Piney as to # 2 above do ya really gotta ask,,,,,after all this electronic ink??????????
There really won't be any retirements for about 2 1/2 years. If you think the West is sreamimg/whining about NIC now what do you think would have happened if the age 60 rule had not been changed.....let me tell you ...during these 3 years of litigation conservatively 600 people would have moved up on the East......most retiements would have been off of the widebodies and narrow as well. If the West saw 600 East guys "moving up on their backs"and taking what NIC "rightfully gave them" the cardiac units in PHX would be full. 600 co-pilots in the East would now be Captains now if the age 60 rule had not been changed.
Need money for appeals...checks in the mail
Your reply to Pinney demonstrates your total lack of understanding of the Nic, the current make up of the company, and how retirement effects the work group.
First, all else being equall, with Nic in place, had age 60 not changed, we simply would not have had to furlough 300 pilots. If the number of retirements from east and West combined equalled 600, that would have left 300 retirements creating openings. Since Nic is ratioed, in the simplest, terms east would have captured 200 of those 300, 66%. In seperate ops, east would have captured closer to 300, yet that still does not mean 300 captain seats, much less the 600 you pull out of thin air.
False assumptions you are making.
1. all retirements come from the east. While the west retirement rate is significantly less it is not nonexistant and adds to the total.
2. all retirements come from the top of the list. Generally speaking the majority of retirees have some greater degree of longivity but that does not mean they have reached the top of the seniority list.
3. all retirements are Captains. Biggest fallacy. Believe it or not as we type, there are West F/Os still working who have reached their 60th birthday. So I am pretty darn certain the same holds true for the east.
4. West pilots have heart trouble. There has been no run on the cardiac units in PHX during the three years east pilots have been stealing our jobs, what makes you think we would have a higher turnout at the ER had age 60 not changed?
If you need money for appeals, go ask Seham for a loan, I hear he has made a millions in the last few years.