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US Airways Pilots' Labor Thread 5/19-5/26 READ THE FIRST POST

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The pilots are responsible on a ferry flight to secure the galleys. It's buried in the Flight Ops Manual somewhere.

The least those guys could have done is clean up their mess.

Call USAPA (877-332-3342) and at ask to talk to someone on "Professional Standards."

Or, if you're really into it, talk to the chief pilot in BOS about it. He can arrange to have a bit more hassle added to their lives.

Thanks for the info.

I don't want to get these nitwits in trouble with the company but this was the damnest thing I've ever encountered. Ya know....an "I'm sorry" would have gone a long way yet these guys took off like rabbits and left me up to my knees in product. And if they had at least made an attempt to help clean up thier mess I wouldn't be so pissed. That was just plain old rude.

As an aside....please don't make this into a east vs west thing. There are idiots everywhere.
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