Your research is still off. McIlvennas grievance wasnt filed until five months AFTER ALPA was voted off the island. Theres no connect between it and McIlvennas letter to Bradford. Before ALPA was canned, USAPA and Bradford had no standing. AFTER ALPA was canned, McIlvenna had no standing, especially as a non-member intent on destroying USAPA. But since you mention Section 6, your own MEC, run by McIlvenna REFUSED Section 6 in June 2006, even though the old East MEC voted unanimous resolution of support. Those are the facts. Why didnt your old MEC go to ALPA National and the company and demand Section 6 while you were still ALPA? Dont trying laying off your own mistakes on USAPA.
VI. Operational Pilot Integration
A. Except as provided in paragraph B. below, the airline operations of America West and US Airways, with respect to pilots, shall be merged no later than twelve (12) months following the later of (i) completion of the integrated pilot seniority list and (ii) negotiation of the Single Agreement provided that if by that date a single FAA operating certificate has not been issued, the airline operations, with respect to pilots, will be merged effective with the first bid period following thirty (30) days after the issuance of such certificate.The Airline Parties will make every reasonable effort in good faith to secure a single FAA operating certificate for America West and US Airways as promptly as practicable. The merger of the airline operations, with respect to pilots, under this paragraph A. is defined as the "Operational Pilot Integration."
In reply to another post about your guys not drueling over the wide-bodies. One of your own, who grew up 50 miles north of my farm in Bucks County was even looking at houses to move back to PA. Or so he said on the jump seat.