No need for plan "B". The West legal team has been mopping the floor with your fake union from the word GO. Why? Because the LAW is solidly in the West's corner. There's plenty of cash to keep usapa paralyzed. In fact, I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary....ever. I know your desperation is willing to grasp at anything to make your horrible career, well, "better" but The West running out of cash is not going to be your saviour...You'll just have to keep fabricating new delusional ways out of this mess you created. I have every confidence you'll think of something to hang your hat, (and hopes) on.
BTW, the appeal is already paid for. Do you really see the Supreme Court ever wasting their time to reiterate the fact that final and binding arbitration is exactly what is says?
You must be the most optimistic person ever. I mean if it were me, and I had the same unmatched losing record as you guys do, I'd throw in the towel. Very impressive trait.
Lee must be a hell of a motivational speaker. Perhaps that can be his new career as I'm quite certain, after this MEGA loss, and his well documented lies, deceit, and dereliction of duty, he will find himself UNHIREABLE by anyone.