US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I am the messenger,

This will happen quickly in the next week or two. LOA 93 decided in the companies favor. The declaratory judgment dismissed. (Both of these decisions important for those that are part of the corporate transaction). This information held from the pilots in the guise of worrying about the transportation system over the holidays.

The company who threw the west side out a bone about appealing the declaratory, will not and take this to the bank, ie; the parties of the transaction.

The East side to American, Virgin America or similar. The west base to Frontier or mesa.
Glad to finally see reality is taking hold over there. A little inside information from the usapa shill. Guess you need to ease that information out there to prevent the masses from turning on usapa. How about slowly starting to tell the true believers that DOH is not going to happen either.

The DJ. I thought it would get dismissed too but I have changed my mind. I think the judge will at least go to discovery. Very short time frame.

Fragmentation. Not likely. But who knows if you really want to be junior to a 5 year virgin captain. Be my guest. I guess you would probably demand to be the Space ship one captain. But then again they only have about 20 million in the bank. You guys could waste that and BK the company a week or so. But you know Sir Richard is a pretty cool guy and he does not associate with dishonest people with no integrity. He likes young, good looking upbeat people around him. The east pilots would harsh his mellow.
May it come to pass! You actually think the East will end up with the better end of that deal? AA stapled 2/3 of the TWA pilots and they thought quite highly of them. Like the rest of the industry, AA hates the Easties you'd be lucky to get the "deal" TWA got.
Yes, they think so much of the East pilots that they were absolutely instrumental in helping encourage us to dump ALPA. Same with the SWA union leaders that came to PHL a few years ago to help out the cause. Next time you jumpseat on them, give them our and your thanks. They convinced a lot of fence sitters of the wisdom of canning ALPA! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Glad to finally see reality is taking hold over there. A little inside information from the usapa shill. Guess you need to ease that information out there to prevent the masses from turning on usapa. How about slowly starting to tell the true believers that DOH is not going to happen either.

The DJ. I thought it would get dismissed too but I have changed my mind. I think the judge will at least go to discovery. Very short time frame.

Fragmentation. Not likely. But who knows if you really want to be junior to a 5 year virgin captain. Be my guest. I guess you would probably demand to be the Space ship one captain. But then again they only have about 20 million in the bank. You guys could waste that and BK the company a week or so. But you know Sir Richard is a pretty cool guy and he does not associate with dishonest people with no integrity. He likes young, good looking upbeat people around him. The east pilots would harsh his mellow.
You are clearly wrong. Seeing how Branson worked for everything he has, your jumping on someones backs and manufacturing rights and quotas out of thin air flies in the face of his work ethic. Your sense of entitlement smacks against everything he stands for. If one of the America West pilots went up against him on a record, they would want a handicap, say a 3000 mile lead for a balloon record, then challenge his integrity when he balked. :lol: And the young, good looking people? Maybe he would go for them, if they would stop acting like Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan :D
Since the WEST pilot's fly so many EAST routes , CLT=TPA etc this reminded me of the WEST Capt when I politely requested the Jumpseat! JAMIE<JJ, JG, MM!
Is that the best you can do after 1.8 Mil ? Probably still unpaid...
:lol: It's sure stopped this cold in its tracks!

From here on out it's LOA93 for you. Or as the soupnazi would say, "No pay parity for you!"
:lol: It's sure stopped this cold in its tracks!

From here on out it's LOA93 for you. Or as the soupnazi would say, "No pay parity for you!"
You got your own version of LOA 93. It is called the Vegas and PHX housing market. You are going to live with it longer than we live with LOA 93 :lol:
You got your own version of LOA 93. It is called the Vegas and PHX housing market. You are going to live with it longer than we live with LOA 93 :lol:
Oh please. As if Western PA or upstate NY are any different. Furthermore, houses can be walked away from, but don't expect the company to walk away from their LOA93 boondoggle.
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