Barring forced domicile changes due to furlough, anyone who is moving to the opposing tribe is doing it voluntarily. If they really feel they can't control themselves perhaps they will choose to wait a few months for their desired bid choice to become available on their home turf.
I am just saying imposing LOA93 would meet all the criteria of the TA as you read it. The parity comment was sarcasm.
I'm not so sure the Judge would harm the West pilots with such a thing. It would be a big reduction for the West in both pay and work rules.
However, the Judge could immediatly implement the Nic. as a remedy. The airline would still be in seperate ops, and as 'luvn said above, anyone could bid their Nic position by choice whenever a bid came out on BOTH sides. A West pilot could bid east and
voluntarily accept east work rules and the same would hold true for east moving West.
The pilots that were unfairly furloughed out of seniority would return to what their Nic position could hold, as long as a vacancy existed, and a former furloughed pilot that is still working, would then get re-furloughed.
By implementing the Nic, the Judge could thwart the east efforts to "avioid" a joint contract as we all would be on equal ground with the same motivation to get to a single contract.
As said in an earlier post, two of the three requirements in the T/A for combined ops have been met, so I don't think it too far of a stretch for the Judge to do and it is well within his legal authority.
Anyone who has kept up on the orders and transcripts, realize that Judge Wake fully understands what is going on in this case. By implementing the Nic, he can put an END to all of this BS and force the two groups to move forward.