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ALPA/USAPA topic of the week

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This is a big world eastUS,

We differ It does not take long to "drive around" this globe of ours. You should supposedly know better, with all your previous posted evidence of fabulous experience ocean hopping whilst being "under tremendous pressure" regarding simple issues of fuel management. What other piece of the Rosetta Stone/font of all wisdom were you offering?..Oh yes = It's not a fantasyland...good of you to give lip service to that, if not any reasoned action.

What else? = Ah yes: "But doing that also shows very little intelligence.." OK..sigh..some would mistake that observation for merely being the bleatings of a pompous little bore, but: Select the IQ test/battery thereof you're comfy with. Name the stakes you feel able to afford. I'd so love to have even one of your sort actually back his mouth up..even for just one time...on anything..at any level...just ONCE even. I mean Garsh/golly-gee...maybe you're truly intelligent. I'd think it good fun to find out 😉

"Sittting where I sit and knowing what I know, I just can't help to feel just a tiny bit sorry for y'all." My Mother was great fan of certain show dogs..within which numbered some few chihuahuas..I recognize that style of yapping from memory. Your skills at mimicry are amazing...all you've failed to do so far is run under the couch.

oops..Where did he go?
The west's only rational argument is to frame the situation that US was going to fail, somehow before HP, contrary to your own CEO's pronouncements. Your own CEO said US would go to bk 11 (meaning they would have to get DIP financing through another vehicle) yet he said HP would liquidate.

Can you provide links to support that? I never ever saw anything that said liquidation for HP.
EastUS -

Do you ever stay on topic? Do you ever recognize facts? Have you seen the recent Hemmenway letter? The one about A330 tech stops on the China routes?

I heard that management is really worried about those tech stops - you east guys are so friggen old, they're not sure you have the stamina to make it on that super long duty day - with TWO whole landings. :shock:

Hahahaha.......that's too funny. :lol:

Have a nice weekend, blowhard. Go visit your Mom - take her to a dog show.
Ummm...refresh my memory: What did you personally "bring"?

Give it a rest. Your assertion that the jobs the West pilots had the day before the merger don't belong to them is ridiculous.

If nobody brought a job to the merger how can you argue that we are entitled to the job advancement (retirement attrition) we brought to the merger.
Say what you will but Bruce Lakefield was the smart guy. He kept the old US open long enough to dump it on someone else.
Just long enough. Just before the BK exit, US was down to about $400 million in "cash" - and burning nearly $200 million a quarter.

Give it a rest. Your assertion that the jobs the West pilots had the day before the merger don't belong to them is ridiculous.
Uh, he modified the word "brought" with the word, "personally", rendering your criticism somewhat misdirected.
Just long enough. Just before the BK exit, US was down to about $400 million in "cash" - and burning nearly $200 million a quarter.
So, assuming everything the same (love those assumptions) and the numbers aired were not just for the benefit of regulatory agencies and employee groups, that gave US six months and HP three months of future existence.

I wonder how the meme got started that HP was the "stronger" carrier? Nits aside, I would assume, based on the above, they were both cratering and LOS or some other chronological means would have been utilized for a pilot merged list. Even some effort on the part of the arbitration apparatus to match earning potential to length of service would have seemed like some sort of concern to the parties and perhaps resulted in a relatively expeditious merge. (Please, don't bring up "relative seniority" because what he did was about as relative as an apple is to an otter).

Instead, the arbitrator did all but staple the largest group to the bottom, guaranteeing endless amusement for himself as the largest group finds a way to stand on their own two feet and assert themselves. If his point included a little social engineering, well, good for him. If it was to toss his medals over the fence, then, (not as much, but) good for him also.

BTW, there was a plan B that did not include liquidation for US. Don't know about HP. You don't think someone like Lakefield got where he did just to toss it all away with a hail mary, do you?
My Hero!...You personally saved us!!!..What did Doug say after you you convinced him to do that?. ....and here we are being so very ungreatfull...Sigh

Glad you finally realized that, even if it is sarcastic.
Ummm...refresh my memory: What did you personally "bring"? I can only recall bringing myself.. I don't remember putting a bit in my teeth and heroically dragging a 767 anywhere. I can't even remember packing up a "job" in bubble warp and FedEx-ing it anywhere. maybe I totally missed seeing other people "Bring",,well,,,, ANYTHING., other than their experience and professional knowledge. What did I miss?

PS: Can one actually "own" a "job" so as to "Bring" it anywhere? If so: Can I sub-lease mine out then? After all..It's "mine"....I "brought" it. Well: Cool. "Help Wanted. Idiot seeking out an existence almost entirely away from home. Must be willing to have circadian rythm surgically removed to facilitate ready travel between time zones. All Glory/No Work...be willing to accept half my current pay as this is but a lease opportunity."

What don't you get??? You can "sub-lease" your out if you want-call it a LOA. Now I know you don't want to play these cute games with cute little bits of sarcasm and play on words, and such, it doesn't go anywhere. If you don't understand the basic concept of "ownership", you cannot be helped. The job that each West pilot brought to the table was his or her own. Its that simple. Have a nice day.
US Airways rebuffs pilots

US Airways has rejected a request to begin talks on a separate contract with pilots who flew for the former America West Airlines before the 2005 merger. The pilots union told the company yesterday that it wanted to start the talks in 30 days to protect their jobs after failed attempts to secure a new, unified labor agreement. Pilots from the two airlines have been in a dispute over how to mesh seniority lists, and suspended talks with the airline in August. Some US Airways pilots have sought a vote on switching to an independent union from the Air Line Pilots Association.
US Airways rebuffs pilots

US Airways has rejected a request to begin talks on a separate contract with pilots who flew for the former America West Airlines before the 2005 merger. The pilots union told the company yesterday that it wanted to start the talks in 30 days to protect their jobs after failed attempts to secure a new, unified labor agreement. Pilots from the two airlines have been in a dispute over how to mesh seniority lists, and suspended talks with the airline in August. Some US Airways pilots have sought a vote on switching to an independent union from the Air Line Pilots Association.
Where did this come from? Do you have a reference? Is it something you made up?
The company has stated numerous times they're not interested in seperate negotiations so this is no surprise. The announcement to go seperate Section Six by the AWA MEC is primarily a political move with ramifications if USAPA wins.
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