Be Careful What You Wish For.
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...the west FA discussion forum...
What site is this?
Not to pry but is the east allowed to visit?
...the west FA discussion forum...
So AFA West officers read and copied documents of Mike's? Thats like reading your sisters diary. Grow up. I am so sick of AFA bullcrap. Here in Philadelphia the officers are just as bad. All they do it sit and stalk people on catcrew and play switchboard. The whole place needs a wake up call.
While serious it's really stupid. You have to shake your head and laugh. What were these documents is the question? What if it were someone's grievance or Mikes personal physician papers. It matters not it could be the recipe to KFC's Original Recipe written by the Col. Sanders himself. Doesn't make it right!
I applaud the AFA officer who had the moral fortitude to pick up the phone and inform Mike. We need more of that inside our union instead of everyone knowing the injustice while distaining the person but sweeping it under the rug not to make waves. Good for her!
First,you have issues with an officer then you take out your bylaws and gather your options. You file charges with the AFA Ethics board or start a recall. Someone elected this person. Heck SOMEONE elected our officers in PHL over the years. Charlotte just doesn't care. CLT will elect a bean bag if it's on the roster and is good at crew cash pointers. Actually I wish they would it's better then what they have now.
According to the ''rumor''.....
Mike Flores was in PHX negotiations and after leaving the AFA66 office in Tempe he left behind some sort of binder/folder or briefcase and in it contained some documents/piece of ''paper'' that Mike had been referring to for months and not letting anyone see it, some stuff apparently about USAPA and different stuff. So certain union officers for council 66... again this is rumor and they supposdly photocopied the paper(s) and another council 66 officer of the union didn't think it was right and called Mike Flores and told him what they did.
First,you have issues with an officer then you take out your bylaws and gather your options. You file charges with the AFA Ethics board or start a recall.
AZMtnfFA- So, it is FACT that an AFA officer "ratted" out these two? You're 100% sure he or she was the tattle tale? Hmmm, I'm hearing it was a member, not an officer. Gotta talk to my eastie contact on that one. It is clear by the use of the term "ratted" you are not unbiased in this situation and in fact, seem to agree that it is okay to take things that aren't yours and copy them. Wow, hope the easties don't think we are all that way, cuz we aren't. Frankly, I'm embarrassed to be a westie if ANY part of the allegation by Mike is true.
To everyone else,
Maybe I'm missing the bigger picture here, but could someone, anyone, please tell me when it IS okay to copy documents that don't belong to you, and then to lie about it? What is even more interesting is that they then turned around and admitted that they copied the papers and that they did it because Mike wouldn't give them copies. My guess is Mike has some pretty damaging information because he doesn't strike me as someone who would get in to a pi$$ing match with our little old council out here. I have to agree with Beachboy, I don't care what papers they were, they weren't theirs. Makes me wonder what else is going on in that office that we don't know about. Scary.
The more interesting question is to those westies that post on here, what if the shoe were on the other foot? Wouldn't you be screaming for Mike's head on a platter if he copied papers that were ours?
Also, if iheatairbus is right and they were papers from USAPA, then they were probably papers that shouldn't have just been copied and passed around. Wonder if USAPA knows and if they are pissed?
So you are assuming that Mike's version is right? Doesn't make sense and it's clear there is alot of info on both sides missing. I will give the West mec president and s.t. the benefit of the doubt. Mike Flores has political motive to want our president out. I do agree with the other person who stated we should not put this stuff on this site.