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US AFA labor thread 3/28-

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This is an except of an eline from AFA.


Company Proposal AFA Proposal
-Same Pairings with the pilots
-No advanced pairing review -Pair with pilots if afforded the same duty rigs, FAR duty time and rest requirements
-Pairing review and input by AFA
-Mixture of one, two, three and four day pairings-no more than 20% four-day pairings per domicile

The JNC believes that flying pairings with the pilots will provide Flight Attendants better benefits such as better duty rigs and pilot FAR duty time and rest requirements.

East Flight Attendants have been paired with the pilots for decades. There are several reasons for this. Those reasons include safety, Crew Resource Management (CRM) and the same duty rigs and FAR protections as the pilots. AFA will not accept a proposal that does not include the same duty rigs as the pilots. There is something inherently wrong with flying the same trip as a pilot and receiving less credit.

The JNC recognizes there is a value to the current West Flight Attendants' ability to fly long haul high credit one-day turns. The JNC proposal includes the ability to carve out certain one-day only turns that exceed eight hours of block time. The committee believes East Flight Attendants would see a value in having more high credit one-day turns (think, one-day island turns).

The JNC has proposed AFA have a stronger role in pairing input and review. The Company only wants to allow pairing review, with little to no input. It does not do AFA much good to only have pairing review after the pairings have been built. AFA wants to have the same review period prior to the final pairing generation as the pilots.

The JNC believes there should be a reasonable mix of pairings and will not accept a proposal that increases the number of four day trips above the amount currently generated on the East system.

The idea of separating from the pilots has been considered. IMHO, there are significant reasons to stay with them, I tend to favor it basically because of CRM. As indicated, AFA is trying to accomodate the existing high time West one days, which I think is a positive thing for both the company and the F/A. High time one days are efficient and frankly cheap for the company, since there is peanuts per diem and as of this contract, they are domestic pay unless on the 757. PHL will continue to have a significant traffic to the Caribbean and S. America and they are tailor made for one days. Undoubtedly there are applicable trips out of the other bases.

As for satellites, well, I would be for them, (the great sucking sound out of PHL would include my meteoric rise in seniority), however DP also has stated that he feels we have "too many bases" so getting satellites seems unlikley.

The frustration that is being felt is due to the nasty fact that until we get to within striking distance (pun intended) of our contract end date, we simply have no leverage. DP has stated that it's cheaper for him to continue as is, vs. a combined new contract. The blockage caused by the pilots will only be dislodged when the stakes are higher.
I have a little something for ya all to think about. Ok so we don't get anywhere in joint negotiations and the east contract expires. Great, now what? Jump up and down on our heads and demand this and that from the company? The pilots I bet will STILL be battling their seniority issues by then. So we'll find ourselves as flight attendants sitting and waiting. Where do we go from there?
I have said this before and I will say it again. AFA fundomentally has a problem with negotiations. Per the bi-laws, F/A's have to negotiate F/A contracts. With this in mind, it doesn't matter if you have MF or CA negotiating contracts, its the process. If AFA changed the bi-laws allowing F/A at the carrier to be consultants rather than negotiators then present and future contracts might take on a different perspective. Meaning that true negotiators would negotiate contracts with there head rather than their heart.

The issue of whether we stay with the pilots or not has no bearing on the present. At issue here is whether the moderator of the original AWA contract will allow negotiations to be re-opened. This is where both EAST and WEST flight attendants can stand together as one.

Should the MOD allow negotiations to continue and nothing meaningful takes place within a reasonable time, a 30 day cooling off period would ensue. The company will have 2 choices. Negotiate or not. If they choose that later... It's CHAOS baby...
But the best part is the east will have the responsibility of standing with our bretheren on the west in CHAOS....

A true show of support for any union means that we fight for the sum of ALL...
Not the few...

Just my opinion...
The bottom line is that if we stay paired with the pilots and hold out for the "me too" sections our contract will never see the light of day. No?
Well I guess I summed up this thread pretty well. ****CRICKETS**** How's negotiations going today? Get to the "me-too" stuff yet?...................sound of brakes screeching. :lol:
As Baja stated, 15 people showed up in CLT..9 of whom where CR's....

So CLT... why don't you get involved? Are you happy with the present system... Are you happy with the current officers in charge... Whats the story... I know at least a few of you who post here are based in CLT... Speak your mind... This is the forum... The only way things can get changed here is if you speak up... get involved... and be a part of the union...

You pay union dues don't you...

Do you like it? Do you feel your dues are being used in the most profecient manner? Do you need to wait till something catastrophic happens before you finally have a voice? (Then of course you'll say... Why wasn't I warned about this...)

I was at the NOV meeting... I spoke up... I couldn't make last weeks meeting... but I guess I really didn't miss much... Seems no one here knows what happened... SAD... VERY SAD...

This airline is in transition.... Today... the Company renounced the use of a moderator for the pilot group... Not only does the comany not want to deal with us... But they don't want to deal with the pilots either... This company is in transition... and I am afraid it is in the wrong direction...

Let's just hope the Moderator of the old AWA contract agrees to re-open the west contract... Then finally... At least one group will have the ability to get this company moving in the right direction... You know DP... the SYNERGY... you spoke so highly of when you wanted to merge in the first place...

Just my opinion...
Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte. Marsha Marsha Marsha!!!!! 🙄 Please you guys down there are just amazing! You give Ann C a blank check to just float around and do squat. Not only are Ann and Glenda pathetic, but so is the entire base for allowing it. Is she still on her kick ass and takes names tour? I know you read this Ann....what was your name on here again? You are a phony and a fraud.....and on final notice from International for being over budget! Do I hang the 1549 picture here or there? Seems all your concerned with at the MEC meeting the other day. You madam are a disgrace.
Ok has anyone seen the size of the new home study workbook for May recurrent? That damn thing is the size of a phone book compared to past workbooks. I'm fine with being well trained but for what we negotiated for training it's over the top. That book takes longer to complete. On top of that you can't even thumb through the damn manual due to it being so stuffed. Sometimes it's the little things that can really just get under my skin.

Also, how many others are a little ticked off at the idea of having to get a visa to fly CDG...on your OWN time. Regardless of commuting if you don't live in base, even if you DO live in base why should you have to fly to DC on your own time? Actually I'm not looking to get paid to go but at least a must ride in each direction. So you go to get your visa which is REQUIRED and you can't get back home. It's BS. How does this get swept under the rug? Even the union says that it's just the way it is. It's a requirement for your job yet work won't give you the must ride to get there. Total BS.
You can send your passport in if you want. You have to notify crew scheduling that you are not in possession of your passport due to the Schengen Visa requirement. While you don't have your passport you can't operate flights to any international destination. When you get it back you call scheduling and tell them you are in possession of you passport. It's pretty simple. Just don't forget to submit your reimbursement. 😉
The manual has had me ticked off for years. Half of it is redundant! They could whittle it down by half if they took the time. Never happen. I miss the one we had that was paper back and I could fit in my purse.

As for the Visa...blame the French. What a total pain in the rear. Pax don't need a visa. It must be retribution for something the US State Dept has done to them.
I just picked mine up and I agree, it is HUGE! I am going to keep track of the amount of time it takes me to complete this monster.
Never thought I'd say this, but it makes me thankful for our qaurtley CBTs, only takes 45mins @ the most, but usually only 30-40 4x's a year, beats hitting the books and I like doing it on the computer so I can do it anywhere anytime.
I'm so sick and tired of the AFA bs. I'm over them all. Well I that's not entirely true. Luv ya Rick. Now changing gears in the EVER jumbled AFA thread.....

Anyone glance at the tripsheets on the hub for May? Notice how they have made a vast majority of the trips commutable. There are some early trips and a few late arrivals per a/c but overall they have made them more commutable. I think it's great for everyone all the way around. People can make it to work and the company has a better chance of said employees making it. Hell even if you DON'T commute and live within the philly area you can see yourself in the car for 1.5 hours. I'm quite happy to see the change. GREAT....THANK YOU! ! ! ! :up:
At USAirways it is always something!!!!!!!!!! Why would anyone want to touch us as employees?????? ?There is always someone who does not like how things are done. What does matter is that one way or another we have to stop playing games. We as employees have got to have the vision that will surpass the awful conditions where we work. Why are we not all banding together. Seniors or Junior lets try to be accountable.I am for sure the constant broken record!!!!!! As I peat and repeat " No we sell pillows and blankets,no movie ,no food ,would you like some of mine. One thing after another .....................Make it or Break it I have already faced great losses in my work Life but on a personal level I will assure you Treat me as if I am not your enemy .Let's make 2009 a year closer to the return of honor and grace for your career path.
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