And what will that accomplish? You have conveniently forgotten who negotiated the Reserve Section of our existing contract. That's right a Reserve. If she ( your Idol) negotiated the crap we have, what good will it do to have our Officers sit Reserve one month a year? We need a new contract, all of it! Bickering and calling our MEC and LEC names does no good, it only makes us all look childish. And remember, there are only 3 LEC Offices now, and they are handling the same work that 6 offices used to handle. If I go to a male doctor, how can I ever trust him to handle my issues, since he has never been a female. And as a female, how can I ever understand the issues of a male? I can, my doctor can, and our LEC can, it is called empathy, listening, and understanding. The reason the Reserve section of our contract has not been modified to make life liveable for our Reserves, is the same reason that we haven't gotten a $10 an hour raise. We have a contract and unless the Company, out of the goodness of their (non existant) hearts want to give us a raise or change the contract, we are stuck with what we have, until a new one is negotiated!