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Every piece of cargo over 200 pounds is supposed to have a heavy sticker. Look for it, or it's absence.


What about palletized freight?...There was a time when we couldn't take frt if it was on a pallet because it ruined the floors
"You guys need to stop spreading this type of rumor just to stir things up.
There is no info from the IAM about such an action so until we have real facts stop please"

FUZZ it is a fact. You will be officially hearing about it so. I spoke with one of the neg earlier today

and it's true..
just another little tid bit for the westies,

that great pay raise would have come in 6 month increments . SO if you were expecting a big 5.00 hr raise from the get go..

It wasn't going to happen . and if you guys went under our scope as far as class II goes. your looking at about 1200 jobs

GONE. so those guys would have never seen that raise much less keep there jobs..
just another little tid bit for the westies,

that great pay raise would have come in 6 month increments . SO if you were expecting a big 5.00 hr raise from the get go..

It wasn't going to happen . and if you guys went under our scope as far as class II goes. your looking at about 1200 jobs

GONE. so those guys would have never seen that raise much less keep there jobs..

WOW that is Rapeing the west!! WHY doesnt DP take a pay cut!!!

HEY DP thanks for takeing care of the WEST, Dont worry we will take care of you 😉
anyone getting a profit sharing check in a few weeks be sure to thank an eastie. for voting NO back in Sep..
"WOW that is Rapeing the west!! WHY doesnt DP take a pay cut!!!

HEY DP thanks for takeing care of the WEST, Dont worry we will take care of you"

welcome to the aviation world of dirty CEO's. lets see this is my 3rd one..

sidenote: I notice DP doesn't seem to doing those station breakroom tours very much anymore.. wonder why ???
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