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US Airways Pilots' Labor Thread 2/24-3/3

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You guys are just like your lawyers. I hope the guy batting relief for Seeham is smarter, or else the "jury trial" is going to be interesting.

I don't disagree that it won't be allowed to become any semblance of an emotional circus, but "Clue"?...the day you can predict with certainty the outcome of jury trials will be the day you've demonstrated that you've been wasting your talents doing anything else in life.

PS. "Clue"?..I've been called "High Smellin' an' Low Down" a few times in life (most notably by an ex during a divorce proceeding)..BUT..to have ANYONE make such a vile statement as to say that I'm "just like" a frikking "lawyer" is, by far, the worst insult I've yet endured 😉
We will be next____ :up: :up: American Airlines pilots set meetings to prepare for possible strike
American Airlines pilots will gather in meetings around the United States Tuesday to hear details of job actions their union plans should they be allowed to go on strike against the world's second-biggest carrier.

''We are laying out our case and getting them comfortable with the concept of something other than a general strike and providing an opportunity to answer questions,'' Sam Mayer, a union spokesman, said in an interview.

Mayer declined to detail the union's plan, while saying one component may be partial strikes in some cities or pilot bases. The pilots have yet to ask the National Mediation Board, which began overseeing talks in May 2008, to declare an impasse, one step required by law before they could strike.

The pilots' plans to avoid a strike across American's entire network may reduce the chances that Obama would intervene to stop a walkout, Mayer said.
Aw, come on, East. Give 'em a break. Event though their prognostications and predictions have been wrong about everything of consequence so far, they did get the call sign decision right.

Still feeling so smug fellow cactus pilot? :lol: See you on April 28th...when USAPA will throw as much irrelevant sully chaff as they helplessly can into the court room. The class action lawsuit isn't "chugging" it's way to you anymore, it's on the bullet train...and despite the ambulance chasers best effort, it's UNSTOPPABLE. :up:
USAPA is quickly putting together a resolution to remove April 28th from the calender. :bleh:
What is the significance of April 28th? Has a firm trial date been set or is it for another reason?
What is the significance of April 28th? Has a firm trial date been set or is it for another reason?
Jury trial set for April 28 9:00am. 8 days for the trial on issue of liability. Class action certified.

Bifurcation of other issues.

With all of the posturing, lawyering and delays. Not bad, only about 70 days past the original date set by the judge. Much better then the predicted fall time line.
Still feeling so smug fellow cactus pilot? :lol: See you on April 28th...when USAPA will throw as much irrelevant sully chaff as they helplessly can into the court room. The class action lawsuit isn't "chugging" it's way to you anymore, it's on the bullet train...and despite the ambulance chasers best effort, it's UNSTOPPABLE. :up:

That any supposed "pilot" can enthusiastically place Sully, and "Irrelevant chaff" together tells anyone all they'd ever need to know about the true "Class" of the "INTEGRITY" ridden west group's little self-obsessed, perpetual adolescents at a glance.

"...it's on the bullet train...and despite the ambulance chasers best effort, it's UNSTOPPABLE." Yawn...not again?
That any supposed "pilot" can enthusiastically use Sully, and "Irrelevant chaff" together tells anyone all they'd ever need to know about the true "Class" of the "Righteous" and "INTEGRITY" ridden west group's little self-obsessed, perpetual adolescents at a glance.

"...it's on the bullet train...and despite the ambulance chasers best effort, it's UNSTOPPABLE." Yawn...not again?

You should be elated...you finally get to go to court, unimpeded and finally PROVE to a court of law how righteous and perfect your argument is for a tyrannical majority. Congratulations on such a stunning turn of events and such an easy victory...sans Irrelevant "Sully" of course. GO GET 'EM SEEHAM! IT'S A SLAM DUNK!!!! (in bradfords' words)

"There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT, There's no Place like PIT"....

Also, (whispering) we all know how lucky Sully and his pax were....
That any supposed "pilot" can enthusiastically place Sully, and "Irrelevant chaff" together tells anyone all they'd ever need to know about the true "Class" of the "INTEGRITY" ridden west group's little self-obsessed, perpetual adolescents at a glance.

"...it's on the bullet train...and despite the ambulance chasers best effort, it's UNSTOPPABLE." Yawn...not again?
Not to put to fine a point on it. But all of us pilots in regard to this trial are “irrelevant chaffâ€￾. Sully has his place, but not in a court room in PHX. Look at it this way. If Sully was a west pilot. Would he have any reason to appear in court?

The only pilots that are relevant to this case are the usapa leaders and the class representatives. This trial will be about what usapa did or failed to do. Seham will try and make it about something else, everything else, anything else. But in the end that is what it comes down to. Usapa’s actions.

When usapa posts doc 224. Read it. It is very short and to the point. Real hard to misinterpret anything in there. Yes a bullet trail. We should have an answer by the second week of May. It will only miss USAPA’s one year anniversary by only a couple of weeks.

In the legal system from start to finish less then 13 months for a case of this importance. That is a bullet train. Amazing. How long has MDA been going on?
..sans Irrelevant "Sully

Also, (whispering) we all know how lucky Sully and his pax were.....

Son/daughter/whatever. Permanent adolescents, clearly capable only of concern for their own little "ME"-centric tiny little worlds are "irrelevant". Pilots and persons of his caliber will never be. Since you feel the outcome was based on being "lucky"?... I'd fully agree that his pax were extremely fortunate...otherwise; someone like yourself could have been the "Captain" on that day.......
Son/daughter/whatever. You and your "kind" are "irrelevant". Pilots and persons of his caliber will never be.

Sorry, In this legal matter, in a court of Law, Sully is worthless.

In the end who cares? Seeham declared the West's case was "without merit".

What do you have to worry about?
Still feeling so smug fellow cactus pilot? :lol: See you on April 28th...when USAPA will throw as much irrelevant sully chaff as they helplessly can into the court room. The class action lawsuit isn't "chugging" it's way to you anymore, it's on the bullet train...and despite the ambulance chasers best effort, it's UNSTOPPABLE. :up:

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