US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well that doesn't surprise me, but you're painting with too broad of a brush. I think you meant to say that the angry F/Os think I'm retarded. Whatever. Just do your walk around and all will be fine.

Hahaha...As soon as you can bid east right ? BTW, how's the NIC working for you ?
Does your group consider the differences between east and west irreconcilable?

Probably not reconcilable, but for 95% it will make little or no difference in cockpit discipline.

What are your opinions on a probable merger, or acquisition in 2011?

There will probably be a merger or acquisition in 2011. But US Airways will not be a part of either unless the courts by some miracle are done with us, and the company offers an industry standard contract. Likelihood of either? On a scale of 1 to 10, minus 14.
We know it's two thirds of the east pilots are deranged enough to stay on LOA 93, even though they're hurting themselves the most. That's fine.

But what is clearly causing all the concern on the East is that you totally eff'd up getting rid of separate ratification. Now all we need is a few hundred on the East to change their votes and ALPA is back. West plus a thousand or so on the East and you've got a new contract with the Nic.

Watching the deranged East (2/3 of all East pilots) melt down is going to be a very enjoyable event in 2011.

Got popcorn?
Oh headless one... cook the popcorn not your brain,all we really need is for the west to make some money

but we both know that isnt going to happen. When your on the beach and the east is now owned by

AAor UA or someone else. Remember the west thought for the day " what if".
The East side to American, Virgin America or similar. The west base to Frontier or mesa.
May it come to pass! You actually think the East will end up with the better end of that deal? AA stapled 2/3 of the TWA pilots and they thought quite highly of them. Like the rest of the industry, AA hates the Easties you'd be lucky to get the "deal" TWA got.
Can you imagine how pissed off the east guys will be when he doesn't come back your way?

Who will you blame?

The Company
The west pilots
Federal judges

Who will it be?

Hey Junior ! don't you have a ground school or basic indoc to attend ?
We love aqua, and our PHX reps. Together they have killed uSAPa and your DOH cramdown. Everyone on the west shares this sentiment, we are in it for the long haul.
So, do you guys get another bonus next year? HOw do you like your A320 captains making what Republic captains make? :lol:
You guys sticking with this payscale for a couple more decades??? I mean, you have no other options because the west is just fine with keeping things as they are, except we may drop another lawsuit to capture all those growth captain slots you owe us. That alone is another worthy DFR...
Enjoy your bonus, maybe you can pay off some credit card debt or make an advanced payment on your rent!

Hey tuts ! How is that CLT bid coming along ?
Oh headless one... cook the popcorn not your brain,all we really need is for the west to make some money

but we both know that isnt going to happen. When your on the beach and the east is now owned by

AAor UA or someone else. Remember the west thought for the day " what if".

You like Nos post your wishes but the sad reality is thats just not gonna happen. Asset sale yes purchase half a company, are you serious?? Com'on Mike I know you are not that stupid. All rhetoric aside and just me speaking with you now. I know you can not believe that.

An acquiring entity will not accept or want to inherit this groups differences.

American Airlines or Virgin America will purchase the East side and run separate ops for 4 plus years, until most East pilots are gone.

The west pilots have zero protection, they will end up with Usairways latest investment with Mesa Airlines or Mesa's acquirer, Frontier.

You are an investor, who's future would you back in PHX, Southwest or america west?
Really? Have you not read and compared fragmentation clauses? Remember, you're under a BK contract that was designed to make you an attractive take-over pilot by removing virtually any poison-pill protections. In a nutshell, unlike the West, you're screwed in a fragmentation.

So to answer the original question from ROA, no, there is no problem. Look for this to be over in 2011. The melt-down appears to be close at hand on the East as they have a few over there who are dumb enough to follow their "Captain Shadow" right into oblivion. After a dozen or two firings from illegal wildcat actions, we'll all see some movement here. Four years of outright lies from the Angry F/O's leaders at USAPA are coming to a head. LOA 93 is a clear loser, just look at Doug's smugness and confidence at the Crew News videos. Seniority as it turns out is not like negotiating crew meals. Cleary is now resorting to counterproductive tactics that will get the DOL involved. The way out is at hand, we just don't know exactly how it will play out. What is clear is the Nic is not going away.
Really? Have you not read and compared fragmentation clauses? Remember, you're under a BK contract that was designed to make you an attractive take-over pilot by removing virtually any poison-pill protections. In a nutshell, unlike the West, you're screwed in a fragmentation.

So to answer the original question from ROA, no, there is no problem. Look for this to be over in 2011. The melt-down appears to be close at hand on the East as they have a few over there who are dumb enough to follow their "Captain Shadow" right into oblivion. After a dozen or two firings from illegal wildcat actions, we'll all see some movement here. Four years of outright lies from the Angry F/O's leaders at USAPA are coming to a head. LOA 93 is a clear loser, just look at Doug's smugness and confidence at the Crew News videos. Seniority as it turns out is not like negotiating crew meals. Cleary is now resorting to counterproductive tactics that will get the DOL involved. The way out is at hand, we just don't know exactly how it will play out. What is clear is the Nic is not going away.

Is that the best you can do after 1.8 Mil ? Probably still unpaid...
Thank you for the candid response…

Your observations seem accurate enough… however… they are reminiscent of the differences we observe today in the Middle East!

Hopefully… you guys will find common ground at some point. If not… guess who the REAL winner will be!
If you work for this outfit I suggest you hit the road and start looking for a new place to hang your gear,

I fyou are a investor,SELL. NOW, its only going to get worse. This place makes the Middle East look

look like Disney Land. I hope to be out of here in 2 years if its here that long or till DOH is law.
I am the messenger,

This will happen quickly in the next week or two. LOA 93 decided in the companies favor. The declaratory judgment dismissed. (Both of these decisions important for those that are part of the corporate transaction). This information held from the pilots in the guise of worrying about the transportation system over the holidays.

The company who threw the west side out a bone about appealing the declaratory, will not and take this to the bank, ie; the parties of the transaction.

The East side to American, Virgin America or similar. The west base to Frontier or mesa.

You just dont get it. Please explain how you get to your end game with a declaratory dismissal?? What is the term used when a company is broken up and sold??

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