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AFA Labor Relations Thread 12/30-

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During that time the office was never empty. Baja and others were there and always answered. Given what AFA is today I would almost take the old Local President back. At least she did something and showed up. These yahoo's make her look tame.
" What you Talkin about Willis"? Everytime I have called the AFA office Someone has answered! Lets get OFF the I hate the PHL AFA Pres Kick!! It's Really getting OLD!!
I would like to see all of us learn from the past and move on. Lets face it AFA today or tomorrow destroys the leaders of the past. Its a big major issue but what can we do. If I have a problem I go to my Attorney who I know is great and a Labor Attorney he knows his stuff. History is a wonderful gift to draw from. I am tired of trying to volunteer for AFA when I am rejected . Flight Attendants will always ask for my opinion they do not have to take it but I will always be there for them to let them know what I feel the outcome of there dilemma could be. All the present Officers will learn that you gain strength from bringing in people who have the ability to challenge. God never let me think that I can be the Judge, Jury, and Hangman.Peace to you All
I would like to see all of us learn from the past and move on. Lets face it AFA today or tomorrow destroys the leaders of the past. Its a big major issue but what can we do. If I have a problem I go to my Attorney who I know is great and a Labor Attorney he knows his stuff. History is a wonderful gift to draw from. I am tired of trying to volunteer for AFA when I am rejected . Flight Attendants will always ask for my opinion they do not have to take it but I will always be there for them to let them know what I feel the outcome of there dilemma could be. All the present Officers will learn that you gain strength from bringing in people who have the ability to challenge. God never let me think that I can be the Judge, Jury, and Hangman.Peace to you All

Thank you for posting this...very well said.
It seems to many of us online feel that our elected leaders have lost touch with what the F/A job actually is. It's not that they are not good people, or that their hearts are not in the right place -- it's just that 9 to 5 in the office is not what the rest of us do. I suggest that at your next local meeting, the members present move (second, and pass) a resolution requiring their elected officers bid (AND FLY) one month on RESERVE each year (NO AFA DAYS -- certainly the other elected officers can hold down the fort for a month). For that matter, the members of each local council should direct their respective LEC's to introduce, and support, and agenda item at the next MEC meeting to require each MEC officer, and negotiation committee member, to bid and fly one month of reserve each year (again, no schedule modifications for AFA business, nobody is so important that business can't get done for a few days without them) ....

Just a thought .....
. I suggest that at your next local meeting, the members present move (second, and pass) a resolution requiring their elected officers bid (AND FLY) one month on RESERVE each year (NO AFA DAYS -- certainly the other elected officers can hold down the fort for a month). For that matter, the members of each local council should direct their respective LEC's to introduce, and support, and agenda item at the next MEC meeting to require each MEC officer, and negotiation committee member, to bid and fly one month of reserve each year (again, no schedule modifications for AFA business, nobody is so important that business can't get done for a few days without them) .... .....

And what will that accomplish? You have conveniently forgotten who negotiated the Reserve Section of our existing contract. That's right a Reserve. If she ( your Idol) negotiated the crap we have, what good will it do to have our Officers sit Reserve one month a year? We need a new contract, all of it! Bickering and calling our MEC and LEC names does no good, it only makes us all look childish. And remember, there are only 3 LEC Offices now, and they are handling the same work that 6 offices used to handle. If I go to a male doctor, how can I ever trust him to handle my issues, since he has never been a female. And as a female, how can I ever understand the issues of a male? I can, my doctor can, and our LEC can, it is called empathy, listening, and understanding. The reason the Reserve section of our contract has not been modified to make life liveable for our Reserves, is the same reason that we haven't gotten a $10 an hour raise. We have a contract and unless the Company, out of the goodness of their (non existant) hearts want to give us a raise or change the contract, we are stuck with what we have, until a new one is negotiated!
And what will that accomplish? You have conveniently forgotten who negotiated the Reserve Section of our existing contract. That's right a Reserve. If she ( your Idol) negotiated the crap we have, what good will it do to have our Officers sit Reserve one month a year? We need a new contract, all of it! Bickering and calling our MEC and LEC names does no good, it only makes us all look childish. And remember, there are only 3 LEC Offices now, and they are handling the same work that 6 offices used to handle. If I go to a male doctor, how can I ever trust him to handle my issues, since he has never been a female. And as a female, how can I ever understand the issues of a male? I can, my doctor can, and our LEC can, it is called empathy, listening, and understanding. The reason the Reserve section of our contract has not been modified to make life liveable for our Reserves, is the same reason that we haven't gotten a $10 an hour raise. We have a contract and unless the Company, out of the goodness of their (non existant) hearts want to give us a raise or change the contract, we are stuck with what we have, until a new one is negotiated!

That folks, is the cold hard Sticky Wicky of the facts. PSA....you nailed it. While VERY sad its very true. Blame goes all around.....not least those MEC ppl who bailed.
Just as a heads up to everyone.......check your pay checks for May. Apparently the company doesn't know how to calculate Holiday pay.

I know the computation is convoluted however I just got shorted by about $50. <_<
Check out the lovely e-line that graced our inboxes today regarding the reserve negotiations...
Anyone else need some TUMS to stomach this bile-forming bulllllllllll we're about to be sold?
Open wide....
And what will that accomplish? You have conveniently forgotten who negotiated the Reserve Section of our existing contract. That's right a Reserve. If she ( your Idol) negotiated the crap we have, what good will it do to have our Officers sit Reserve one month a year? We need a new contract, all of it! Bickering and calling our MEC and LEC names does no good, it only makes us all look childish. And remember, there are only 3 LEC Offices now, and they are handling the same work that 6 offices used to handle. If I go to a male doctor, how can I ever trust him to handle my issues, since he has never been a female. And as a female, how can I ever understand the issues of a male? I can, my doctor can, and our LEC can, it is called empathy, listening, and understanding. The reason the Reserve section of our contract has not been modified to make life liveable for our Reserves, is the same reason that we haven't gotten a $10 an hour raise. We have a contract and unless the Company, out of the goodness of their (non existant) hearts want to give us a raise or change the contract, we are stuck with what we have, until a new one is negotiated!

Ooopps. Sorry that I hit a nerve. As I said (but you chose not to copy), I don't question the motives of current AFA leaders. I do question if they understand the real jobs of those they represent (it's easy to forget that 2 AM quick-call a year or two latter). Hey, I've been there.

Our AFA leaders do more for the group behind the scenes than most of us will ever know. However, they cetainly do not do the same job, or work the same schedules as their "rank-in-file" members. Notable leaders excepted, just try and get someone on the phone after 5PM or on a weekend.

That said, I just don't get most of your post (a run-on sentence thing, perhaps) .... but I agree that we do need a new, comprehensive, contract; and that sympathy and understanding are good things.

In Solidarity .....
Dear BWI she was never your Idol and you were her sharpest critic. The BIG problem with the flight attendants is that you think you know the inner workings of past leaders and truly you do not. PSA you have gone on and I know that you are having a good time flying. Lets not shoot ourselves in the foot.My best to all of you and our great new Contract.
Check out the lovely e-line that graced our inboxes today regarding the reserve negotiations...
Anyone else need some TUMS to stomach this bile-forming bulllllllllll we're about to be sold?
Open wide....

All I see is a lot of words that don't state any concrete facts. Lots of Fluff. The DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS THAT HE IS NOT PROVIDING. Guess what folks, he could provide more concrete info. but that is NOT HIS M.O.
He will hipe you up on alot of BS, and then minimize what really it means. Reserve Watch YOUR BACKS!!!!!
I read the E-line and we need answers. We don't want answers at a road show. We need answers NOW! ! ! ! Mike could have very easily hit on some of the restrictions and overall BS. I want to know why SENIORITY is the most important driver behind the scheduling section until you hit RESERVE. Why is a reserves seniority any less important than a lineholders? It's straight seniority until you reach the reserve section. Only then do you see Golden eggs, hoops, buckets, hangers, bowls and everything other BS language. The JNC needs to tell the company we want straight seniority or there is nothing to discuss. PERIOD. The company won't go for it? Yeah well neither will flight attendants. I DO NOT want to see f/a's put into groups of 4, 3, 2 and 1's with "THE COMPANY" left to decide whether you can jump to a different group. If a f/a junior to me gets the 3day I wanted because I'm good for a 4day is abusing my seniority. Sorry but try that with a lineholder and see what would happen. We have ALL given up a lot through two BK's and concessions. NO! ! ! ! I'm sorry but enough is enough. :angry:
I The company won't go for it? Yeah well neither will flight attendants. I DO NOT want to see f/a's put into groups of 4, 3, 2 and 1's with "THE COMPANY" left to decide whether you can jump to a different group. If a f/a junior to me gets the 3day I wanted because I'm good for a 4day is abusing my seniority. Sorry but try that with a lineholder and see what would happen. We have ALL given up a lot through two BK's and concessions. NO! ! ! ! I'm sorry but enough is enough. :angry:

I BET you anything you are right. Oh yes a reserve will keep their seniority in the "bucket" or "grouping" of which company says they are in. #1 reserve is good for 4 days and she wants a 3 day....nope you are good for the E190 5 leg a day 4 day so you have to take it cuz that is what the contract states...and everyone else junior to you is only good for 3 days or 2 days so based on the NEW & IMPROVED contract language you have to take the 4 day.
That's how your seniority will go....
Bet my bottom dollar something like that is in there.

Email him and ask for more info....email West MEC and ask the same. See how they respond.
No need to email Mike. I was at the last local 70 meeting and that is pretty much how the reserve section was summed up. Nice huh? Ugggggggh I could just pull my hair out.
Union response is the same today as it was in April, wait until you see the entire section on how the reserves are screwed before you judge it. Clearly the union believes that reserve votes are insignificant or they wouldn't put this trash out there.
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