So what's USAPA up to?
1. They've asked Wake for a new trial - good luck
2. They're going to file a motion for an appeal in the 9th - going to go nowhere
3. Wait for snapbacks to arrive early next year - dreams
4. Delay, delay, delay - so that their pilots continue to lose money, especially their 190 pilots.
Anyone been to Read a post where a pilot is begging for some fund to be used to supplement his 190 pay.
1. They've asked Wake for a new trial - good luck
2. They're going to file a motion for an appeal in the 9th - going to go nowhere
3. Wait for snapbacks to arrive early next year - dreams
4. Delay, delay, delay - so that their pilots continue to lose money, especially their 190 pilots.
Anyone been to Read a post where a pilot is begging for some fund to be used to supplement his 190 pay.