[quote name='boeingplt' post='702276' date='Aug 14 2009, 07:05 AM']It could go back to Wake or it could be overturned altogether - "Wake got it wrong" or "Wake never should have heard it because it wasn't ripe, go back to court when it is ripe and start over"
What happens if the 9th agrees with USAPA? Does the west go to the Supreme Court? I suspect that they would try. They believe they are right, this is incredibly important to them and they will fight until there are no options left.[/quote]
That's Plan B, Boeing. They don't have one yet. It's all cactus blossoms out there. Also they don't have the money to pay for this appeal, much less the Supreme Court. But the Ninth could rule as "a matter of law," which essentially isn't appealable, except on a writ of certiori. Like how many of those does the USSC issue each decade? AOL's got some real heartburn now. The Ninth could stay the injunction, with instructions. That's like hints to the judge. Or they could just wait until December or later to rule. Meanwhile, the amicus briefs will start piling up. In this case "the enemy of my enemy may be my friend." Don't be surprised to see certain AFL-CIO and other large unions support the USAPA appeal.
the west posters on this board fling ridicule with utter abandon at the east for doing what they would do themselves if the shoe was on the other foot.
I think the posters who come and go from the West is testament to that. We got a West Newbie today. Wonder who he was last week. Fortunate there's been some heavy cleaning of the nastiest.
[quote name='exB717Flyer' post='702279' date='Aug 14 2009, 07:48 AM']Yes, he accepted recall to AA. He was a TWA captain before the merger so he returned to a higher pay scale.[/quote]
He returned to a higher pay scale regardless of what his position before he got stapled to the bottom AMR list. And as I remember, he gets longevity pay back to his TWA date, 1989 or so? BTW, when are you going back to AMR? When's your recall?
When Roland disobeyed the TWA MEC's instructions in 2002 it was too late to do anything about it. Thus, the AWA MEC made sure our counsel was doing our bidding the entire way.
When Roland "disobeyed," he was up against ALPA's political machine in full pressure mode, which was more interested in getting APA to join than protecting TWA pilots. That makes for a full chapter in "Flying the Line, III," I'm sure. The list of characters in that Court document was like a "Who's-Who" in ALPA deal-making, Woerth, Babbitt (even though he was long gone), Jalmer Johnson, Clay Warner, Jonathan Cohen, Bill Roberts, Bob Christie, Jerry Mugerditchian, Marta Wagner, Seth Rosen, Richard Seltzer of Cohen, Weiss and Simon. You guys even deposed an ALPA communications guy named Ron Rindfleisch. That took some digging to figure out who he was. All of their depositions were vintage ALPA. Like they were all on vacation that year. Memories fade, but emails don't.
Back to your legal document,
On August 2, 2002, less than a year after having vetoed a TWA-MEC legal strategy, deemed critical by the MEC’s legal counsel, because he would not permit the (TWA) MEC to sue APA, Woerth described ALPA’s Independence-Plus policy in the following terms:
“Believe me, Duane Woerth doesn’t tell [company-specific pilot groups] what to do. I cn guarantee it. It hasn’t happened. They tell Duane Woerth what to do, as it should be. They are the power center. They are the decision makers. Both for the whole organization through the Board of Directors and, certainly, at their company, they have total, complete, absolute discretion to do what’ sin their best interests. My job is to make sure all the resources are available so they can exercise their role. Nobody is going to tell them what to do. I certainly don’t. You will have the same independence you have now, but you will have access to ALPA resources.†(21)
Bye Golly!
At least that's how your lawsuit called it. But why no comment on my simple Q, if ALPA was so nasty to you, why do you want USAPA gone and them back? I'll tell you, the stapling you got was a lot worse than the DOL with restrictions USAPA proposed.
[quote name='AZ Bus Cap'n' post='702354' date='Aug 14 2009, 01:02 PM']What will they vote in the privacy of their homes after having a long discussion with their wives over the pay raise? Only a vote will tell, no amount of web-board speculating.[/quote]
Newbie makes the assumption Addington isn't reversed on appeal. Good luck on that! But since you are "new," some acquaintance with what we have ahead of us besides appeal. We've got 2 $35M payments and the LOA93/84 pay reinstatement. With the Kirby, both those go away. With $70M and LOA84, a new contract with or without NIC becomes a pay cut and irrelevant.
Kirby pay cut? LOA93/84 pay rates? In the privacy of my farm, it's a no-brainer.