Take out the 517, the supervisory pilots, and the ones on medical and furlough, then whip out your pocket calculator and apply the ratios to what's left and POOF...you have the NIC award.
Difficult and challenging??? A 5th grader could do it. It was punitive because the East MEC demanded straight DOH, plain and simple. They were wrong to press their point, but the firestorm the NIC has caused proves it didn't come with much wisdom.
One other point about DOH and LOS... just personal opinion here but I don't think DOH should trump LOS in any kind of list.
Fire away!
Driver B)
No fire here, I will leave that to the westies. I agree with your statement, but instead of the idea of sticking to DOH(actually LOS) being wrong, I see it more as being dumb. When I shared my view with my rep that I didn't think that LOS would fly, he agreed. He said we just had to go through the process and it was kind of like buying a car, you don't go to the manager with your best offer. AWA didn't go into arbitration with any lofty moral proposal either. There are those that thought the east should have it all, but I don't believe it was the majority.
I think it was the same with the UA mergers. Jetz lists a long list of grievance against the US pilots, and I have a few against UA pilots, but we never got to a seniority proposal, did we? Sure there were a few a hole east pilots(I freely admit we have one or two
🙄 ) running their mouths about their 747 manuals, but there were a few a hole UA pilots telling me I wasn't worthy of being a UA pilot.
Mergers bring out the worst sometimes. I had a DL pilot in the hotel van the other day telling me how bad he was screwed by their merger, and it was supposed to be the poster child for mergers. How about those websites by CO pilots?
I think the east saw the process play out over many mergers and thought they had it all figured out. When the Nic came out as bad as it was perceived on the east, the shock and anger were too much and for the first time there was the right combination of anger and ability to do something about it-the majority got screwed bad enough to make them act.
I think calling the Nic award wise is like calling certain management teams wise. They manage to get somethings right, but screw up a lot more.