This part is very telling. In other words, you feel that you have suffered enough at the hands of past management, therefore you feel entitled to take whatever you can from whomever you can to avoid being furloughed. Especially those you have arbitrarily and singlehandedly labeled as less deserving.
Got it.
There's NOTHING "arbitrarily and singlehandedly labeled" by making the simple, and accurate observation that some people have worked longer than others within a given craft, nor in noting that the essential mechanics of functional unionism require recognition of said longer service..or they crumble and implode, as is demonstrated by what's happening with your Alpoids little "association".
Your continual stream of BS's but more perverse coloration on the standard "Gimme MINE!"..."I'm special!" hypocritical BS from any junior person trying to justify their own greedy BS....and, naturally, all the precious little Alpo "processes" of course 😉
This, as a standard package, of course comes replete with wishfull fantasies about having some self ascribed, and thusly laughably imaginary, "principles/Honor/Integrity" involved that can, in ANY way attempt to justify the desired theft of years of service and sacrifices from others....The actual truth of your positon? = "I don't care if you've thrice my experience and years worked!...I HAVE NO/ZERO/ZIP respect for that!.....It's all relative!...Mom thinks that I'm Relatively Special!!...and.well...Waah!...I want MINE!"
Nothing new therein..."Got it" 😉