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US Pilots Labor Discussion 8/11- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Callaway, The legal money is a easy one, the west helps us with every paycheck. We don't need to do the cheesy badge backer thing.
Yes. And you turn around and help Parker immensely with your generous commitment to work under bankruptcy wages and rules long after you were brought out by the merger. What's your point?
If you actually had any facts to back up any of your arguments you may be a little more effective. But continuing to spout crew room BS only hurts your case. Maybe if you guys understood what the Nicolau actually says instead of what the hard liners told you it said we could have saved a lot of years.

One last time, please try and learn. I have posted this before.

Average age at AAA DOB 5/1/1956 54 years not your claimed 58 plus
Average age at AWA DOB 9/6/1962 48 years not 35 years as some may think.
OK cleared, your the man with the numbers. Is this with all of the east and west list? East furloughed? How about only down to O'dell, where after that the east doesn't count anyway. No sense using those younger pilots in the average because they were stapled. You put a number and it's gospel? You know what they say about statistic's? Stupid? humm....
We don't need to do the cheesy badge backer thing.


Are you wearing the "union pilot" facing blue, symbolizing the depression caused by your low pay and crappy work rules, or, are you wearing the "union pilot" facing red, symbolizing anger at a world that does not kowtow to repugnant behavior?

Talk about cheesy.

There is nothing to put to a vote! This isn't Mesa/Trans States or some dirt bag non-sked. It isn't your AWA. Team Tempe doesn't want a contract. A contract will cost them big bucks. Dougie and Scottie realize they are dealing with a different group than the faithful ALPA boys. Contracts take a very long time to complete. Sit back and relax we are on the NMB timeline. Your X-BOX generation will not reach the next level..........too bad. The best thing that could happen to you guys out west would be a split off. Practice up that brick yard call sign.

USAPA is the best money we ever spent. No jumping the line.

Is this because the cowardly leadership at usapa knows its membership would ratify a new contract, thus undermining thier attempt to steal and sabotage the careers of West pilots? Or is it because the cowardly leadership at usapa has to resort to threats and racketeering to 'control' its membership (al-qaeda?)

Your group of amatuers have gotten spanked at every turn. Keep losing. Nic Rules the day. Get used to honoring your agreements.

Its called Integrity.

Usapa = Another day, another day without a contract. Because we suck.
The neutrals had no legal bearing on the outcome of the arbitration.

"In recognition of their efforts it has not been an easy task, I could not conclude this Opinion without thanking Captain Brucia and Captain Gillen for their immeasurable guidance and assistance."

George Nicolau

The Nicolau finding

By the way in the current UAL, CAL merger, Brucia and Gillen are on their respective merger committees.
Yes. And you turn around and help Parker immensely with your generous commitment to work under bankruptcy wages and rules long after you were brought out by the merger. What's your point?
You have probably worked under a inferior contract for Parker many more years than I have. So I feel I have a long way to go to match your contribution. It was your choice, nobody made you take the job. America West=inferior contract
Is this because the cowardly leadership at usapa knows its membership would ratify a new contract, thus undermining thier attempt to steal and sabotage the careers of West pilots?
That's great, you think people actually sit around and try to think of ways to steal or sabotage a west pilots career? You took a job at America West, so much for the career possiblitys. LOL
You statements about Captain Sullenberger is a very cowardly attempt to advance your less than admirable cause. Inexcusable use of an honorable mans name for selfish purposes. Disgusting.

Did you actually just post that?

You are aware that usapa put Sullenberger on the witness stand at the Addington trial right?

But hey, if the wet shoe fits, wear it I suppose.
You statements about Captain Sullenberger is a very cowardly attempt to advance your less than admirable cause. Inexcusable use of an honorable mans name for selfish purposes. Disgusting.
??? He testified about some crazy story of telling his daughter what integrity means, and on cross exam he was (predictably) asked if integrity means honoring one's agreements. The witness answered "yes." What's with your hysteria?

"In recognition of their efforts it has not been an easy task, I could not conclude this Opinion without thanking Captain Brucia and Captain Gillen for their immeasurable guidance and assistance."
George Nicolau
There's only one signature on page 35.

By the way in the current UAL, CAL merger, Brucia and Gillen are on their respective merger committees.
You mean the Brucia that said this:

"Finally, I would like to reaffirm my opinion that the Chairman Nicolau demonstrated exceptional judgment and wisdom working through many difficult and challenging issues including disparate aircraft types, routes, compensation systems, and pilot staffing formulas to mention just a few. It has been a privilege to work together with Chairman Nicolau and Captain Gillin on this Opinion and Award."
Your damn right I posted that, boyman

Well then perhaps you would like to explain to the viewing audience Sullenberger's expertise in contract reneging or arbitration avoidence, that would require his testimony on the subject of integrity as defined for his daughter during testimony.

Otherwise, it pretty much looks like Sullenberger allowed himself to be used by usapa for their dishonorable selfish purposes.

"boyman"? I am laughing very hard right now. okay, better now, had to wipe the tears from my eyes. Thanks for the laugh!
??? He testified about some crazy story of telling his daughter what integrity means, and on cross exam he was (predictably) asked if integrity means honoring one's agreements. The witness answered "yes." What's with your hysteria?

There's only one signature on page 35.

You mean the Brucia that said this:

"Finally, I would like to reaffirm my opinion that the Chairman Nicolau demonstrated exceptional judgment and wisdom working through many difficult and challenging issues including disparate aircraft types, routes, compensation systems, and pilot staffing formulas to mention just a few. It has been a privilege to work together with Chairman Nicolau and Captain Gillin on this Opinion and Award."

And just exactly what did you expect him to say??

You mean the Brucia that said this:

"Finally, I would like to reaffirm my opinion that the Chairman Nicolau demonstrated exceptional judgment and wisdom working through many difficult and challenging issues including disparate aircraft types, routes, compensation systems, and pilot staffing formulas to mention just a few. It has been a privilege to work together with Chairman Nicolau and Captain Gillin on this Opinion and Award."
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say, Brucia's and Gillian's opinions are irrelevent. When Wolf tried to merge USAirways with United, the UAL pilots showed their true colors. Not unlike the west pilots want now, a 1 1/2 year seniority UAL pilot thought he should be senior to someone with 13 years at USAirways.
As far as Nicolau deciding anything about someone else's profession, especially in the airline industry, he probably should have excused himself. At the very least, read up on what the word windfall means in this business.
Personally, I will never vote on a contract that puts a pilot with less years of service in front of me. period!
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