The AFL-CIO. Would that be the parent union of ALPA? Do you think that the parent is going to go against the union policy that usapa is trying to get out of? Good luck with that.
Again, the enemy of my enemy will (at least temporary) be my friend. Any court attack on a union’s right to unrestricted collective bargaining is going to get a lot of union interest. No matter what the politics, letting a district court set precedence on what a union can negotiate is going to bring out strange bedfellows. After a contract is in place? That’s the time for real (or imagined) DFR.
Why would the payments go away? Is usapa so weak that they would give it away in the contract? Anyone with half a brain would bring that provision with them to the next contract. It has been accounted for already. So it would be no cost. The snap back! The Kirby is a pay raise for you.
I assume you mean why would $70M and the LOA84 pay reinstatement go away. Answer: that was the way the Kirby offer was written. Accepting Kirby was a short-term pay increase (2007-2009), but a long-term cut (2010- ), no $70M and no LOA84 pay reinstatement.
Why do you fail to realize, seniority is everything to a pilot? Numerous West advocates only try to ask how much the East pilots have lost in near term finances, not how much they will lose over the remainder of their careers. The bottom of the East list will never voluntarily throw their careers out the window, regardless of the paltry gains.
Neither will the East middle, spike. The top I fly with are supporting us through the appeal, LOA93/84 and the $70M. A year from now, I can understand the top re-evaluating their positions. One thing we learned over the years is patience. Even our most senior have another year of patience in them. We’ve all gotten a 5-year gift of working longer. The west seems all about me, me, me, now, now, now. And their only hope is this campaign attempting to demoralize with ridicule and misrepresentations and FUD.
At what cost? Nothing, really. As I said, we are operating under the contractual agreement we signed and we are getting exactly what we all anticipated. Cost us nothing so far. If you want to play woulda, coulda, shoulda, go right ahead. Anything you come up with is pure speculation on your part. Gained? ALPA off the property. (Dues are still the same, so we haven't lost anything there, either.)
Your right driver. With the Kirby pay cut on the table (if it still is), it’s an overall East pay cut.
LOA93 pay: lousy. Pay bonus: $70M. Having ALPA off the property: PRICELESS !
What Leading Authority is on your side again....OH that's right. Lee Seham and his $100,000 doller per MONTH fees.
We pay Seham $100K/month because:
1. West pilots clogged our phones and attacked our union
2. Refused to pay dues/fees
3. Sued us for DFR before we even had a DOH (with restrictions) contract in place
Without your actions, we wouldn’t be paying him even $20K/month.
Maybe you will be sold off to Republic!!!!
Or get a SWA staple-job.
Not to mention 100% Dead Head pay, the ability to drop to 40 hours, swap trips 3 hours before check in, full pay for ANY cancellation, minimum rest rules, duty rigs, trip rigs and occasionally a pretty tasty crew meal for the long haul...
You lucky guys. “drop to 40 hours?†Really? If the company allowed you to do that do you think there would be that many West furloughs? Give us a break. Even with the East furloughs, the company isn’t dropping block averages enough to bring anyone back.