Leo, YGTBK! "Every East Pilot?" Like USAPA non-members? Dues objectors? Those on the "hit-list" like Susie? Huh? Targeting $70M? That is so laughable? Thats owned by east pilots, not the union. And what "harm?" Until a list is in place, no harm, no foul.
My stock options came from the company, not from alpa. Yes, I have my answer.
Your "Leonidas" thinks its a done deal. Wakes "remedy?" Remedy to what? No contract=no NIC or no DOH=no damages. Not even Wake can input damages, if any, until theirs a contract. You act like this $70M is somehow under USAPAs control. Its not. Its owned by every East pilot, usapa member or not.
Snark, "cactus" means something else in France, where female controllers wont even use it. "ALPHA-WHISKEY-ECHO 700, turn left heading 090."