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US Pilots Labor Thread Aug 27-Sep 3 KEEP ON TOPIC

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Get your facts straight and then you can distort them all you want. Some of your INDIVIDUAL "innocents" made over a thousand calls to the 800 number. Read the complaint the facts are set forth there. They were stupid and gotr caught. Yea lets do this and use our OWN PHONES......HA!!!
Please point to the part of the RICO law that says phone calls constitute conspiracy?

Making a charge and then have a judge dismiss it kind of make the charges a joke.
Get your facts straight and then you can distort them all you want. Some of your INDIVIDUAL "innocents" made over a thousand calls to the 800 number. Read the complaint the facts are set forth there. They were stupid and gotr caught. Yea lets do this and use our OWN PHONES......HA!!!

Why, oh why did the AUSA in North Carolina not bring criminal charges?

Waiting. Just waiting.
Get your facts straight and then you can distort them all you want. Some of your INDIVIDUAL "innocents" made over a thousand calls to the 800 number. Read the complaint the facts are set forth there. They were stupid and gotr caught. Yea lets do this and use our OWN PHONES......HA!!!

Wow, they made phone calls. Let's just assume your facts are 100% correct. Why is a labor union SUING ITS OWN MEMBERS over a few phone calls! Remember, USAPA is supposed to represent all the pilots, not just the East pilots. Trying to jam the phone hot lines is childish and if it happened it was stupid. But for a union to file a RICO suit agains THEIR OWN PILOTS, is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Phone calls! You have got to be kidding me. Pure insanity.

Just to be clear, a union is supposed to fight with management and not with their own members. Remember, Parker, Kirby, those guys that keep you at the bottom of the industry. Unbelievable, that you could in a million years try to justify suing your own pilots. One of the most boneheaded, immature things I have seen in 22 years in this business. Sometimes USAPA acts like a bunch of children.
Get your facts straight and then you can distort them all you want. Some of your INDIVIDUAL "innocents" made over a thousand calls to the 800 number. Read the complaint the facts are set forth there. They were stupid and gotr caught. Yea lets do this and use our OWN PHONES......HA!!!

Pretty stupid is correct, you can add juvenile as well. But so is the claim of RICO. Geez people, lets look at this "prank". The claim that it is a finacial drain on the union and going to bankrupt it falls a bit short. Lets see, 1000 calls at 2 minutes a call at a commercial 800 line rate of $.04 per minute equals a total of $80. I believe only a handful of west pilots engaged in this silliness. Both sides are at fault here, juvenile behavior and an overreaching reaction to show "those guys" what for at a cost of $250,000.

Pretty stupid is correct, you can add juvenile as well. But so is the claim of RICO. Geez people, lets look at this "prank". The claim that it is a finacial drain on the union and going to bankrupt it falls a bit short. Lets see, 1000 calls at 2 minutes a call at a commercial 800 line rate of $.04 per minute equals a total of $80. I believe only a handful of west pilots engaged in this silliness. Both sides are at fault here, juvenile behavior and an overreaching reaction to show "those guys" what for at a cost of $250,000.


Childish, yes, RICO, no.

But remember these folks are the standard bearers of unionism. They get to say "supremely confident" and "gold standard" and exclusive use of the pickleballers letters. Remember you can't question the leadership of the most democratic group around. Kim Jong Cleary and politburo will come after you and sent you to re-education camp (court).

Any group that has to explain how democratic they are kind of reminds me of North Korea or China, places full of Freedom of Speech, you can say anything you want as long as it agrees with the group think.

Better watch out, your free access to the internet is about to be restricted!!
It sure seems easy to rationalize the behavior of those “fewâ€￾ pilots last year, especially now. But their actions went way beyond simply messing with phone lines, and anyone lurking on this forum, as I have for years, would know exactly what those actions were.

The simple truth is those “actionsâ€￾ darn near brought down the entire union. I am sure there is applause now confirming the success of the “operations.â€￾ I would like to hear from someone, anyone as to what USAPA could have done in place of the RICO suit that could have brought the same results, as quickly as it did. Those involved in the attacks were given opportunities early and often to not only stop the behavior, but to escape further prosecution once the suit was filed. The RICO was indeed a sledgehammer, but in the early weeks of USAPA it was almost an act of desperation. I guess when you use a Nuke, there is always lingering radiation. A few of the offenders must still be feeling the effects of the bomb, by lashing out at the very union they sought to destroy. Maybe a little remorse is what is really going on.

Back to the Baxter Building, lots to do.

It sure seems easy to rationalize the behavior of those “fewâ€￾ pilots last year, especially now. But their actions went way beyond simply messing with phone lines, and anyone lurking on this forum, as I have for years, would know exactly what those actions were.

The simple truth is those “actionsâ€￾ darn near brought down the entire union. I am sure there is applause now confirming the success of the “operations.â€￾ I would like to hear from someone, anyone as to what USAPA could have done in place of the RICO suit that could have brought the same results, as quickly as it did. Those involved in the attacks were given opportunities early and often to not only stop the behavior, but to escape further prosecution once the suit was filed. The RICO was indeed a sledgehammer, but in the early weeks of USAPA it was almost an act of desperation. I guess when you use a Nuke, there is always lingering radiation. A few of the offenders must still be feeling the effects of the bomb, by lashing out at the very union they sought to destroy. Maybe a little remorse is what is really going on.

Back to the Baxter Building, lots to do.


A lot of veiled references, but no facts. Since your case was dropped with prejudice, it seems maybe there were no facts. By the way, don't work at Airways, so I am definitely not guilty.
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