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US Airways Pilots' Labor Thread 2/24-3/3

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Yep! Looks like a run off for President and Vice President.

Could be Mowery and Mowrey. Now that would be confusing.

I was really pulling for Cleary. As the wellspring of caustic emotion and vindictive bullying, he's done more to galvanize the West's participation and legal case than anyone...except the ambulance chaser Seeham. :lol:

C'mon! anybody that can think up the sophomoric "watch what they do not what they say" slogan can surely be sophisticated enough to run a group of myopic, fratricidal, kamikaze baboons AKA the BPR!!

Zero progress, millions of dollars wasted, no leverage, endless litigation, and an un-winnable legal position. In other Eastie words...PERFECT!!!

Vote Cleary in the runoff. I would but I haven't paid a dime.
Can you clarify your in house joke to the masses sir?

Sure. In order to claim "illegal activity" one, (at least in the United States) would have to be bothered with actually PROVING IT IN A COURT OF LAW. Since the Politburo of USAPA didn't bother to do that, and since they have actually zero defensible proof that any of the 17 actually did anything wrong, they spent 100k on nothing. Hence dismissed with prejudice. Hence the lawsuit.

IS A JOKE. Unfortunately for you and the rest of the dues payers...the joke is on you. :blink:
Vote Cleary in the runoff. I would but I haven't paid a dime.

Then I guess you have absolutely no voice in any election and none need care the slghtest about what you think, or what candidate best suits your wishes.
Sure. In order to claim "illegal activity" one, (at least in the United States) would have to be bothered with actually PROVING IT IN A COURT OF LAW. Since the Politburo of USAPA didn't bother to do that, and since they have actually zero defensible proof that any of the 17 actually did anything wrong, they spent 100k on nothing. Hence dismissed with prejudice. Hence the lawsuit.

IS A JOKE. Unfortunately for you and the rest of the dues payers...the joke is on you. :blink:

I recommend that the defendants fain the air of remorse in front of the judge. This is a recommendation from
a "friend" of mine who had an error in judgment that was validated by factual, documented incidents.
I recommend that the defendants fain the air of remorse in front of the judge. This is a recommendation from
a "friend" of mine who had an error in judgment that was validated by factual, documented incidents.

We differ there sir. I'd prefer the standard west display of "and we hate you guys".."I hate all of youse"..umm.."Righteous" anger and indignation. I'd think that sufficent to disgust most any jury :lol: Oh well..It'll be an interesting little play to watch in any case.
We differ there isr. I'd prefer the standard west display of "and we hate you guys".."I hate all of youse"..umm.."Righteous" anger and indignation. I'd think that sufficent to disgust most any jury :lol: Oh well..It'll be an interesting little play to watch in any case.

Just as an aside, the "we hate you guys" missive is a quote attributed to one of the Westyz (who was) running for a usapa position.

He received ZERO votes. Zero. Nuff said......

There is very little personal hate - the feelings would be more characterized as repugnance, revulsion, and disgust - and these are aimed squarely at the collective which is called usapa. Most of the East individuals I have shared dialog with out there on the line have been tolerably pleasant. Of course, I haven't met all......

But don't let fact get in the way of sensationalism, east. Your "entertainment factor" and subject material would dry up rather quickly, I'm afraid.......LOL.
Just as an aside, the "we hate you guys" missive is a quote attributed to one of the Westyz (who was) running for a usapa position.

Both predicable spin and complete BS...not like I'm surprised on the BS part. Nice try though. I can immediately bring to mind at least two examples of "we/I hate you/"youse" guys" that were part of videotaped, official events, from two different individuals. I'm sure that such (even so very public) behavior and sentiments were/are unique to just those fine "gentlemen". 🙄 :lol:

PS: When anyone/more than one is actually on tape doing/saying something...it's not some vague issue of some supposedly "attributed" behavior 😉
Most of the East individuals I have shared dialog with out there on the line have been tolerably pleasant. Of course, I haven't met all......

Your captive audience on your jump seat, relying on appeasing you with acceptance of your gibberish in exchange for a paycheck, is and has been the extent of your dialog and your downfall sir.

The west pilots have refused jump seats from some very "notable" pilots (more to follow), this in turn has created a feeling of content, in the opinions you have accumulated in your narrow view of reality.
The west pilots have refused jump seats from some very "notable" pilots (more to follow), reality.

I'm sure Sully can appreciate Captains Authority. After all, the brain trust wasted six figures on the USA Today ad espousing it's sanctity. Of course it would be insane for USAPA to go on record attempting to play both sides of the argument.

As an Aside, I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that Judge Wake couldn't care less about the professional COURTESY of a free cockpit jumpseat.

I'm sure Sully can appreciate Captains Authority.

As an Aside, I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that Judge Wake couldn't care less about the professional COURTESY of a free cockpit jumpseat.

His Honor won't be seated in the jury. I know no more than you as to how this will all play out...so don't feel such a need for squirming. :lol: None can truly predict what'll be transpiring within the minds of judge or jury. Any who truly imagine that they've some/any ability to do so at this or any point prior to a trial's conclusion are being completely foolish, or a bit naieve, to say the very least. It'll develop as it will.

Have a good evening all.
I'm sure Sully can appreciate Captains Authority. After all, the brain trust wasted six figures on the USA Today ad espousing it's sanctity. Of course it would be insane for USAPA to go on record attempting to play both sides of the argument.

Sir, do you realize you are insinuating your priority of Captains authority is what sits on your jump seat over what fuel sits in your tanks.
Your captive audience on your jump seat, relying on appeasing you with acceptance of your gibberish in exchange for a paycheck, is and has been the extent of your dialog and your downfall sir.

The west pilots have refused jump seats from some very "notable" pilots (more to follow), this in turn has created a feeling of content, in the opinions you have accumulated in your narrow view of reality.

I agree that a jumpseater may hide their true opinion in order to retain an atmosphere of civility.

However, the vast majority of my encounters with east pilots have occured off the flightdeck. Sharing a van ride to/from the hotel, talking in a hotel lobby, waiting in line at dunkin donuts or starbucks coffee. I have had more crews deadheading, commuting on my flights than I have carried jumpseaters on the flightdeck, and I have always greeted and welcomed them to at least find out if anyone was an ffdo, and determine who was onboard in the event that I may need their assistance.

The jumpseaters I have carried have offered no opinion, because I briefed them and my First Officer beforehand that we will not discuss these certain topics on the flightdeck. The response to that is has always been a release of breath followed by a "thank god!", "I am sooo glad you said that!", and "ok, believe me I can do that!".

The fact that jumpseats have been denied by both sides is very unfortunate, but by no means does it exhaust the points of contact.
I recommend that the defendants fain the air of remorse in front of the judge. This is a recommendation from
a "friend" of mine who had an error in judgment that was validated by factual, documented incidents.

First, if oral arguments are required it will be the lawyers speaking not the defendants. They would only say anything of there is going to be a trial. Do you think that there is really going to be a RICO trial where usapa is the plaintiff?

No need to “fainâ€￾ anything. The truth will do just fine. When the appeals court tosses the RICO suit again. I would hope that usapa and the east finally realizes what a shame and waste this suit has been.
We differ there sir. I'd prefer the standard west display of "and we hate you guys".."I hate all of youse"..umm.."Righteous" anger and indignation. I'd think that sufficent to disgust most any jury :lol: Oh well..It'll be an interesting little play to watch in any case.
So is it going to be Seham or Cleary that goes before the jury in PHX and confirms that usapa hates the west? I got confused. You guys were talking about a false accusation of illegal activity and now you are talking about a jury.

The RICO case is a three judge panel not a jury. But I agree. The facts of this RICO case would disgust a jury. usapa should start thinking up a defense.

I guess that it was a Freudian slip. Projecting the east guilt onto a something else.
Sir, do you realize you are insinuating your priority of Captains authority is what sits on your jump seat over what fuel sits in your tanks.

You guys are just like your lawyers. I hope the guy batting relief for Seeham is smarter, or else the "jury trial" is going to be interesting.

No jury is ever going to hear Sully, or why he might have been denied a jumpseat. The judge is not, despite what USAPA may try to do, going to revisit the merits of the Nicolau award.

Keep thinking it'll go down that way if it makes you feel better.

As an aside, the USAPA position, outside the narrow window of union politics, would be soundly laughed out of any room in the real business (or bizlaw) world.
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