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ALPA/USAPA topic of the week

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"cellpadding="0""??? How do you avoid injuring yourself even further then?..Good Lord!...Don't the Doctors know? :lol:

Seriously though...I do very much love the sound of "unencumbered by ALPA" 😉

That...was very funny. I didn't even notice the cellpadding part. I usually look for humor in everything, and I wouldn't normally miss that.
That...was very funny. I didn't even notice the cellpadding part. I usually look for humor in everything, and I wouldn't normally miss that.

An essential level of awareness is required for survival..which Alpo, based upon the last year's, and certainly most recent time period, clearly lacks :lol: Umm...I'll "assume" that you're at least marginally "aware" of the fact that the CLT reps are avoiding any recall actions largely due to their refusals of certified letters from the membership?..during TWO attempted sendings?...and, although at least one did "make the mistake" of accepting such, instead, chose/choose to pretend there isn't any issue?..."Duhh!!..I don't know's 'bout no recall requests"/etc...and yet, immediately ran crying to Mommy National for "guidance"? 🙄 There seems much that the average "investor"/dues payer's not made privvy too via Alpo 🙄 Ya' know?..You really might want to "look around you" a wee bit more in your future life 😉

As for "I wouldn't normally miss that"..ummm.sure...you've apparently "missed" quite a lot.......whether by political intent, or perceptual limitations..well..the effect's the same.
Welcome to the EastUS and AAA73 thread...

Love it how they amuse, entertain and satisfy each other!!! Go Boyz! 🙂

Thanks Dear....ummm..sorry if none here have yet asked you out..but... issues pertaining to "amuse, entertain and satisfy each other!!! " must be sadly left to your own personal interactions and initiatives..and Alpoids just ain't my type..sorry..can't help you 🙄

Have a great evening..Good Luck.

PS: Thanks for the amusement though..You see?...It's not really specific to any given poster(s) 😉
After all that ALPA has done to deny pilots the right to vote, and now even removed the PHL representatives while protecting the CLT reps from recall, all to abscond with the MEC elections... the corruption is being flaunted now.

" the corruption is being flaunted now."

It always has been flagrantly flaunted..there simply hasn't been any "Revolution" untill now. :lol: :up:

LET'S...VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
" the corruption is being flaunted now."

It always has been flagrantly flaunted..there simply hasn't been any "Revolution" untill now. :lol: :up:

LET'S...VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

I was once sitting on the fence on the alpa/usapa direction but ALPA National has shown its true colors. After this action it is now USAPA all the way. Prater is so out of touch. We have been to hell and back and a brain of our own.
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