Hi Cavalier,cavalier said:So, I was just thinking out loud as to whether you speak from the company's point of view or that of labor. All due respect given just my personal perception.
Thanks for the respect and no offense taken. I wasn't sure what you meant by the original question but now I believe I understand your intent. The typed word doesn't quite carry enough emphasis and you can't hear tone or see the body language, so sometimes its a best guess scenario as to what someone meant or is asking.
I write from the point of view of me. I am not "pro-Labor" as much as I am "pro-labor", or pro people... and I feel that if one is to make a frank assessment, big labor cares as little about us, the working class, as does big business. To organized labor we are a unit of dues production, to big business we are a necessary evil and an entry on the expense ledger. That's just my take on it.
Because I may criticize the IAM, does not mean I don't support the IAM, or ALPA, or AFA, or CWA, or TWU. I have taken stands many times in my career and there is no doubt where my loyalties lie... I support the working people of America that do the grunt work that keep the wheels of industry turning. I support 100% each labor group on the property in their respective struggles with this repressive, anti-people regime we are stuck with.
Management has assembled a stellar cast of anti labor forces and is implementing a game plan to destroy collective bargaining that will be a case model for study in the future. They are not stupid people. They have different priorities and loyalties than the workforce having a livable standard of wages and benefits, or protecting our pensions. They could literally not care less about you or I, IMO.
I try to bring something different to this exchange and I don't believe saying "dave s*cks" a thousand times changes anything or helps win us public support. In my opinion, the labor forces at U need to actually work together and support one another, forgetting the past rivalries and bad feelings. I walked the line in '92 and I remember the abuse. I've let it go, we need each other now more than ever.
We also need the loyalties of our very best customers, they can bring positive pressure to bear on management. We don't gain our customers/passengers respect or admiration with profanity and red t-shirts. All red t-shirts do is help the t-shirt vendor. We will gain the publics support by being articulate, reasonable, and persuasive in educating them as to what is happening at this airline.
I hope this clarifies for you, or anyone else, where my loyalties are.