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US Fleet Service Topic 4/30-

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1) The company has been having people on OJI do Audits of Flts. My assumption is that if you are auditng equipt and such for safety, thats ok but if they are auditng any performance related work and calling it " Safety ", then it should be conducted be a MGR not a fellow Fleet person.

The only audits I've seen anyone on OJI do are inbound load audits.
The only audits I've seen anyone on OJI do are inbound load audits.

An IB load audit is one thing, but when you audit an OB flt for discrepencies on work the employee performs, which could lead to discipline, is wrong. It's a fine line on what those audits (performed by a fellow union member) are used for later. There are member to member ethics involved. Things of this nature is how we get divided. Thats a Managers job.
An IB load audit is one thing, but when you audit an OB flt for discrepencies on work the employee performs, which could lead to discipline, is wrong. It's a fine line on what those audits (performed by a fellow union member) are used for later. There are member to member ethics involved. Things of this nature is how we get divided. Thats a Managers job.

Oh I see, like a QA thing. I have not seen this happening. Yeah I'd agree that should be management's domain.
Has anyone looked at the new IAM141 Messenger?

What a total waste of time & paper. It went from bad to worse :down: :down: Please save the postage & don't send this to me.
Has anyone looked at the new IAM141 Messenger?

What a total waste of time & paper. It went from bad to worse :down: :down: Please save the postage & don't send this to me.
I always thought it should be called the UNITED MESSENGER anyway, since 90% of the content was UA based......
2 things, the first on these AUDITS, mgmnt will only do this when a buddy of theirs is on OJI, wait til a union brother is on OJI and they dont get this audit easy street job, so we need to turn those mgmnt buddies into union brothers. On the messenger, well its only once a quarter now, and their is more stuff in their on US Airways than before, and well its overall better than the past, baby steps folks, baby steps.
I looked it over an see alot input from our members the magazine has lots of quotes from USAir workers a news story about Philly getting stewards training. I read an article on Tony D and his plans for Safety at USAirways. I like it its alot more than the old paper the layout is much better and all the articles are not about United. I see more pro union artcles about the Employee Free choice Act, the rise of Union membership and problems about Wall Street. Nice Job guys
I heard some good thing from Tony D about the PHX safety committee. He said a couple people stepped up to take on the job.
I heard some good thing from Tony D about the PHX safety committee. He said a couple people stepped up to take on the job.

PHX IAM seems to be quite busy lately. I've seen guys putting in serious legwork in distributing those laminated safety cards. The boards have all been updated with essential contact/general info and it looks like another band of decent chaps have volunteered themselves into shop stewardship. Looks like progress.
Hey guys , don't forget to keep an eye on your mail ... the flyer from the IAM natioal pension plan has arrived ... it's a dry read but somewhat informative .... i don''t know why they kept selling the plan in the flyer .... YES i know a defined pension plan is better than a 401k , YES i know it will have higher retirment rates etc ..

Our natiional pesion plan's funding has dropped from green status to yellow status ...there's no mention in the pamphallet what our money is invested in , only that we've taken some vauge losses ...

however because of some law passed by the goverment the pension plan has decided to value all of it's hard assests at early 2008 rates ...so the fund is green again (akin to suspension of mark to market ) i sure wish i could value my house at early 2008 rates again :lol:

oh well , condition yellow doesn't sound that bad for the plan ...however i worry that the reason they were hyping up the plan is that they may intend to ask us to contribute more to the pension plan in the future if necessary to keep it solvent ( you ain't shaking me down for more money!)
Customer Service in PHL is onboard with the IAM-cards being distributed shortly for safety. It is a step in the right direction. We are all together in this. The program is awesome! If the Company won't address our safety concerns we will do it without them.
oh well , condition yellow doesn't sound that bad for the plan ...however i worry that the reason they were hyping up the plan is that they may intend to ask us to contribute more to the pension plan in the future if necessary to keep it solvent ( you ain't shaking me down for more money!)

once again your ignorance shines through.. YOU DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR PENSION.. USAIRWAYS DOES . so don't worry freedum

the union isn't shaking you down for anything. In many ways its a shame they even have to represent people like you but that's how it goes,

have to represent the good apples along with the sour rotten apples.
once again your ignorance shines through.. YOU DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR PENSION.. USAIRWAYS DOES . so don't worry freedum

the union isn't shaking you down for anything. In many ways its a shame they even have to represent people like you but that's how it goes,

have to represent the good apples along with the sour rotten apples.

right well on the last page of the booklet they sent out in the Q and A section it mentioned something about "other actions " in extream situations ...

While we may not at this time contribute to the pension plan , i'm worried about what "COULD " happen if the plan slips further from a well captalized state ... perhaps they have it set up where the people drawing pensions just take a lesser amount ...but the way the booklet reads , they make it sound like the amount you will receive is set in stone and will NEVER decrease and that the pension plan will continue until the day you die ...

Your assment is correct , i am for the most part uninformed about the pension plan ... i went to the web cite once before back when we were in green status and it seemed much simpler to read back then , now it seems more confusing and deceptive ..... truth be told the pension plan isn't high on my priorities list ... if i was retired and living off of it i'd pay more attention , but i'm not ...

As to our union , i'm not knocking it ! GO IAM !!! i don't mind paying my union dues :up: also in case you've forgotten i was solid behind the IAM when people were trying to drive them out by going with the IBT and the IBEW .....
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