Recent america west pilot update below, explaining how they went from 50 percent support to 100 percent to taylor their requirements for class action legal status, a miracle.
""It is amazing how the West pilots had to lose our name, lose our union and face the total abandonment of OUR former management in order to clearly define ourselves. Though the AWA pilots may not be unified on every conceivable issue, the challenges of this merger have cemented us together like nothing before. Prior to last week's update, Leonidas LLC had received financial contributions from just over half of our active pilot group. We thought that represented pretty solid support. However, once it was known that the judge would require Leonidas to turn over its contribution records (less the individual names), those who had been procrastinating with their money decided to no longer delay and effectively go on record (with their wallets, and not just their words) as supportive of our mission and the litigation effort. As of 2000Z on Friday, a super-majority, had materialized, and it appears now that it will not be long before we have achieved nearly unanimous financial support.
We stated at the onset of this mission that we would like to raise at least one-million dollars for the necessary legal battles that will be required to simply compel our adversaries to keep their word. We are well on our way, so please keep it up.""