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US Airways Pilots' Labor Discussion 4/2-4/8

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Here's a good one for the more "energetic westies"...you'll know it: it's one of your favorites.

"prove it" (that USAPA was formed expressly for the purposes of sidestepping the Nic)

back at ya.

Sure, shall we prove the sky is blue as well for you? It's on the same difficulty plane.
....that was and is a "legal outcome"....

Your "legal outcome" is attempting to be used as an illegal "tyranny of the majority" to disenfranchise the minority. If that wasn't patently obvious Judge Wake would have ended this months ago and dismissed the dfr case which is what happens 95% of the time. Feeling lucky? :lol:

Jesus Christ...you guys are so far gone it's pathetic.
Sure, shall we prove the sky is blue as well for you? It's on the same difficulty plane.

The sky doesn't actually have a color. It only appears blue to our eyes since the shorter wavelength blue light from the sun bounces off the air molecules and scatters making the sky seem to have a blue color.

So you are correct it will be the same difficulty proving the sky is blue as proving USAPA failed it's DFR.

The sky doesn't actually have a color. It only appears blue to our eyes since the shorter wavelength blue light from the sun bounces off the air molecules and scatters making the sky seem to have a blue color.

So you are correct it will be the same difficulty proving the sky is blue as proving USAPA failed it's DFR.


ALL color is wavelength. Thanks for proving my point. You guys live in your own colorless/delusional world. :lol: :lol:
ALL color is wavelength. Thanks for proving my point. You guys live in your own colorless/delusional world. :lol: :lol:

Hey!..I've got a great idea! = Let's put these two groups together in the same cockpits! :lol:
thanks for the predictably, "pretty narrow view" nonetheless 🙄

That's rich...someone with such a narrow view casting stones...you're always good for a laugh... :blink: 😱 :lol:

Most with whom you endeavor to talk soon come to a stand against some institution in which they appear to hold stock,—that is, some particular, not universal, way of viewing things. They will continually thrust their own low roof, with its narrow skylight, between you and the sky, when it is the unobstructed heavens you would view. Thoreau

That's rich...someone with such a narrow view casting stones...you're always good for a laugh... :blink: 😱 :lol:

This much at least; we can completely agree on 😉 Don't accidentaly drown yourself in Walden Pond, whilst wading about in soulful and reverent awe, pensively seeking the unobstructed heavens 😉
Don't ever drown yourself in Walden Pond, whilst wading about, pensively seeking the unobstructed heavens 😉
At least I'm not stumbling about seeking the most gain for one group over the other via some flexible "principles"... :lol:

At least I'm not stumbling about seeking the most gain for one group over the other via some flexible "principles"... :lol:


Nope. You're just seeking the most absurdly ridiculous gains for one group over the very people you once flew and worked with. Personally? I'd call that stumbling 😉 As for "flexible" principals?..However "narrow" mine are..they sure as heck ain't "flexible"..among which I count loyalty to my fellows, wherein which, we clearly differ. 😉
Nope. You're just seeking the most absurdly ridiculous gains for one group over the very people you once flew and worked with. Personally? I'd call that stumbling 😉 As for "flexible" principals?..However "narrow" mine are..they sure as heck ain't "flexible" 😉
Like those absurdly ridiculous gains at the expense of the Shuttle pilots that your "principles" haven't prevented you from accepting? Sounds pretty flexible. :lol: Or being willing to "accept" LOS even though your "principles" insist on DOH? Sounds pretty flexible. <_< How about those Empire pilots - where's your angst about them being refused DOH by USAPA? :shock: Pretty flexible "principles" and "core union values" all around it seems. :down:

Of course, it's only your OPINION that there are any "absurdly ridiculous gains" by one side or the other via the Nic award. An opinion shared by those with the most to gain from DOH.

Like those absurdly ridiculous gains at the expense of the Shuttle pilots that your "principles" haven't prevented you from accepting? Sounds pretty flexible. :lol: Or being willing to "accept" LOS even though your "principles" insist on DOH? Sounds pretty flexible. <_< How about those Empire pilots - where's your angst about them being refused DOH by USAPA? :shock: Pretty flexible "principles" and "core union values" all around it seems. :down:

Of course, it's only your OPINION that there are any "absurdly ridiculous gains" by one side or the other via the Nic award. An opinion shared by those with the most to gain from DOH.


Nice tries on all counts as for "flexibility" of principals. Unlike yourself, with your earlier championing of slotting for the sole benefit of.. Gasp!..a group that, Gasp again!! included YOU...I've never believed that I should take any seat from anyone who's spent more years/done more service than myself. As for the issues you mentioned? = Weren't you a long term Alpa guy? Did I have anything to do with those things?..or..was it those amongst your clique that did? If you've honestly got ANY, even suggestable fixes that I can personally act on to correct anything Alpa did..I'm all ears.

What I could personally do to fix Alpa's BS I did = Vote them out of local existence.
Nope. You're just seeking the most absurdly ridiculous gains for one group over the very people you once flew and worked with. Personally? I'd call that stumbling 😉 As for "flexible" principals?..However "narrow" mine are..they sure as heck ain't "flexible"..among which I count loyalty to my fellows, wherein which, we clearly differ. 😉

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <_< <_< <_< :lol: :lol: :blink: :shock: :angry:

"Me thinks me betwixt Thoreau, Shakespeare, and Anachronism!!!!


Pray tell, how does thee find thy way to thine information super-highway???
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <_< <_< <_< :lol: :lol: :blink: :shock: :angry:

"Me thinks me betwixt Thoreau, Shakespeare, and Anachronism!!!!


Pray tell, how does thee find thy way to thine information super-highway???

Well..we could just begin with grammar = How doest/doth thee/thou, not how does thee, would be a correct beginning..sigh..just "nevermind", as any project of this magnitude would truly take years of actual education 😉

If your inquiry was directed towards amazement at ANYONE finding their way onto the internet?...you've gotta' be kidding, as even "some" posters hereabouts have often, conclusively demonstrated that no intelligence whatsoever is at all required for that....and I'd gently remind you that it was hardly your generation that brought us into the computer age. this isn't new stuff 😉

PS: Neither ignorance nor "attitude" are actual virtues..Just a thought....
How about those Empire pilots - where's your angst about them being refused DOH by USAPA? :shock: Pretty flexible "principles" and "core union values" all around it seems.

Of course, it's only your OPINION that there are any "absurdly ridiculous gains" by one side or the other via the Nic award. An opinion shared by those with the most to gain from DOH.


You were a Piedmont pilot during the Empire merger.

Empire pilots were stapled to the bottom of your list. Your absence to speak up during their peril and your present unhealthy concern during this present combination, is typical alpa school thinking
What...no link to something of dubious value to the current discussion. No remark about how much I supposedly "gained" from DOH? You're slipping, Nos...

EastUS is the one that said that LOS would be "acceptable", despite those unwavering DOH principles (I guess throwing the junior few hundred under the bus doesn't conflict with those "principles). EastUS was the one who has said that DOH for the Shuttle pilots was "acceptable" - not their right according to unwavering principles but merely "acceptable". I never said that EastUS could have single-handedly changed the outcome. But for someone who claims to have a bedrock "principle" that the only fair way to integrate pilot groups is by DOH there sure is a lot of "accepting" other methods going on.

On the other hand, I've said that the Empire pilots should have gotten relative position. I think the Shuttle pilots got what they should have gotten - relative position. I think that the West pilots should be integrated by relative position. Are you starting to see the consistency yet?

Like EastUS, I couldn't change those previous decisions or affect the current situation. But unlike EastUS (and you) those previous DOH integrations ran contrary to my principle. While I'm forced to accept them, I don't find them acceptable since they did violate my personal principles concerning merging seniority lists.

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