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ALPA/USAPA topic of the week

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Union buster? Now proud ALPA member? Great just great

Be serious sir: A proven record of self-interested hypocrisy's likely perceived as an attribute within the Alpa ranks :lol: I mean, c'mon..Don't most interviewers look for like-minded individuals to join their establishments? 🙄

"The sooner the better Polls open March 20th" Amen!
Be serious sir:
I'm in "shock and awe". Shock in how low ALPA will go to protect this property. Awe in the size of the cojones they have. Patiently waiting for the next move to come out of the MEC. Maybe you're right, Pollock for Chairman of the R & I Committee. :lol:
Gee...I guess I was wrong about C41 reps recruiting for USAPA. No matter, now they can concentrate on USAPA unencumbered by ALPA.

Oh...and Jack DID put out a message...check your email:


-----Original Message-----
From: aaamec-rt@ames.alpa.org [mailto:aaamec-rt@ames.alpa.org]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 8:39 PM
To: aaamec-rt
Subject: AAA MEC Chairman's Message -- March 3, 2008


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Attached is the MEC Chairman's message for March 3, 2008.

This is MEC Chairman Jack Stephan with a Chairman's message to the pilots for Monday, March 3rd.

Today, the Executive Council met in Washington, DC, to consider ALPA President Captain John Prater’s recommendation that PHL Council 41 be placed into emergency trusteeship under the charges that the Council 41 LEC representatives are actively supporting USAPA.

The Executive Council approved the emergency trusteeship, which takes effect immediately. The Council 41 LEC reps no longer hold office as Local Council 41 officers or status representatives, members of the ALPA US Airways MEC, or members of the ALPA Board of Directors. They will be afforded the appropriate notice of a hearing to be held before the Executive Board as required under ALPA’s Constitution and By-Laws.

The Council 41 reps were invited to attend the Executive Council meeting today and to make a presentation. They declined to do so and also declined to participate by conference call. Failing to state their support for ALPA in the representation election, their opposition to USAPA, and their commitment to urge Local Council 41 pilots to vote for ALPA, as requested by Captain Prater, the Executive Council unanimously passed two resolutions upholding Captain Prater’s recommendation for trusteeship.

As I said in my previous chairman’s message, if the Council 41 reps failed to respond to the Executive Council and a decision was made by the Council to uphold the trusteeship, ALPA's Constitution and By-laws call for a process to ensure that the Council 41 pilots are represented by an individual or individuals who will quickly take over their representative duties. To that end, Captain Clyde Romero and Captain Jack Lawrence have been appointed as trustees for Council 41. These pilots will perform Council 41’s representative duties for the time being.

It is truly a sad day for our pilot group when one of our councils has to be placed into trusteeship due to a representational dispute. But the unfortunate reality is that this kind of predicament comes with the territory of being an elected union representative. It is my understanding that other unions would have been far less tolerant in allowing individual reps to sit on the fence with respect to publicly stating their allegiance during a representational dispute. Pilots have the right to make a decision about their future and who will represent them, but there should never be a doubt about who your ALPA volunteers support and where they stand. You already know where the MEC officers stand. And, as I’ve said, we'll be asking every ALPA volunteer soon if they are going to support ALPA or USAPA in the representation election. It’s our collective right to know.

I have no doubt that there are many PHL based pilots who will say that their reps were representing their interests just fine, and I have no doubt that many of these PHL pilots might be USAPA supporters as well. If any MEC member or committee volunteer thinks they can best represent our pilots by changing unions, then they need to be open about that. If they feel that is not the case, they need to state that as well. In the meantime, we will provide you with more information on the technicalities and ramifications of the trusteeship and what it will mean for the PHL pilots.

It will be incumbent on the rest of this MEC to decide where they stand in the current representation dispute. I made that clear to them in my opening remarks this morning. During our MEC meeting this week in CLT, we will be refining our strategy on separate operations and parity as well as discussing the proposal we received from the company on the announced China service. When we come out of this meeting, we will be taking our MEC plan on the road and into the crew rooms. This MEC will be providing you with a decision as well. We believe that our path is the one that will best protect you from the Nicolau Award as well as providing you with the quickest path to parity and other long-overdue contractual improvements. And most importantly, our plan will allow for separate pilot membership ratifications.

Bottom line—your MEC’s primary goal remains the same, to protect you from the damage that Nicolau caused. This MEC feels that the best way to succeed is remaining in ALPA. We look forward to discussing the strengths of our plan with you soon.

Thanks for listening. As always, fly safe and continue to look out for each other.

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I'm in "shock and awe". Shock in how low ALPA will go to protect this property. Awe in the size of the cojones they have. Patiently waiting for the next move to come out of the MEC. Maybe you're right, Pollock for Chairman of the R & I Committee. :lol:

We seriously differ on one point = "Awe in the size of the cojones they have" They, like most all "career politicans", Imho, are of the canaille sort that'd run at the sound of the first shot :lol: Prater, sword flourished astride a war steed's a tough portrait to paint 😉

"Maybe you're right, Pollock for Chairman of the R & I Committee." It'd make perfect "Alpo sense"...he's got tremendous experience in surrendering pensions without even a respectable whimper, and certainly without any membership input, and signing off on the theft even when the very BK Judge noted that he couldn't just "take" them without an Alpoid signature...and, most importantly? = He's a "Concerned Pilot" and devout Alpoid :lol: Who better for the job then? 😉 It's just tragic that we've not yet many, MANY more of such resolute individuals "representing" us so far...but....the "appointments" are only starting up though..so I still have hope 😉
Gee...I guess I was wrong about C41 reps recruiting for USAPA. No matter, now they can concentrate on USAPA unencumbered by ALPA.

Oh...and Jack DID put out a message...check your email:

My e-mail is fine. Only problem is, I don't get ALPA e-mail directly. But thanks for your concern.

Maybe you're right about them though. However, they won't be working for USAPA in any official capacity. They could volunteer like I do, but nice try in your fishing expedition.
Gee...I guess I was wrong about C41 reps recruiting for USAPA. No matter, now they can concentrate on USAPA unencumbered by ALPA.

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"cellpadding="0""??? How do you avoid injuring yourself even further then?..Good Lord!...Don't the Doctors know? :lol:

Seriously though...I do very much love the sound of "unencumbered by ALPA" 😉

Fellow pilots,

Wherever you stand on the issues, and no matter whom you support on the MEC, the imposition of trusteeship of one of our councils by the national union, just days before our MEC officer election, amounts to nothing more than outside interference in the representative structure of the US Airways pilots. All three of our MEC Officers and many of our Committee Chairmen are up for re-election during the 1st Quarter meeting that started on Monday. Removing any council from the MEC just prior to these elections, changes the dynamics of the elections. This is a calculated move in ALPA National's playbook designed to influence the makeup of the US Airways MEC which, in their view, will increase ALPA National's chances in the upcoming NMB election.

The timing of the trusteeship is a direct assault by a national union on one of their locals, and one should assume that there are many more plays in the national playbook. Every single US Airways pilot should be outraged at the timing of this action.

USAPA would like to remind the US Airways pilots that it does not matter what council the national union desires to remove, there is a better way. Since USAPA protects only the interest of US Airways pilots, other organizations will be unable to directly influence or tamper with USAPA’s internal elections. USAPA is the pilot’s choice!


Stephen Bradford
Interim President

I....just...don't...KNOW!..That's truly a tough one. Let me see:

1) An "Association" who's clear purpose is self perpetuation, and the maintenance of a select "Royalty" busilly enriching themselves at the "peasants' " expense, and who's "principles" have yet again been demonstrated via demanded "Loyalty Oaths", purges, and direct opposition to even the slightest democratic ideals...or:

2) A Union based upon membership democracy and specific representation, without ties to outside interests of any kind.

Sheesh!..I've really got to "think" on this one :lol:
Can ALPA impose a new contract while the property is in dispute? I think they can continue negotiations. Even come to an agreement with the company, but can it be presented for a vote or imposed? ...

Can ALPA give away our pension without membership ratification?

After all that ALPA has done to deny pilots the right to vote, and now even removed the PHL representatives while protecting the CLT reps from recall, all to abscond with the MEC elections... the corruption is being flaunted now.

The only reason anyone at USAir would vote for ALPA in the representational election is that they too want their share of the 30 pieces of silver.

I agree that everyone has a right to vote their conscience in the election, but Prater is no longer interested in this election being about representation. This is about kissing the ALPA ring. He seems to have completely lost it and is bent on vindictiveness as his only solace?
Gee...I guess I was wrong about C41 reps recruiting for USAPA. No matter, now they can concentrate on USAPA unencumbered by ALPA.

Oh...and Jack DID put out a message...check your email:

RHighness is that you? 😛h34r:
Welcome to the EastUS and AAA73 thread...

Love it how they amuse, entertain and satisfy each other!!! Go Boyz! 🙂
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