else, to me; this smacks of Alpo Uber Alles just a wee bit more than it suports anything even remotely related to democracy. Ah well..I may be missing the "Big Picture" here, and am all ears for hearing any devout Alpoid's enthusiastic spin on this latest, rancid BS. Comments welcome. Anyone here have a spare "Concerned Pilot" around?.Or even an extra Alpo Goat, that's not busy making another promotional video?
10 day meeting at a site where those pesky dues paying pilots, that pay alpa pilot salaries, can not distract them.

The president of alpa is a Continental pilot, they know how slippery he is, take a ride on the Continental pilots web site. You will find some familiar themes. Below is a quote from the web site, every airline has their pollack and butkovich.

"We need someone that will not have personal individual meetings with the company without the other reps knowing about it. We need someone that will represent the best interests of this pilot group, not their own personal political aspirations."

Continental pilots do not trust alpa for good reason site, click here
Interesting, but hardly surprising. Hey gang..Any/All of you who've formerly posted about the virtues of Representational Democracy via Alpa care to chime in on this?

"Should any elected ALPA local council representative fail at this critical time to make a clear and unequivocal statement of support for ALPA...."

Names vill be taken. Speech vill be monitored. All those found to be disloyal vill be purged, and their estates taken into Receivership by The State....The Thought Police are everywhere! ....HeyZues , is this bozo pathetic or what? No matter = let's give him a raise and some fresh limos, a better DC home/etc.

Dunno 'bout anyone else, to me; this smacks of Alpa Uber Alles just a wee bit more than it suports anything even remotely related to democracy. Ah well..I may be missing the "Big Picture" here, and am all ears for hearing any devout Alpoid's enthusiastic spin on this BS.

I've heard you can't change a person's true personality, and many suggest you discover that real personality when a person has about 7 or 8 beers. :lol:

You also find out a lot about a fighter when they realize they are out-skilled, backed into a corner and don't have many legitimate options left. We've all seen it on the football field. Its a pity to see a team loose more than just a game by the way they choose to loose.
I really have no idea what what going through this person's mind, but an obviously upset or inebriated poster sent me these three PM's last evening. I'll leave it up to the forum readers to try to understand what this poster's intentions are. What does he intend to accomplish? I should also add that I in no way ever confronted or challenged this individual on any level. As an aside, does this new Potemkin union, usapa, intend to have an active HIMS program? If so, here's likely your first candidate:


Pretentious Punks and essential Boredom., Today, 12:25 AM


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Hey Little Stapler Boy

I'll confess myself being wa---aay past utterly bored with pretentious AWA idiots like yourself on these boards. I've long ago offered a 5 grand stakes/always open wager for ANY AWA punk that you may recall as to "flying skills" in any agreed medium, be it fighter-fantasy events, graded simulator checks/whatever. Given that you're such a "big senior dog" out west..care to pick up the gauntlet within any arena of your own choosing?

Neg Huevos? 😉, Today, 12:42 AM


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What?..big mouth/no balls?...What an utterly perfect example of an awesome AWA/I-can-"fly"-in-a-30 degree bank only" BS excuse for a "senior" AWA "tough guy" I've got the next two weeks off, and can schedule at your hugely "senior" convenience. You set the flying enviornment terms. 5 grands' the buy in. We can establish proper judges by mutual consent....punk.
Opportunity, Today, 12:50 AM


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Consider it = You're amongst the most "senior" that the pathetic AWA ranks have to offer. You're really missing an opportunity here...just think "I beat the mouthy EastUS" in the sky/or even simulator..given the limitations of your own actual "experience". Come on..try it for the Swoosh Team ....pissant. I'll offer that I'm an "innocent" where rotorcraft are concerned..other than that = ANYTHING you would care for.....
You also find out a lot about a fighter when they realize they are out-skilled, backed into a corner and don't have many legitimate options left.

Indeed sir. Character then comes to the fore front...or, the lack thereof. Victory's always supremely desireable, but..defeat's not inherently dishonorable, whenever the issue was courageously contested. I've never much noted courage to be in Alpo's contemporary lexicon though.....
Indeed sir. Character then comes to the fore front...or, the lack thereof. Victory's always supremely desireable, but..defeat's not inherently dishonorable, whenever the issue was courageously contested. I've never much noted courage to be in Alpo's contemporary lexicon though.....

Prater keeps confusing the issue by using bellicose language saying the union reps "must support ALPA".

No union rep ever supports ALPA. They swear to serve their fellow pilots according the Constitution and Bylaws. I would hope Prater is smart enough to know the difference. Undoubtedly there are a number of reps who do.

If he asks the Reps to pledge allegiance to ALPA then I hope they school him on what the he!I terms make them a rep.

It is now more clear than ever that this never was about Nic. This is and always was about trust.

And now it is becoming more clear that ALPA is selectively choosing which votes the ALPA members are allowed to participate in and which ones they are not. How can an organization expect their members to have any confidence in a vote conducted by that organization that impedes or allows membership vote merely according to the whim of its leaders?
I really have no idea what what going through this person's mind, but an obviously upset or inebriated poster sent me these three PM's last evening. I'll leave it up to the forum readers to try to understand what this poster's intentions are. What does he intend to accomplish? I should also add that I in no way ever confronted or challenged this individual on any level. As an aside, does this new Potemkin union, usapa, intend to have an active HIMS program? If so, here's likely your first candidate:

Pretentious Punks and essential Boredom., Today, 12:25 AM

What?..big mouth/no balls?...What an utterly perfect example of an awesome AWA/I-can-"fly"-in-a-30 degree bank only" BS excuse for a "senior" AWA "tough guy" I've got the next two weeks off, and can schedule at your hugely "senior" convenience. You set the flying enviornment terms. 5 grands' the buy in. We can establish proper judges by mutual consent....punk.

Consider it = You're amongst the most "senior" that the pathetic AWA ranks have to offer. You're really missing an opportunity here...just think "I beat the mouthy EastUS" in the sky/or even simulator..given the limitations of your own actual "experience". Come on..try it for the Swoosh Team ....pissant.

So...(without posting any/all westie PM's) I'll take that as a "no" then? OK..... Breathlessly awaiting the next lecture on 'HONOR", "Integrity" and especially....how to "Man Up" from the west :lol:
So...(without posting any/all westie PM's) I'll take that as a "no" then? OK..... Breathlessly awaiting the next lecture on 'HONOR", "Integrity" and especially....how to "Man Up" from the west :lol:

Sorry, east. I will NOT waste my time by entering into any personal agreement with you or anyone else from your side of the street - when has anyone over there lived up to their obligations with their counterparts on the West???

As far a bravery goes, when has usapa ever even thought of coming to PHX or LAS with a roadshow??? Seems to me, if that union is such a good deal, you boys would be proudly selling its advantages to EVERYONE.
Sorry, east. I will NOT waste my time by entering into any personal agreement with you or anyone else from your side of the street - when has anyone over there lived up to their obligations with their counterparts on the West???

As far a bravery goes, when has usapa ever even thought of coming to PHX or LAS with a roadshow??? Seems to me, if that union is such a good deal, you boys would be proudly selling its advantages to EVERYONE.

"Sorry, east. I will NOT waste my time by entering into any personal agreement with you or anyone else from your side of the street "

Your smarmy BS merely bores me..and if you're truly amongst the most "senior" out there?....Words truly fail me. Be advised that with that position comes the responsibility due to those in your ranks that look up to you. no matter....Have a nice life.

"As far a bravery goes"...Spare me, and do yourself creditable service by not mentioning such terms. You just finished eschewing an honorable challenge by running to the "principal's office"/moderator's home, seeking "politically correct" assistance for your sorry position, ..and that was merely a wager, and hardly any life or death issue requiring "bravery"....

Is "As far as bravery goes" the latest AWA derivative slander of "HONOR", "integrity" "man up" and whatever else smarmy little BS your side so loves to produce?..without the least bit of backup?

We'll have to work through all this with both our groups. There's no inherent need for me to offer you the least bit of pretended respect, nor expect any such from your side...after all; Didn't St Nic say all your wishes would be granted?...and that you're all thusly "special" in some mysterious way? 😉
Prater is the best recruiter against ALPA there ever was. Emergency trusteeship? Has he lost it? Would we have more respect for him if he just mooned us? :lol: Is he being vindictive now? Has he tossed the last page of the ALPA constitution into the fire?

He just doesn't get it. ALPA is almost certain to be voted out now and left for the regionals to pick over the carcass no matter how much scorched earth he attempts as it collapses.

You guys just don't get it. There are certain things that you are allowed to do, and other things you can't. It is one thing to support a different group, no problem; but if your guys are playing both sides, they should be forced to resign.
You guys just don't get it. There are certain things that you are allowed to do, and other things you can't. It is one thing to support a different group, no problem; but if your guys are playing both sides, they should be forced to resign.

You do not get it!

The only side a representative should take is the pilot's side, none otherwise, not the company nor the union mother-ship. That is exactly why ALPA lost the east pilots, because, for once, the east pilots realized that Natl should work for the pilot, not the other way around. You may wish to read up on representational governance, something that needs periodic reaffirming by all parties.

Demanding a loyalty oath cloaks the entire structure in feudal overtones, it is a tax on the integrity of the serfs and will only result in all serfs being equally poor.

Good leadership neither requires nor demands a "loyalty oath" of any kind. Demanding such is only useful for future blackmail and is only resorted to by really bad "leadership".

I just wish the east pilots could do the same to their management that they are doing to the union "mother-ship", reaffirming responsibilities to cull the brokers, leaving the airline managers.
I've been out flying every week this year and I see an awful lot of the Gold with Blue type USAPA lanyards. Don't know what exactly that means for the future but it is an interesting measurement of support.

Or a barometer of emotions and stupidity...
I didn't post here to insult others or have others insulted.
I'll leave that to you & other pilots who seem to have the market cornered on behaving like grey haired 5th graders.

If the shoe fits my friend.

I think you meant "gray" and not "grey". This is the United States, not England.
Have a great day!
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